Registered as of 17 June 2015

Note to those who registered with SOLE: Your meal preference is not included during registration, as it is with EALE.
If you registered with EALE and indicated a dietary preference at that time, your request has been noted.
SOLE registrants who have a dietary requirement or preference must relay it to the office at this time. We cannot make substitutions on site!
The entree on Friday is chicken; Saturday is fish. There are many vegetarian options in the breaks and reception.

John Abowd Cornell University
Romain Aeberhardt ENSAE-CREST
Anna Aizer University of California Los Angeles
David Albouy University of Illinois
Stefano Alderighi University of Essex
Diane Alexander Princeton University
Marco Alfano University College London
Dionissi Aliprantis Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Joseph Altonji Yale University
Dan Anderberg Royal Holloway University of London
Jake Anders National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Daniela Andren Örebro University School of Business
Thomas Andren The Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations
Martin Eckhoff Andresen University of Oslo
Vincenzo Andrietti Università D'Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara
Snell Andy University of Edinburgh
Joshua Angrist MIT
Francisca Antman University of Colorado Boulder
Yu Aoki IZA and University of Aberdeen
Ainhoa Aparicio Collegio Carlo Alberto
Philip Armour Rand Corporation
Patrick Arni IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn
Wiji Arulampalam University of Warwick
Yukiko Asai University of Tokyo
Elliott Ash Columbia University
David Autor MIT
Stijn Baert Ghent University
Manuel Bagues Aalto University
Thomas Barnay Rouen University
Alan Barreca Tulane University
Catherine Barrera Cornell University
Michael Bates Michigan State University (MSU)
Selva Bahar Baziki Uppsala University
Andrew Beauchamp Boston College
Miriam Beblo University of Hamburg
Louis-Philippe Beland Louisiana State University
Sarra Ben Yahmed ZEW Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim
Stefan Bender Deutsche Bundesbank
Patrick Bennett Copenhagen Business School
Alan Benson University of Minnesota
Peter Bergman Columbia University Teachers College
Clémence Berson Banque de France
Moiz Bhai University of Illinois at Chicago
Manudeep Bhuller University of Chicago
Anna Bindler University College London
Paul Bingley SFI
Pietro Biroli University of Chicago
Marianne Bitler UC Irvine
Dan Black University of Chicago
Sandra Black University of Texas at Austin
David Blau Ohio State University
Fran Blau Cornell University
Uwe Blien Institute for Employment Research
Margaret Blume-Kohout New Mexico Consortium & MBK Analytics
Tito Michele Boeri Bocconi University
Timothy Bond Purdue University
Mark Borgschulte Univ of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
George Borjas Harvard University
Sven-Kristjan Bormann Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Hamid Boustanifar BI Norwegian Business School
Breno Braga The Urban Institute
Massimiliano Bratti Università degli Studi di Milano
Mike Brewer University of Essex
Sofie T. Nyland Brodersen Aarhus University
Ryan Brown University of Colorado, Denver
Peter Brummund University of Alabama
Lasse Brune Yale University
Gustaf Bruze The Karolinska Institute
Alexander Bryson NIESR
Kasey Buckles University of Notre Dame
Edwin Burmeister Duke University
Anna Busse Heidelberg University
Aline Bütikofer Norwegian School of Economics
Lorenzo Cappellari Università Cattolica Milano
Stéphane Carcillo OECD
Lina Cardona-Sosa Essex
Ana Rute Cardoso Institute for Econmic Analysis-CSIC and Barcelona GSE
Celeste Carruthers University of Tennessee
Elizabeth Cascio Dartmouth College
Hugh Cassidy Kansas State University
Rodrigo Ceni-Gonzalez IECON
Ying Tung Chan McGill University
Vincent Chandler Saint Mary''s University
Juan Chaparro University of Minnesota
Pinka Chatterji University at Albany
Wen-Hao Chen Statistics Canada
Zeyuan Chen Lund University
Arnaud Chevalier IZA
Wei Chi Tsinghua University
Eleanor Choi Hanyang University
Emanuele Ciani Bank of Italy
Deborah Cobb-Clark University of Melbourne
Bart COCKX Ghent University
Michael Coelli University of Melbourne
Marion Collewet Maastricht University
Tommaso Colussi IZA
Marie Connolly University of Quebec in Montreal
Thomas Cornelissen University College London
Juan Correa Universidad Andres Bello
Matias Cortes University of Manchester
Patricia Cortés Boston University
John Covell MIT Press
Thomas Crossley University of Essex
Janet Currie Princeton University
David Cutler Harvard University
Matz Dahlberg Uppsala University
Ana Damas de Matos HEC Montreal
Samuel Danthine ENSAI
Tirthatanmoy Das University of Central Florida
Nabanita Datta Gupta Aarhus University
Wolfgang Dauth University of Wuerzburg
Steven Davis University of Chicago
Clement De Chaisemartin University of Warwick
Alexandra De Gendre University Maastricht
Andries De Grip Maastricht University
Nynke De Groot Free University Amsterdam
Elia De la Cruz Toledo Columbia University
Michele De Nadai University of Padova
Philip DeCicca McMaster University and NBER
Anja Deelen CPB Netherlands Bureau for Ecnomic Policy Analysis
Maria  del Mar Salinas-Jimenez University of Extremadura
Jeffrey Denning University of Texas at Austin
Briggs Depew Louisiana State University
Pierre Deschamps Sciences Po Paris (LIEPP)
Lisa Dettling Federal Reserve Board
Elizabeth Dhuey University of Toronto
Sabrina Di Addario Bank of Italy
Matt Dickson University of Bath
Steven Dieterle University of Edinburgh
Eleanor Dillon Arizona State University
Sabien Dobbelaere VU University Amsterdam
David Döhrmann University of Braunschweig
Polona Domadenik University of Ljubljana
Karina Doorley CEPS/INSTEAD
Michael Dörsam University of Konstanz
Benoit Dostie HEC Montreal
Andrew Dustan Vanderbilt University
Christian Dustmann University College London
Alex Eble Brown University
Kathryn Anne Edwards University of Wisconsin - Madison
Ferran Elias Columbia University
Zeynep Elitas Anadolu University
Ahmed Elsayed IZA
Ozcan Eren Louisiana State University
Tor Eriksson Aarhus University
Katherine Eriksson California Polytechnic State University
Haggay Etkes Bank of Israel
Beatrix Eugster University of St. Gallen
Jason Faberman Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Henry Farber Princeton University
Dasa Farcnik University of Ljubljana
Alexandra Fedorets DIW Berlin
Benjamin Feigenberg University of Illinois at Chicago
Rahel Felder RWI
Daniel Fernández-Kranz IE-Business School
Priscila Ferreira University of Minho
Martin Fischer University Duisburg-Essen
Bernd Fitzenberger University of Freiburg
Nicole Fortin University of British Columbia
Andrey Fradkin National Bureau of Economic Research
Tommaso Frattini University of Milan
Harley Frazis US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bernd Frick University of Paderborn
Hans Fricke University of St. Gallen
Jane  Friesen Simon Fraser University
Hanna Frings RWI
Yuming Fu National University of Singapore
Marina Furdas University of Freiburg
Delia Furtado University of Connecticut
Paul Gaggl University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Tomasz Gajderowicz University of Warsaw
Adam Gannaway University of Chicago Press
Bertrand Garbinti CREST Insee
J. Ignacio Garcia-Perez Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Robert Garlick Duke University
Christina Gathmann University of Heidelberg
Lydia Geijtenbeek University of Amsterdam
Simon Georges-Kot INSEE
Seth Gershenson American University
Anne Gielen Erasmus University Rotterdam
Rita Ginja Uppsala University
Donna Ginther University of Kansas
Esther Mirjam Girsberger University of Lausanne
Maury Gittleman U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Osea Giuntella Nuffield College
Laurent Gobillon Paris School of Economics
Luise Goerges Universitaet Hamburg
Limor Golan Washington U. in St. Louis
Gustavo Gonzaga PUC-Rio
Joshua Goodman Harvard University
Cedric Gorinas SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Joseph-Simon Gorlach University College London (UCL)
Eric Gould Hebrew University
Marion Goussé Université Laval
Darren Grant Sam Houston State University
Colin Green Lancaster University
David Green University of British Columbia
Terry Gregory ZEW
Jeffrey Grogger University of Chicago
Reuben Gronau Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Volker Grossmann University of Fribourg
Christian Grund RWTH Aachen University
Melanie Guldi University of Central Florida
Trude Gunnes Statistics Norway
Italo Gutierrez RAND Corporation
Martin Guzi Masaryk University
Catherine Haeck Université du Québec à Montréal
Tobias Haepp National Taiwan University
Rong Hai University of Chicago
Daniel Hamermesh Royal Holloway University of London
Elizabeth Handwerker U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Christopher Handy Washington & Lee University
Eric Hanushek Stanford University
Annette Harms University of Lausanne, HEC Lausanne
Matthew Harris University of Tennessee
Nail Hassairi Seattle University
Wolter Hassink Utrecht University
Rachel Heath University of Washington
Bradley Heim Indiana University
Joerg Heining Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Alice Henriques Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Clemens Hetschko Free University Berlin
Daniel F. Heuermann University of Regensburg
Barry Hirsch Georgia State University
Stefanie Hirsch Maastricht University
Daniela Hochfellner University of Michigan
Angus Holford University of Essex
Helena Holmlund IFAU
Andrew Hood Institute for Fiscal Studies
John Horton New York University
Caroline Hoxby Stanford University
Joanne Hsu Federal Reserve Board
Peter Hull MIT
Henry Hyatt U.S. Census Bureau
Joshua Hyman University of Connecticut
Andrea Ichino European University Institute
Ingo Isphording Institute for the Study of Labor
Artjoms Ivlevs University of the West of England
Elke Jahn IAB and University of Bayreuth
Markus Janser German Institute for Employment Research
Simon Janssen Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Ron Jarmin U.S. Census Bureau
Vibeke Myrup Jensen The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Christopher Jepsen University College Dublin
Sabrina Jeworrek University of Trier
Maggie R. Jones U.S. Census Bureau
Steen Jørgensen LO
Clement Joubert UNC Chapel Hil
Jan Kabátek Tilburg University
Larry Kahn Cornell University
Lisa Kahn Yale University
Klara Kaliskova CERGE-EI
Stephan Kampelmann Université libre de Bruxelles
Ohto Kanninen Labour Institute for Economic Research, Finland
Krzysztof Karbownik Northwestern University
Aleksi Karhula University of Turku
Gabor Katay Banque de France
Katja Maria Kaufmann Mannheim University
Antti Kauhanen The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
Daiji Kawaguchi Hitotsubashi University
Nicolas Keller University of Heidelberg
John Kennan University of Wisconsin
Andreas Kettemann University of Zurich
Melanie Khamis Wesleyan University
Bo-Ra Kim KU Leuven (Belgium) & LISER(Luxembourg)
Hyunseob Kim Cornell University
Soobin Kim Michigan State University
Michael Kind RWI
Josh Kinsler University of Rochester
Murat Kirdar Bogazici University
Jochen Kluve Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Ayako Kondo Yokohama National University
Roxanne Korthals Maastricht University
Theodore Koutmeridis Glasgow University
Francis  Kramarz CREST/ENSAE
Nicolai Kristensen KORA
Sarah Kroeger University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Derek Kruse Intereconomics
Hyejin Ku University College London
Alexander Kubis Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Anil Kumar Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Steffen Künn IZA
Tomi Kyyra Government Institute for Economic Research
Iryna Kyzyma LISER
Giulia La Mattina University of South Florida
Claudio Labanca University of California, San Diego
Marta Lachowska W.E. Upjohn Institute
Jeanne Lafortune Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Joanna Lahey Texas A&M University
Etienne Lalé University of Bristol
Rafael Lalive University of Lausanne
Chungsang Lam Clemson University
Kevin Lang Boston University
Elisabeth Lång Linköping University
Fabian Lange McGill
Suzana Laporšek University of Primorska, Faculty of Management
Yan Lau Reed College
Kurt Lavetti Ohio State University
Edward Lazear Stanford University
Thomas Le Barbanchon CREST - Paris
Ronan Le Saout Ecole Polytechnique and CREST-INSEE
Michael Lechner University of St. Gallen
Soohyung Lee University of Maryland
Thomas Lemieux University of British Columbia
Nicolas Lepage-Saucier ENSAI, France
Rebecca Lessem Carnegie Mellon University
Marion Leturcq INED
Pauline Leung Princeton University
Ethan Lewis Dartmouth College
Yue Li VU University Amsterdam
Huailu Li Fudan University
Che-Yuan Liang Uppsala University
Andreas Lichter Institute for the Study of Labor -IZA
Helge Liebert University of St. Gallen
Audrey Light Ohio State University
Erica Lindahl IFAU
Jason Lindo Texas A&M University
Matthew Lindquist Stockholm University
Elaine Liu University of Houston
Huju Liu Statistics Canada
Martin Ljunge Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
Joan Llull MOVE, UAB, and Barcelona GSE
Mark Loewenstein Bureau of Labor Statistics
Magnus Lofstrom Public Policy Institute of California
