Complete Current Program

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Updates are noted inred.

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Friday 26 June

7:00 – 8:30 Breakfast & Registration

8:30 – 10:15 Sessions A

SESSION A01: Absenteeism --Chair, Andrea Ichino,European University Institute
Room: Youville 1+2

Bernd FrickUniversity of Paderborn, and Friedrich Stein, Institute for Labor and Personnel Management: “Timing Matters: Worker Absenteeism in a Weekly Backward Rotating Shift Model

Colin GreenLancaster University; Inmaculada Garcia, University of Zaragoza; and Maria Navarro, Lancaster University, “The Effect of Permanent Employment on Absenteeism: Evidence from Labour Reforms in Spain

Wolter HassinkUtrecht University; Pierre Koning, VU University of Amsterdam; and Simen Gaure, Frisch Center: “Workplace Absence in a Downsizing Firm

Seth Gershenson, American University: “Performance Standards and Employee Effort: Evidence from Teacher Absences

SESSION A02: Higher Education--Chair, Philip Oreopoulos,University of Toronto
Room: Peribonka

Philip OreopoulosUniversity of Toronto: “Keeping College Options Open: A Field Experiment to Help All High School Seniors Through the College Application Process”

Celeste K. CarruthersUniversity of Tennessee, and Jilleah G. Welch, University of Tennessee: “Not Whether, but Where? Pell Grants and College Choices

Christopher JepsenUniversity College Dublin, and Peter Mueser, University of Missouri-Columbia: “The Benefits of Alternatives to Conventional College: Labor-Market Returns to Proprietary Schooling

Soobin KimMichigan State University: “College Enrollment over the Business Cycle: The Role of Supply Constraints

SESSION A03: Employment Contracts 1-- Chair, Polona Domadenik,University of Ljubljana
Room: Richelieu

Alan BensonUniversity of Minnesota; Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota; and Akhmed Umyarov, University of Minnesota: “The Value of Employer Reputation in the Absence of Contract Enforcement: A Randomized Experiment

Evan Starr,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Norman Bishara,University of Michigan; and JJ Prescott,University of Michigan: “Noncompetes in the U.S. Labor Force

John J. HortonNew York University, and Joseph M. Golden, Elance-oDesk: “Reputation Inflation in a Labor Market

Silvio StaedterUniversity of Regensburg, and Marcus Dittrich, Chemnitz University of Technology: “Regulating Bankers’ Pay: Incentive contracts and non-binding salary caps

SESSION A04: Human Capital-- Chair, Robert Willis,University of Michigan
Room: Hochelaga 2

Wei ChiTsinghua University; Richard Freeman, Harvard University and NBER; and Hongbin Li, Tsinghua University: “Education Attainment and the Labor Market in China, 1989-2013

Lei ZhangShanghai Jiao Tong University, and Yi Che, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: “Human Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence from China’s Higher Education Expansion in the Late 1990s

Christos MakridisStanford University: “The Performance Pay Premium, Human Capital, and Inequality: Evidence from Over Forty Years of Microdata”

SESSION A05: Natural Resources and Labor Markets-- Chair, Anil Kumar,Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Anil KumarFederal Reserve Bank of Dallas: “Impact of Oil Boom and Bust on Human Capital Investment in the U.S.

Mallory C. VachonLouisiana State University: “The Impact of Local Labor Market Conditions on Migration: Evidence from the Bakken Oil Boom”

Joseph MarchandUniversity of Alberta, and Jeremy Weber, University of Pittsburgh: “The Labor Market and School Finance Effects of the Texas Shale Boom on Teacher Quality and Student Achievement

Andrea PellandraCarnegie Mellon University: “The Commodity Price Boom and Regional Workers in Chile: A Natural Resources Blessing?

SESSION A06: Unemployment Insurance--Chair, Craig Riddell,University of British Columbia
Room: Hochelaga 6

Andrey FradkinNBER, and Scott R. Baker, Northwestern University: “The Impact of Unemployment Insurance on Job Search:Evidence from Google Search Data

Thomas Le BarbanchonCREST: “Optimal Partial Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from Bunching in the U.S.

Victoria ProwseCornell University, and Peter Haan, DIW Berlin and Fu Berlin:: Optimal Unemployment Insurance and Social Assistance in a Life-cycle model of Family Labor Supply and Savings

Hanna PesolaVATT, and Tomi Kyyrä, VATT: The Effects of Higher Unemployment Insurance Benefits on Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from an RKD Approach

SESSION A07: Health Care and Labor Markets--Chair, Rita Ginja,Uppsala University
Room: Ramezay

Matthias SchönUniversity of Cologne: “Unemployment, Sick Leave and Health

Bradley T. HeimIndiana University, and Kate Yang, Indiana University: “The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Self-Employment: Early Evidence

Rita GinjaUppsala University; Gabriella Conti, UCL, IFS, and NBER; and Renata Narita, São Paulo University: Equilibrium Labor Market Effects of Non-Contributory Health Insurance: Evidence from Mexico

SESSION A08: Training and Active Labor Market Policies --Chair, Jeff Smith,University of Michigan
Room: Matapedia

Jeffrey SmithUniversity of Michigan; Fredrik Andersson, U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University; Julia I. Lane, American Institutes of Research; and David Rosenblum, Cornell University: “Does Federally-Funded Job Training Work? Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and Firms

Steffen KünnIZA; Marco Caliendo, University of Potsdam;and Robert Mahlstedt, IZA: “The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed

Johan VikströmIFAU-Uppsala,and Gerard J. Van den Berg, University of Mannheim: Long-Run Effects of Active Labor Market Policy Programs

Marina FurdasAlbert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Olga Orlanski, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Bernd Fitzenberger, Humboldt-University Berlin, and Christoph Sajons, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg: “End-of-Year Spending and the Long-Run Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed

SESSION A09: Parental Influences on Education or Early Careers
Chair, Marianne Page,University of California, Davis
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Michael KindRheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung: “Start Me Up -- How Fathers’ Unemployment Affects their Sons’ School-to-Work Transitions

Ilan TojerowUniversité Libre de Bruxelles; Andrey Fradkin, NBER; and Frédéric Panier, Stanford University: “The Effect of Parental Income Shocks on Early Career Outcomes

Arnaud ChevalierIZA, and Olivier Marie, University of Maastricht, “Economic Uncertainty, Parental Selection, and the Educational Outcome of the ‘Children of the Wall’

Valentin WagnerUniversity of Düsseldorf, and Gerhard Riener, University of Düsseldorf : “Peers or Parents? On the Working of Social Incentives in School: Evidence from a Large-Scaled Field Experiment in Germany”

SESSION A10: Immigration Policies --Chair, Tara Watson,Williams College
Room: Hochelaga 5

Tara WatsonWilliams College: “Enforcement and Immigrant Location Choice

Tobias MüllerUniversity of Geneva,and Roman Graf, University of Geneva: The Effects of the Free Movement of Persons on the Distribution of Wages in Switzerland

Mariola PytlikovaVŠB-Technical University Ostrava; Adsera Alicia, Princeton University; and John Palmer, ICREA Movement Ecology Laboratory (CEAB-CSIC & CREAF): Border Controls, Benefits, and Rights: How States Shape Migration Patterns in a World of Multiple Origins and Destinations

Judith SaurerIfo Institute,and Christina Felfe, University of St. Gallen: Granting Birthright Citizenship -- A Door Opener for Immigrant Children’s Educational Participation and Success?

SESSION A11: Trade and Labor Demand --Chair, Francis KramarzCREST(ENSAE)
Room: Hochelaga 3

Nathalie PicarelliLondon School of Economics: “Who Really Benefits from Export Processing Zones? Estimating Distributional Effects Within Nicaraguan Municipalities

Francis KramarzCREST(ENSAE); Jonathan Eaton, Brown University; and Sam Kortum, Yale University: “Firm-to-Firm Trade: Imports, Exports, and the Labor Market

Michael SiegenthalerKOF Swiss Economic Institute, and Boris Kaiser, University of Bern: The Skill-Biased Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations

Selva BazikiUppsala University; Rita Ginja, Uppsala University; and Teodora Borota Milicevic, Uppsala University: “Import Competition and Technological Changes: Mobility of Workers and Firms

SESSION A12: Labor Markets and Crime-- Chair, Glen Waddell,University of Oregon
Room: Harricana

Briggs DepewLouisiana State University, and Ozkan Eren, Louisiana State University: “Test-Based Promotion Policies, Dropping Out, and Juvenile Crime

Matthew LindquistStockholm University, and Yves Zenou, Stockholm University: “Key Players in Co-Offending Networks

Olivier MarieMaastricht University, and Ulf Zölitz, IZA: “‘High’ Achievers? Cannabis Access and Academic Performance

Glen WaddellUniversity of Oregon, and Benjamin Hansen, University of Oregon: “Walk Like a Man: Do Juvenile Offenders Respond to Being Tried as Adults?

SESSION A13: Marriage and Work--Chair, Aloysius Siow,University of Toronto
Room: Saint-Francois

Aloysius SiowUniversity of Toronto, and Ismael Mourifié, University of Toronto: “Cohabitation versus Marriage: Marriage Matching with Peer Effects”

Hani MansourUniversity of Colorado, Denver, and Terra McKinnish, University of Colorado, Boulder: “Same-Occupation Spouses: Preferences and Search Costs

Dan AnderbergRoyal Holloway University of London; Jesper Bagger, Royal Holloway University of London; V. Bhaskar, University of Texas at Austin; and Tanya Wilson,Royal Holloway University of London: “An Equilibrium Trade-Off between Age and Qualification? Evidence from Marriage Market Adjustments over a UK Educational Reform

Claudia OlivettiBoston University; Marianne Bertrand, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago; Patricia Cortes, School of Management, Boston University;and Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore: “Social Norms, Labor Market Opportunities, and the Marriage Market Penalty for Skilled Women

SESSION A14: Financial Crisis and the Labor Market--Chair, Lars Vilhuber,Cornell University
Room: Gatineau

Paige OuimetKenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina, and Elena Simintzi, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia: “Wages and Firm Performance: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis

Gregory VerdugoBanque de France: “Real Wage Cyclicality in the Euro Zone Before and During the Great Recession: Evidence from Micro-Data”

Priscila FerreiraUniversity of Minho, and Ana P. Fernandes, University of Exeter: “Financing Constraints and Fixed Term Employment Contracts: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis

Amparo Nagore GarciaUniversity of Valencia, and Arthur van Soest, Tilburg University: “New Job Matches and Their Stability Before and During the Crisis

SESSION A15: Minimum Wages and In-Work Tax Credits-- Chair, Marianne Bitler,University of California, Irvine
Room: Hochelaga 4

Maggie R. JonesU.S. Census Bureau: “Measuring the Effects of the Tipped Minimum Wage Using W-2 Data

Day ManoliUniversity of Texas at Austin; Ankur Patel, U.S. Treasury; and Nick Turner, U.S. Treasury: “The Minimum Wage, Earned Income Tax Credit and Labor Supply

Marianne BitlerUniversity of California, Irvine; Hilary Hoynes, University of California, Berkeley; and Elira Kuka, University of California, Davis: “Do In-Work Tax Credits Serve as a Safety Net?

Ankur J. PatelU.S. Department of the Treasury, and Hilary W. Hoynes, University of California, Berkeley: “The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Distribution of Income

SESSION A16: Gender Gaps--Chair, Francine D. Blau,Cornell University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Nicole FortinUniversity of British Columbia, and Yann Algan, Sciences Po: “Computer Gaming and Test Scores: Cross-Country Gender Differences among Teenagers

Núria Rodríguez-PlanasQueens College of CUNY; Natalia Nollenberger, Queen Mary University of London; and Almudena Sevilla, Queen Mary University of London: “The Math Gender Gap: The Role of Culture

Xiaoyu XiaChinese University of Hong Kong: “Forming Wage Expectations through Learning: Evidence from College Major Choice

Ohto KanninenEuropean University Institute, and Laurent Bossavie, European University Institute: “The Gender Gap Reversal in Education: the Higher Male Dispersion Theory

10.15-11:00 Coffee Break

POSTER SESSION I--10.15 am – 4:30 pm
Room: Jolliet-Duluth-Mackenzie

Demand, Supply, Wages


Yu Yang,Peking University; David Ong,Peking University; Ho Fai Chan,Queensland University of Technology; and BennoTorgler,Queensland University of Technology: “Endogenous Selection into Single and Coauthorships by Surnames in Economics and Management

Lei Xu,McGill University; Tingting Nian,NYU; and Luis Cabral,NYU: “What Makes Geeks Tick? A Study of Stack Overflow Careers

Elisabeth Lång,Linköping University, and Paul Nystedt,Jönköping International Business School: “Does Tallness Pay Off in the Long Run? Height and Life-Cycle Earnings

Daniel Fernandez-Kranz,IE-Business School,and Nuria Rodriguez-Planas,CityUniversity of New York (CUNY) - Queens College, “The Perfect Storm: Graduating in a Recession in a Segmented Labor Market

Labor Supply

Filip Pertold,CERGE-EI: “What If They Take It All? Heterogeneous Impact of Zero Replacement Rates on Sickness Absence

Martin Micheli,RWI: “Does Height Affect Labor Supply? Implications of Product Variety and Caloric Needs

Personnel Economics

Wendelin Schnedler,University of Bristol, “Incentives and Misdirected Effort”

Lucy Stokes,NIESR; Alex Bryson,NIESR, CEPandIZA; John Forth,NIESR; and Martin Weale,University of London: “Who Fared Better? The Fortunes of Performance-Pay and Fixed-Pay Workers Through Recession

Sabrina Jeworrek,University ofTrier, and Laszlo Goerke,University of Trier: “Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Councils

Topics in Discrimination

Atsuko Tanaka,University of Calgary: “Employee Loyalty, Training, and Female Labor Supply

Andrea Weber,University of Mannheim; Christine Zulehner,University of Frankfurt; and Rosa Weber,London School of Economics: “Equal Pay for Equal Work – the Role of Women in the Labor Market

Sven-Kristjan Bormann,University of Tartu; Svetlana Ridala,University of Technology; and Ott-Siim Toomet,University of Tartu: “Language Skills in an Ethnically Segmented Labor Market: Estonia 1989 – 2012

Elizabeth Handwerker,U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Increased Concentration of Occupations, Outsourcing, and Growing Wage Inequality in the United States

Education, Training, Human Capital

Compulsory Education

Hans Henrik Sievertsen,Danish National Centre for Social Research, and Thomas S. Dee,Stanford University: “School Starting Age and Non-Cognitive Skills

Sabrina Pabilonia,U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Jeffrey A. Groen,U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Snooze or Lose: High School Start Times and Academic Achievement

Michael Dörsam,University of Konstanz, and Verena Lauber,University of Konstanz: “The Effect of a Compressed High School Curriculum on University Performance

Eleanor Choi,Hanyang University; Hyungsik Roger Moon,USC and Yonsei University; and Geert Ridder,University of Southern California: “Using Within-District Random Student Assignment to Estimate Average Partial Effects of Single-Sex Schooling and School Resources on Academic Achievement

Jeffrey Penney,Queen’s University: “Test Score Measurement, Value-Added Models, and the Black-White Test Score Gap

Angus Holford,University of Essex: “Youth Employment and Academic Performance: Production Functions and Policy Effects

Marc Piopiunik,Ifo Institute Munich; Simon Wiederhold,Ifo Institute Munich; and Eric A. HanushekHoover Institution, Stanford University,The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance

Vincenzo Andrietti,Università “G. d’Annunzio“ di Chieti e Pescara: “The Causal Effects of Increased Learning Intensity on Student Achievement: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Higher Education

Ahmed Rahman,U.S. Naval Academy; Ryan Brady,U.S. Naval Academy; and Michael Insler,U.S. Naval Academy: “Are You Really the Company You Keep? Reconciling Negative Peer Effects in College Achievement

Tommaso Colussi,IZA: “Social Ties in Academia”

Arjan Non,Maastricht University, and Dirk Tempelaar,Maastricht University: “Time Preferences, Study Effort, and Academic Performance

Jake Anders,National Institute of Economic and Social Research: “The Influence of Socio-economic Status on Changes to Young People’s Expectations of Applying to University

Family Marriage & Work, Health

Allocation within the Household

Nicholas Montgomery,University of Maryland: “Unemployment and Intra-household Time Allocation

Lionel Wilner,CREST(INSEE): “Who’s Gonna Watch the Kids? Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data

Lina Cardona-Sosa,Central Bank of Colombia; Javier Baez,World Bank; Juan Baron,World Bank, IZA; and Mathias Sinning,University of Queensland, RWI, IZA: “The Role of Fertility on Women Empowerement in Latin America

Fertility Decisions

Daniel Hamermesh,University of Texas; Hielke Buddelmeyer;Melbourne University; and Mark Wooden,Melbourne University, DIW, IZAThe Psychic Cost of Children

Eirin Mølland,Norwegian School of Economics: “Benefits from Delay? The Effect of Abortion Avilability on Young Women

Melanie Guldi,University of Central Florida, and Chris M. Herbst,Arizona State University: “Offline Effects of Online Connecting: The Impact of Broadband Diffusion on Teen Fertility Decisions

Gender Topics

Bertrand Garbinti,CREST – INSEE; Carole Bonnet,INED; and Anne Solaz,INED: “Do Women Really Bear the Cost of Divorce? New Evidences Based on French Administrative Data”

Melanie Schröder,Universität Hamburg; Norma Schmitt,DIW Berlin; Miriam Beblo,Universität Hamburg; and Denis Beninger,Universität Hamburg: “Behavioral Effects of Gender Identity Priming - Evidence From an Incentivized Choice Experiment”

Jeanne Lafortune,Ponticia Universidad Catolica de Chileand Murat Iyiguny,University of Colorado: “Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles

Luise Goerges,Universitaet Hamburg, and Miriam Beblo,Universitaet Hamburg: “Breaking Down the Wall between Nature and Nurture: An Exploration of Gendered Work Preferences in East and West Germany

Hiroko Okudaira,Okayama University; Yusuke Kinari,Kyushu University; Noriko Mizutani,Institute for Research on Household Economics; Fumio Ohtake,Osaka University; and Akira Kawaguchi,Doshisha University: “Older Sisters and Younger Brothers:The Impact of Siblings on Preference for Competition

Migration, Regional Labour Markets


Jens Ruhose,Ifo Institute; Matthias Parey,University of Essex; Fabian Waldinger,University of Warwick; and Nicolai Netz,DZHW: “The Selection of High-Skilled Migrants

Hugh Cassidy,Kansas State University: “The Occupational Attainment of Natives and Immigrants: A Cross-Cohort Analysis

Yu Aoki,IZA and University of Aberdeen, and Lualhati SantiagoUK Office for National Statistics, “Fertility, Health and Education of UK Immigrants: The Role of English Language Skills

Sholeh Maani,University of Auckland, and Xingang WangUniversity of Auckland, “Network Effects, Ethnic Capital and Immigrants’ Earnings Assimilation: Evidence from a Spatial, Hausman-Taylor Estimation


Sarah Pearlman,Vassar College; Emily Conover,Hamilton College; and Melanie Khamis,Wesleyan University: “Missing Men and Female Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Large-Scale Mexican Migration

Claudio Labanca,University of California, San Diego: “The Effects of a Temporary Migration Shock: Evidence from the Arab Spring Migration towards Italy

Dafeng Xu,Cornell University, “Social Networks and High-Skilled Immigration: Evidence from French Football Players in England

Artjoms Ivlevs,University of the West of England, “Remittances and informal employment: evidence from transition economies

Policy Evaluation, Unemployment, Retirement

Labour Markets and Crime

Patrick Bennett,Copenhagen Business School, Amine OuazadINSEAD, “Job Displacement and Crime

Policy Evaluation

Andrew Hood, Mike Brewer, James Browne, Carl Emmerson, and Robert Joyce,Institute for Fiscal Studies: “The Incidence of Targeted Housing Subsidies: Evidence from Reforms to UK Housing Benefit

Helge Liebert,University of St. Gallen: “Screening Technology and Moral Hazard in Disability Insurance: Identifying Misclassification

Ragnhild Camilla Schreiner,The Frisch Centre/University of Oslo; Simen Markussen,The Frisch Centre; Knut Røed,The Frisch Centre: “Can Compulsory Dialogs Nudge Sick-Listed Workers Back to Work?

Andreas Moczall,Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “The Effect of Hiring Subsidies on Regular Wages

Nynke De Groot,Free University Amsterdam, and Pierre Koning,Free University Amsterdam: “Assessing the Intended and Unintended Effects of Disability Insurance Experience Rating. The Case of the Netherlands

Kenneth Lykke Sørensen,Aarhus University: “Heterogenous Effects on Earnings from an Early Effort in Labor Market Programs

11:00 – 12:30Invited Sessions

1. Early Childhood Development and the Labor Market– Chair: Anna Aizer,Brown University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Uta Schönberg,
University College London; Thomas Cornelissen,University College London; Christian Dustmann,University College London; and Anna Raute,University of Mannheim: “Who Benefits from Universal Childcare? Estimating Marginal Returns to Early Childcare Attendance”

Sandra Black
University of Texas at Austin; Paul Devereux,University College Dublin; Petter Lundborg,Lunds UniversityandIZA Bonn; and Kaveh Majlesi,Lunds University: “On the Origins of Risk-Taking”

2. Inequality, Polarization, and Family Outcomes –Chair, David Green,
University of British Columbia
Room: Hochelaga 4

David Autor,MIT; David Dorn,University of ZurichandIZA; and Gordon Hanson,University of California, San DiegoandNBER: “The Labor Market and Marriage Market: How Adverse Employment Shocks Affect Marriage, Fertility, and Children’s Living Circumstances”

Alan Manning, London School of Economics: “Job Polarization and Inequality”

3. New Approaches to Measuring Entrepreneurship, sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation
Chair, Audrey Light,Ohio State University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Ron S. Jarmin
,U.S. Census Bureau; Ryan A. Decker,University of Maryland; John Haltiwanger,University of Maryland; and Javier Miranda,U.S. Census Bureau: “Where Has All the Skewness Gone? The Decline in High-Growth (Young) Firms in the U.S.

Audrey Light,Ohio State University, and Robert Munk,Ohio State University: “Business Ownership vs. Self-Employment

Kathryn Shaw,Stanford University, and Francine Lafontaine,University of Michigan: “Serial Entrepreneurship: Learning by Doing?

12:30 - 2:00 pm First Plenary and Lunch
Al Rees Lecture
Introduction of the Speaker
: Janet Currie,
Princeton University
Enrico Morett
i,University of California, Berkeley: “Labor in Space: The Changing Geography of Employment and Wages and Why It Matters”

2:00-3:45 pm Sessions

SESSION B01: Worker-Firm Models-- Chair, John Abowd,Cornell University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Ian M. SchmutteUniversity of Georgia; John M. Abowd, Cornell University; Francis Kramarz, CREST (ENSAE); Sébastien Pérez-Duarte, European Central Bank: “Sorting Between and Within Industries: A Testable Model of Assortative Matching

Kurt LavettiOhio State University, and Ian M. Schmutte, University of Georgia: “Estimating Compensating Wage Differentials with Endogenous Job Mobility

Isaac SorkinUniversity of Michigan: “Ranking Firms Using Revealed Preference

Ted ToUS Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Paul Sullivan, US Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Job Dispersion and Compensating Wage Differentials

SESSION B02: Labor Markets and the Great Recession--Chair, Thomas Lemieux,Univesity of British Columbia
Room: Peribonka

Semih TumenCentral Bank of the Republic of Turkey; Binnur Balkan, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey; and Yusuf Soner Baskaya, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey: “Evaluating the Impact of the Post-2008 Employment Subsidy Program in Turkey

Etienne Lalé,University of Bristol, and Daniel Borowczyk-Martins,Sciences Po and IZA: “Employment Adjustment and Part-time Jobs: The US and the UK in the Great Recession

Yolanda F. Rebollo-SanzUniversidad Pablo Olavide, and Núria Rodríguez-Planas, Queens College of CUNY: “When the Going Gets Tough... Reducing Benefits in the Aftermath of the Great Recession

Bart CockxGhent University, and Corinna Ghirelli, Université catholique de Louvain: “Scars of Recessions in a Rigid Labor Market

SESSION B03: Early Childhood-- Chair, Alan Barreca,Tulane University
Room: Youville 1+2

Catherine HaeckUniversité du Québec à Montréal, and Pierre Lefebvre, Université du Québec à Montréal: “A Simple Recipe: Estimating the Effect of a Prenatal Nutrition Program on Child Health at Birth

Elaine M. LiuUniversity of Houston; Jin-Tan Liu, National Taiwan University; and Tzu-Yin Hazel Tseng, University of Houston: “The Impact of a Natural Disaster on the Incidence of Fetal Losses and Pregnancy Outcomes

Alan BarrecaTulane University; Olivier Deschenes, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida: “Maybe Next Month? The Dynamic Effects of Ambient Temperature on Fertility

Seetha MenonUniversity of Essex: “Unfinished Lives: The Effect of Domestic Violence on Neonatal and Infant Mortality

SESSION B04: Personnel Economics/Incentives-- Chair, Barry Hirsch,Georgia State University
Room: Richelieu

Darren GrantSam Houston State University: “The Essential Economics of Threshold-Based Incentives: Theory and Estimation

Orie ShelefStanford University, and Amy Nguyen-Chyung, University of Michigan: “Selecting Among High-Powered Incentives: Evidence from Real Estate Agent Careers”

Diane AlexanderPrinceton University: “Do Doctors Engage in Risk Selection? Unintended Consequences of Paying Doctors to Reduce Costs

Elliott AshColumbia University, and Bentley W. MacLeod, Columbia University: “Intrinsic Motivation in Public Service: Theory and Evidence from State Supreme Courts

SESSION B05: High School Dropout and College Costs--Chair, Elizabeth Cascio, Dartmouth College
Room: Hochelaga 2

Jeffrey T. DenningUniversity of Texas at Austin: “College on the Cheap: Costs and Benefits of Community College

Lesley J. TurnerUniversity of Maryland, and Benjamin M. Marx, University of Illinois: “Borrowing Trouble? Student Loans, the Cost of Borrowing, and Implications for the Effectiveness of Need-Based Grant Aid

Eric MaurinParis School of Economics-EHESS; Dominique Goux, CREST; and Marc Gurgand, Paris School of Economics-CNRS: “Adjusting Your Dreams? High School Plans and Dropout Behavior

Elizabeth U. CascioDartmouth College, and Ayushi Narayan, Dartmouth College: “Who Needs a Fracking Education? The Educational Response to Low-Skill Biased Technological Change

SESSION B06: Heterogeneity in Human Capital and Inequality--Chair, Lawrence Kahn,Cornell University
Room: Hochelaga 6

Gustavo GonzagaPUC-Rio ; Eduardo Fraga, Yale University; and Rodrigo R. Soares, Sao Paulo School of Economics: “Selection on Ability and the Early Career Growth in the Gender Wage Gap

Patricia CortésBoston University, and Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore: “When Time Binds: Returns to Working Long Hours and the Gender Wage Gap among the Highly Skilled

Jan SauermannStockholm University; Friederike Mengel, University of Essex; and Ulf Zoelitz, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA): “Gender Bias in Performance Evaluations

Hideo OwanThe University of Tokyo; Daiji Kawaguchi, Hitotsubashi University; and Kazuteru Takahashi, The University of Tokyo: “Biases in Subjective Performance Evaluation

SESSION B07: Job Displacement--Chair, Andrea Weber,University of Mannheim
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Peter UrwinUniversity of Westminster; Dave Bibby, Fischer Family Trust; Augusto Cerqua, University of Westminster; and Dave Thomson, Fischer Family Trust: “Estimating the Returns to Achievement in Training for the Unemployed in England Using ILR-WPLS Administrative Data

André NolteCentre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, and Nicole Gürtzgen, Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, and University of Mannheim: “Changing Fortunes During Economic Transition: Low-Wage Persistence Before and After German Unification

Andreas KettemannUniversity of Zurich; Francis Kramarz, CREST-ENSAE; and Josef Zweimüller, University of Zurich: “Beyond Severance Pay: Labor Market Responses to the Introduction of Occupational Pensions in Austria

Hyunseob KimCornell University; John R. Graham, Duke University; Si Li, Wilfrid Laurier University; and Jiaping Qiu, McMaster University: “The Labor Impact of Corporate Bankruptcy: Evidence from Worker-Firm Matched Data

SESSION B08: Immigration-- Chair, George Borjas,Harvard University
Room: Hochelaga 3

George BorjasHarvard University, and Kirk B. Doran, University of Notre Dame, and Ying Shen,University of Notre Dame: “Ethnic Complementarities after the Opening of China: How Chinese Graduate Students Affected the Productivity of Their Advisors

Francisca AntmanUniversity of Colorado, Boulder; Brian Duncan, University of Colorado, Denver; and Stephen J. Trejo, University of Texas, Austin: “Ethnic Attrition, Assimilation, and the Measured Health Outcomes of Mexican Americans

Joan LlullUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and Robert A. Miller, Carnegie Mellon University: “The Lost Generation

Martin LjungeResearch Institute of Industrial Economics: “Inherited Trust Predicts Labor Supply, Human Capital and Occupational Status: Evidence from Children of Immigrants”

SESSION B09: Work and Welfare--Chair, James Ziliak,University of Kentucky
Room: Ramezay

Vincent PohlQueen’s University; Steven F. Lehrer, Queen’s University; and Kyungchul Song, University of British Columbia: “Reinvestigating How Welfare Reform Inuences Labor Supply: A Multiple Testing Approach

Sofie T. Nyland BrodersenAarhus University, “Long-Run Outcomes of a Danish Welfare-to-Work Experiment

Mike BrewerUniversity of Essex, and Jonathan Cribb,Institute for Fiscal Studies: “Lone Parents, Time-Limited In-Work Benefits and the Dynamics of Work and Welfare

Aaron SojournerUniversity of Minnesota, and Jose Pacas, University of Minnesota: “Union Card or Welfare Card? Evidence on the Relationship between Union Membership and Net Fiscal Impact at the Individual Worker Level

SESSION B10: Female Labor Supply and Fertility--Chair, Anna Raute,University of Mannheim
Room: Matapedia

Anna RauteUniversity of Mannheim: “Do Financial Incentives Affect Fertility - Evidence from a Reform in Maternity Leave Benefits

Jan KabátekTilburg University: “Labour Supply, Fertility and Childcare Decisions: A Structural Analysis of Fiscal Stimuli for Working Mothers

Delia FurtadoUniversity of Connecticut: “Fertility Responses of High-Skilled Native Women to Immigrant Inflows

Agnese RomitiIAB - Institute for Employment Research: “The Effects of Immigration on Household Services, Labor Supply and Fertility

SESSION B11: Unemployment/Job Search--Chair, Alexandra Spitz-Oener,Humboldt University Berlin
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Marta LachowskaW.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; Merve Meral, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; and Stephen A. Woodbury, Michigan State University: “Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Work Test on Long-Term Employment Outcomes

Jeremy SchwartzLoyola University Maryland: “The Job Search Intensity Supply Curve: How Labor Market Conditions Affect Job Search Effort

Jason R. FabermanFederal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Marianna Kudlyak, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: “The Intensity of Job Search and Search Duration

Anna ZaharievaBielefeld University, and Yuliia Stupnytska, Bielefeld University: “Explaining the U-shape of the Referral Hiring Pattern in a Search Model with Heterogeneous Workers

SESSION B12: Earnings, Wealth, and Savings-- Chair, Dan Hamermesh,University of Texas at Austin
Room: Hochelaga 5

Stefano AlderighiUniversity of Essex: “Assessing the Correlation between Labour Income Risk and Household Portfolio Investment in Risky Assets: Evidence from Italian Longitudinal Data

Joan MonrasSciences Po: “Economic Shocks and Internal Migration

Karina DoorleyCEPS/INSTEAD, and Nico Pestel, IZA: “Labor Supply Effects of Wealth Shocks: Evidence for Germany

Raun Van OoijenUniversity of Groningen, and Mauro Mastrogiacomo, VU University Amsterdam: “Policy Uncertainty and Precautionary Savings: Does a Possible Reduction of the Mortgage Interest Deduction Increase Savings in the Netherlands?

SESSION B13: Intergenerational Mobility 1-- Chair, Kjell Salvanes,Norwegian School of Economics
Room: Harricana

Matthias Westphal,University of Duisburg-Essen; Claudia Andreella,University of Duisburg-Essen; Martin Karlsson,University of Duisburg-Essen; and Therese Nilsson,Lund University: “Intergenerational Transmission of Health in Times of Crisis

Stefa HirschMaastricht University, and Paul Jungbluth, Maastricht University: “Parental Education and Schooling Outcomes – Evidence from Panel Data on Overall Development and Within Year Patterns in Primary School

Lennart ZieglerUniversity of Amsterdam; Erik Plug, University of Amsterdam; and Bas Van der Klaauw, VU University Amsterdam: “Can Educational Expansion of Parents Explain Polarised Earnings of Children?

Torsten SantavirtaSwedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), and Markus Jäntti, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI): “Importance of Family Background for Economic Status – Evidence from Child Evacuations

SESSION B14: Impacts of Teachers and Schools--Chair, Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley
Room: Saint-Francois

Jesse RothsteinUniversity of California, Berkeley: “Revisiting the Impacts of Teachers

Richard MurphyUniversity of Texas at Austin: “Trade Unions in the Age of Litigation

Chris WaltersUniversity of California, Berkeley; Josh Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Peter Hull, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Parag Pathak,Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “Leveraging Lotteries for School Value-Added: Bias Reduction vs. Efficiency

Michael CoelliUniversity of Melbourne; David Figlio, Northwestern University; Gigi Foster, University of NSW; and Andrew Leigh, Australian Commonwealth MP: “Does Public Monitoring Affect Private School Performance? The Case of Australia”

SESSION B15: Labor Supply, Firm Creation, and Skills--Chair, John Kennan,University of Wisconsin
Room: Gatineau

Gabriel UlysseaPUC-Rio; Rudi Rocha, UFRJ; and Laísa Rachter, UFRJ: “Do Entry Regulation and Taxes Hinder Firm Creation and Formalization? Evidence from Brazil

Cindy ZoghiU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Robert D. Mohr, University of New Hampshire: “Using Tools and Tasks to Distinguish General and Occupation-Specific Skills

Markus JanserInstitute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, and Jens Horbach, University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg: “The Role of Innovation and Agglomeration for Employment Growth in the Environmental Sector

Sabien DobbelaereVU University Amsterdam, and Mark Vancauteren, Hasselt University: “Market Imperfections, Skills and Total Factor Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence on Belgium and the Netherlands

SESSION B16: Intrahousehold Economics --Chair, Marjorie McElroy,Duke University
Room: Hochelaga 4

David M. BlauOhio State University, and Ryan M. Goodstein, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: “Commitment in the Household: Evidence from the Effect of Inheritances on the Labor Supply of Older Married Couples

Rachel HeathUniversity of Washington, and Xu Tan, University of Washington: “Intrahousehold Bargaining, Female Autonomy, and Labor Supply: Theory and Evidence from India

Caio PizaUniversity of Sussex; Richard Dickens, University of Sussex; and Andrew McKay, University of Sussex: “Intrahousehold Causal Effects of a Child Labour Ban

Robert GarlickDuke University, and Manuela Angelucci, University of Michigan: “Heterogeneity and Aggregation: Testing for Efficiency in Intra-Household Allocation

3:45-4:30 -- Coffee Break/Poster Session I continued

4:30-5:45 Sessions C

SESSION C01: Research Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the NLS--Chair: Audrey Light,Ohio State University
Room: Saint-Francois

Solomon W. PolachekState University of New York at Binghamton; Tirthatanmoy Das, University of Central Florida; and Rewat Thamma-Apiroam, Kasetsart University, Thailand: “Heterogeneity in the Production of Human Capital

Meghan SkiraUniversity of Georgia; Andrew Beauchamp, Boston College; Geoffrey Sanzenbacher, Boston College; and Shannon Seitz, Analysis Group: “Single Moms and Deadbeat Dads: The Role of Earnings, Marriage Market Conditions, and Preference Heterogeneity

Harley Frazis,U.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsand Mark A. Loewenstein,U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics:Training and Jobs Across the Career: An Empirical Investigation

SESSION C02: Intergenerational Mobility 2-- Chair, Bruce Weinberg,Ohio State University
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Bruce WeinbergOhio State University: “Does Quality Time Produce Quality Children? Evidence on the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital Using Parental Deaths

Yu ZhuUniversity of Dundee; J. Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal, University of Zaragoza; and José Alberto Molina, University of Zaragoza: “Intergenerational mobility of Housework Time in the United Kingdom

Tuomas PekkarinenAalto University; Kjell Salvanes, NHH; and Matti Sarvimäki, Aalto University: “The Evolution of Social Mobility: Norway over the 20th Century

SESSION C03: Retirement and Disability-- Chair, Kathleen J. Mullen,RANDandIZA
Room: Youville 1+2

Pedro S. RaposoUniversidade Catolica Portuguesa, and Pedro Portugal, Banco de Portugal: “Seriously Strengthening the Tax-Benefit Link

Kathleen J. MullenRAND and IZA; Matthew J. Hill, University of Pompeu Fabra and RAND; Nicole Maestas, RAND: “Employer Accommodation and Labor Supply of Disabled Workers

Alice HenriquesBoard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Sebastian Devlin-Foltz, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and John Sabelhaus, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: “The Evolution of Retirement Wealth

SESSION C04: Signaling and Human Capital-- Chair, Michael Waldman,Cornell University
Room: Gatineau

Michael WaldmanCornell University: “The Dual Avenues of Labor Market Signaling

Kristoffer MarkwardtSFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research, and Paul Bingley, SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research: “Signaling and Productivity in the Private Financial Returns to Schooling

Alex EbleBrown University, and Feng Hu, University of Science and Technology Beijing: “On the Relative Importance of Signaling and Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from China

SESSION C05: Early Investments in Human Capital--Chair, Aaron Sojourner,University of Minnesota
Room: Peribonka

Josh KinslerUniversity of Rochester; Ronni Pavan, Royal Holloway, University of London; and Richard DiSalvo, University of Rochester: “Distorted Beliefs and Parental Investment in Children

Juan ChaparroUniversity of Minnesota, andAaron SojournerUniversity of Minnesota: “Early Production of Cognitive Skill: Evidence from Randomly-Assigned Childcare Prices and Pre-natal Investments

Limor Golan,Washington University in St. Louis; George-Levi Gayle, Washington University in St. Louis; and Mehmet A. Soytas, Ozyegin University: “Estimation of Dynastic Life-Cycle Discrete Choice Models

SESSION C06: Minimum Wages-- Chair, Nicole Fortin,University of British Columbia
Room: Hochelaga 4

Federico ZilioUniversity of Essex; Mike Brewer, University of Essex; and Thomas Crossley, University of Essex: “What We Really Know about the Employment Impact of the National Minimum Wage? An Illustration of the Low Power of Difference in Differences Studies

Hyejin KuUniversity College London: “The Power and the Perils of Higher Piece Rates: The Role of Capacity Constraints”

Romain AeberhardtDARES-CREST; Pauline Givord, INSEE - CREST; and Claire Marbot, INSEE-CREST: “Spillover Effect of the Minimum Wage in France: An Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach

SESSION C07: Severance Pay and Financial Incentives-- Chair, Tito Boeri,Bocconi University
Room: Kamouraska 1 + 2

Tito BoeriBocconi University; Pietro Garibaldi, Collegio Carlo Alberto; and Espen R. Moen, University of Oslo: “Severance Pay

Clémence BersonBanque de France, and Nicolas Ferrari, Direction Générale du Trésor: “Financial Incentives and Labor Market Duality

Samuel DanthineENSAI; Stéphane Auray, ENSAI; and Markus Poschke, McGill: “Mandated versus Negotiated Severance Pay

SESSION C08: Job Finding Rates, Returns to Schooling, and Occupational Task Prices--Chair: David A. Green,University of British Columbia
Room: Harricana

Ana Rute Cardoso,IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE; Paulo Guimaraes, Bank of Portugal and Universidade do Porto; Pedro Portugal, Bank of Portugal and Universidade Nova de Lisboa; and Hugo Reis, Bank of Portugal: “What Lies Behind the Returns to Schooling? The Role of Firm Level Heterogeneity

Fabian LangeMcGill University, and Marianna Kudlyak, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: “Measuring Heterogeneity in Job Finding Rates Among the Nonemployed using Labor Force Status Histories

David A. GreenUniversity of British Columbia, andPeter GottschalkBoston College: “Taking Selection to Task: Bounds on Trends in Occupational Task Prices for the U.S., 1984-2013

SESSION C09: Job Polarization-- Chair, Alan Manning,London School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 6

Yuming FuNational University of Singapore, and Yang Hao, National University of Singapore: “Urban Accounting for Geographic Concentration of Skills and Welfare Inequality

Andrea SalvatoriUniversity of Essex: “The Anatomy of Job Polarisation in the UK

Almudena SevillaQueen Mary University of London, and Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal, University of Zaragoza: “Job Polarization and the Intensification of Work in the United Kingdom and the United States over the last Decades: Evidence from Time Diary Data”

SESSION C10: Children’s Health and Development--Chair Arnaud Chevalier,Royal Holloway, University of London
Room: Hochelaga 3

Shiko MaruyamaUniversity of Technology Sydney, and Eskil Heinesen, Rockwool Foundation Research Unit: “Why Is Birthweight Important for Human Capital?

Adi ShanyThe Hebrew University; Victor Lavy, The Hebrew University; and Analia Schlosser, Tel Aviv University: “Out of Africa: Human Capital Consequences of In Utero Conditions

Rafael NovellaInter-American Development Bank, and Claire Zanuso, DIAL: “Vulnerability and Children’s Time Allocation in Haiti: Evidence from the 2010 Earthquake

SESSION C11: R&D and Labor Markets-- Chair, Donna Ginther,University of Kansas
Room: Ramezay

Gerald MarschkeSUNY Albany; Erling Barth, Institutt for Samfunnsforskning, University of Oslo; James C. Davis, US Census; Richard Freeman, Harvard University; and Andrew Wang, Harvard University: “R&D Spillovers and Scientist and Engineer Labor Mobility

Donna K. GintherUniversity of Kansas: “Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors

Sabrina Di AddarioBank of Italy: “Shedding Light on Inventors’ Returns to Patents

SESSION C12: Employment Contracts 2– Chair, Marie-Claire Villeval,GATE
Room: Matapedia

Eleanor W. DillonArizona State University, and Christopher T. Stanton, London School of Economics: “Self-Employment Dynamics and the Returns to Entrepreneurship

Robert J. PetruniaLakehead University; Kim P. Huynh, Bank of Canada; Yuri Ostrovsky, Statistics Canada; and Marcel C. Voia, Carleton University: “Industry Shutdown Rates and Permanent Layoffs: Evidence from Firm-Worker Matched Data

Qing YeTsinghua University; Wei Chi, Tsinghua University; Tracy Xiao Liu, Tsinghua University; and Xiaoye Qian, Sichuan University: “Right Contract for Right Workers? Incentive Contracts for Short-term and Long-term Employees

SESSION C13: Pollution, Health, and Outcomes– Chair, Anna Aizer,Brown University
Room: Hochelaga 2

Nico PestelIZA Bonn and ZEW Mannheim; Andreas Lichter, IZA Bonn and the University of Cologne; and Eric Sommer, IZA Bonn and the University of Cologne: “Performance Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer

Moiz BhaiUniversity of Illinois at Chicago: “Understanding the Gradient in Children’s Health: Cigarette Taxes, Asthma, and Inequality”

Kevin T. SchnepelThe University of Sydney, and Stephen B. Billings, University of North Carolina-Charlotte: “Life Unleaded: Effects of Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Lead

SESSION C14: Employment and Labor Supply– Chair, Michael Neugart,Technical University of Darmstadt
Room: Hochelaga 5

Manudeep BhullerUniversity of Chicago: “Decomposing Labor Supply: Preferences, