SOLE Prize for Contributions to Data & Measurement

Recognizing the importance of data and measurement to the understanding of the labor market, the Society of Labor Economists will award a prize for exemplary contributions to the development of new data sets, new approaches to measurement or innovations in data collection. The prize may be awarded either to an individual or to a group. The winner or winners will be recognized at the annual meeting of the Society in the year in which the prize is awarded. To be awarded biennially in odd-numbered years, if a suitable nominee or nominees are found, by a committee appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.

2023 Selection Committee

John Haltiwanger (chair), Martha Bailey, Nicholas Bloom, Karen Dynan, Erika McEntarfer, James Spletzer, and Lars Vilbuber


2023: Susan Houseman

2021: John C. Haltiwanger

2019: Katharine Abraham