Sturla A Løkken Statistics Norway
Michael Lovenheim Cornell University
Fernando Lozano Pomona College
Melanie Luehrmann Royal Holloway, University of London, and IFS
Ruiyuan Luo Ministry of Trade and Industry Singapore
Florez Luz Adriana Central Bank of Colombia
Sergey Lychagin Central European University
Sholeh Maani University of Auckland
Hugh Macartney Duke University
Stephen Machin University College London and CEP London School of Economics
W. Bentley MacLeod Columbia University
Allan Lyngsø Madsen Danish Metal Workers' Union
Mikko Makinen Aalto University
Christos Makridis Stanford University
Colleen Manchester University of Minnesota
Alan Manning London School of Economics
Day Manoli University of Texas at Austin
Richard Mansfield Cornell University
Hani Mansour University of Colorado Denver
Julia Manzella Georgia State University
Joseph Marchand University of Alberta
Olivier Marie Maastricht University
Ioana Marinescu University of Chicago
Kristoffer Markwardt SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Gerald Marschke University at Albany, SUNY
Linna Marten Uppsala University
FERNANDO MARTINS Banco de Portugal
Pedro Martins Queen Mary University of London
Shiko Maruyama University of Technology Sydney
Alexandre Mas Princeton University
Elena Mattana Université Catholique de Louvain
Eric Maurin Paris School of Economics
Jacopo Mazza University of Manchester
Marjorie McElroy Duke University
Erika McEntarfer U.S. Census Bureau
Isaac McFarlin Northwestern University
Peter McHenry College of William & Mary
Sandra McNally University of Surrey
Seetha Menon University of Essex
Jaanika Meriküll Bank of Estonia
Pierre-Jean Messe Centre d'Études de l'Emploi
Julian Messina Inter-American Development Bank
Dominique Meurs EconomiX-Paris Ouest
Bruce Meyer University of Chicago
Ryan Michaels University of Rochester
Pierre-Carl Michaud ESG UQAM
Martin Micheli RWI
Emil Mihaylov VU University
Joniada Milla Catholic University of Louvain
Conrad Miller Princeton University
Naci Mocan LSu and NBER
Andreas Moczall Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Robert Moffitt Johns Hopkins University
Robert Mohr University of New Hampshire
Eirin Mølland Norwegian School of Economics
Joan Monras Sciences Po
Nicholas Montgomery University of Maryland
Raymond Montizaan Maastricht University
Enrique Moral-Benito Bank of Spain
Greta Morando University of Essex
Eva Moreno Galbis University of Angers
Louis-Philippe Morin University of Ottawa
Kathleen Mullen RAND
Tobias Müller University of Geneva
Alzbeta Mullerova Universite de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense
Richard Murphy University of Texas at Austin
Maryam Naghsh Nejad IZA
Markus Nagler University of Munich
Amparo Nagore García University of Valencia/Tilburg University
Jesse Naidoo University of Chicago
Michael Neugart Technical University of Darmstadt
David Neumark UCI
Cheti Nicoletti University of York
Eric Nielsen The Federal Reserve Board
Helena Nielsen University of Aarhus
Therese Nilsson Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) and Lund University
Jan Sebastian Nimczik University of Mannheim
André Nolte Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Arjan Non Maastricht University
Rafael Novella Inter-American Development Bank
Alvaro Novo Banco de Portugal
Carsten Ochsen University of Applied Labour Studies
Umut Oguzoglu University of Manitoba, Department of Economics, IZA
Sarah Okoampah University of Duisburg-Essen
Hiroko Okudaira Okayama University
Claudia Olivetti Boston University
Craig Olson Univ of Illinois
Michael Orand Insee
Philip Oreopoulos University of Toronto
Federica Origo Univeristy of Bergamo
Aderonke Osikominu University of Hohenheim
Paige Ouimet University of North Carolina
Hideo Owan University of Tokyo
Sabrina Pabilonia U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Jenny Pabon Gomez Inter-American Development Bank
Marianne Page University of California, Davis
Ghosh Pallab University of Oklahoma
Jessica Pan National University of Singapore
Ankur Patel U.S. Department of Treasury
Annemarie Paul Universität Hamburg
Sarah Pearlman Vassar College
Jannie Kallesøe Pedersen Confederation of Danish Employers
Sune Holm Pedersen Confederation of Danish Employers
Thomas Peeters Erasmus School of Economics
Zhuan Pei Brandeis University
Tuomas Pekkarinen Aalto University
Andrea Pellandra Carnegie Mellon University
Jeffrey Penney Queen's University
Filip Pertold CERGE-EI
Hanna Pesola VATT
Sofia Pessoa e Costa Queen Mary University of London
Nico Pestel IZA
Melinda Petre University of Wisconsin
Barbara Petrongolo QMUL and CEP(LSE)
Uros Petronijevic University of Toronto
Robert Petrunia Lakehead University
David Phillips Hope College
Nathalie Picarelli London School of Economics (LSE)
Pia Pinger University of Bonn
Marc Piopiunik Ifo Institute
Nicolas Pistolesi GREMAQ CNRS TSE
Margarita Pivovarova Arizona State University
Caio Piza World Bank
Miana Plesca University of Guelph
Alexander Plum Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Vincent Pohl Queens University
Cain Polidano University of Melbourne
Pedro Portugal Banco de Portugal
Victoria Prowse Cornell University
Mariola Pytlikova VSB-Technical University Ostrava, and CERGE Prague
Ye Qing Tsinghua University
Javaeria Qureshi University of Illinois at Chicago
Birgitta Rabe University of Essex
Kelly Ragan SSE
Ahmed Rahman U.S. Naval Academy
Pedro Raposo UCP
Ericka G. Rascon-Ramirez Middlesex University
Astrid Würtz Rasmussen Aarhus University
Anna Raute University of Mannheim
Bastian Ravesteijn Erasmus University Rotterdam
Lotte Katrine Ravn Confederation of Danish Employers
Yolanda F. Rebollo-Sanz Universidad Pablo de Olavide
W. Craig Riddell University of British Columbia
Evan Riehl Columbia University
Steven Rivkin University of Illinois at Chicago
Jean-Marc Robin Sciences Po
Núria Rodríguez-Planas City University of New York, Queens College
Agnese Romiti IAB - Institute for Employment Research
Chiara Rosazza Bondibene NIESR
Duncan Roth Institute for Employment Research
Jesse Rothstein University of California, Berkeley
Bénédicte Rouland Université de Nantes
Sébastien Roux Banque de France
Gabriela Rubio University of California, Merced
Hernán Ruffo Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Jens Ruhose Ifo Institute - Leibniz-Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich
Nienke Ruijs University of Amsterdam
Josh Russell Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Matthew Rutledge Boston College
François Rycx Université Libre de Bruxelles
Yves Saks National Bank of Belgium
Nicolas Salamanca University of Melbourne
Javier Salinas-Jimenez Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Kjell Salvanes NHH
Andrea Salvatori University of Essex
Rafael Sanchez Adolfo Ibañez University
Raul Sanchez University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Carl Sanders Washington University in St. Louis
Danielle Sandler U.S. Census Bureau
Malte Sandner Leibniz University Hannover
Torsten Santavirta Stockholm University
Alicia Sasser Modestino Northeastern University
Jan Sauermann Stockholm University
Reza Sattari Simon Fraser University
Judith Saurer Ifo Institute
Koray Sayili Colgate University
Juliane Scheffel The University of Nottingham
Erik Scherpf U.S. Census Bureau
Amelie Schiprowski IZA Bonn
Ricarda Schmidl University of Mannheim
Marc-Antoine Schmidt University of Toronto
Norma Schmitt DIW Berlin
Ian Schmutte University of Georgia
Wendelin Schnedler University of Paderborn
Kevin Schnepel University of North Carolina Charlotte
Daniel Schnitzlein Leibniz University Hannover
Uta Schoenberg University College London
Matthias Schön University of Cologne
Ragnhild Camilla Schreiner The Frisch Centre/University of Oslo
Melanie Schröder University of Hamburg
Lisa Schulkind UNC Charlotte
Hannes Schwandt Princeton University
Jeremy Schwartz Loyola University Maryland
Philipp Seegers Maastricht University
Mai Seki Bank of Canada
Michel Serafinelli University of Toronto
Almudena Sevilla QMUL
Mrittika Shamsuddin United Arab Emirates University
Adi Shany The Hebrew University
Adam Shapiro Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Teny Shapiro Santa Clara University
Kathryn Shaw Stanford University
Orie Shelef Stanford University
Andrew Shephard University of Pennsylvania
Michael Siegenthaler KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Sebastian Siegloch University of Mannheim
Hans Henrik Sievertsen The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Bettina Siflinger University of Mannheim
Seung-Gyu Sim University of Tokyo
David Simon University of Connecticut
Aloysius Siow University of Toronto
Anna Sjögren Uppsala University
Oskar Skans Uppsala University
Meghan Skira University of Georgia
Jeffrey Smith University of Michigan
Yuri Soares Inter-American Development Bank
Aaron Sojourner University of Minnesota
Joanne Song SUNY at Buffalo
Thepthida Sopraseuth University of Cergy, Thema
Kenneth Lykke Sørensen Aarhus University
Isaac Sorkin University of Michigan
Mehmet Soytas Ozyegin University
Grigorios Spanos Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Alexander Spermann IZA
Alexandra Spitz-Oener Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
James Spletzer U.S. Census Bureau
Silvio Städter University of Regensburg
Evan Starr University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Susanna Sten Gahmberg Norwegian School of Economics
Bastian Stockinger Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Lucy Stokes National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Michael Stops Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Leslie Stratton Virginia Commonwealth University
Heiko Stueber Institute for Emplyoment Research (IAB)
Atsuko Tanaka University of Calgary
Daniel Tannenbaum University of Chicago
Konstantinos Tatsiramos University of Nottingham
Bas Ter Weel CPB
Jose Tessada Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Alexandros Theloudis University College London
Nikolaos Theodoropoulos University of Cyprus
Claire Thibout The University of Melbourne
Benjamin Thompson University of Michigan
Ted To US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Veronica Toffolutti University of East Anglia
Ilan Tojerow Université Libre de Bruxelles
Sónia Torres Statistics Portugal
Javier Torres Universidad del Pacifico
Jeanne Tschopp Ryerson University
Tzuyin Hazel Tseng University of Houston
Semih Tumen Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Lesley J. Turner University of Maryland
Joanna Tyrowicz National Bank of Poland
Gabriel Ulyssea PUC-Rio
Matthias Umkehrer Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
Peter Urwin University of Westminster
Sergio Urzua University of Maryland
Mallory Vachon Louisiana State University
Raun Van Ooijen University of Groningen
Marieke Vandeweyer University of Leuven
Javier Vázquez-Grenno Universitat de Barcelona
Andrea Velasquez University of Colorado Denver
Gregory Verdugo Banque de France
Dieter Verhaest KU Leuven
Ola Lotherington Vestad Statistics Norway
Yann Videau UPEC - University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC)
Ulrika Vikman IFAU
Johan Vikström IFAU-Uppsala
Lars Vilhuber Cornell University
Marie Claire Villeval GATE
Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-Jensen The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Daniela Vuri University of Rome Tor Vergata
Glen Waddell University of Oregon
Valentin Wagner Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, University of Düsseldorf
Fabian Waldinger University of Warwick
Michael Waldman Cornell University
Ian Walker Lancaster University UK
Christopher Walters University of California, Berkeley
Arne Jonas Warnke ZEW Mannheim
Ronald Warren University of Georgia
Tara Watson Williams College
Matthew D. Webb University of Calgary
Douglas Webber Temple University
Dinand Webbink Erasmus University Rotterdam
Andrea Weber University of Mannheim
Bruce Weinberg Ohio State Uniersity, IZA, and NBER
Russell Weinstein RPI
Schallum Werner DFG
Niels Westergård-Nielsen Copenhagen Business School
Matthias Westphal University of Duisburg-Essen
Katharina Wetzel Springer-Verlag
Roger Wilkins University of Melbourne
Donald Williams Kent State University
Robert Willis University of Michigan
Lionel Wilner INSEE-CREST
Tanya Wilson Royal Holloway, University of London
Stephen Woodbury Michigan State University
Xiaoyu Xia Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dafeng Xu Cornell University
Lei Xu McGill University
Shintaro Yamaguchi McMaster University
Jooyoung Yang University of Minnesota
Yu Yang Peking University
Yuxin Yao Tilburg University
Anna Zaharieva Bielefeld  University
Vaishali Zambre German Institute for Economic Research
Giulio Zanella University of Bologna
Lei Zhang Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Jin Zhou University of Western Ontario
Yu Zhu University of Dundee
Lennart Ziegler University of Amsterdam
James Ziliak University of Kentucky
Federico Zilio University of Essex
Natalia Zinovyeva Aalto University
Cindy Zoghi U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Andrew Zuppann University of Houston
Thomas Zwick University of Würzburg


If your name is not on this list and you believe you registered, contact the office asap.
The affiliation listed next to your name will appear on your badge. Contact the office if you want to change it.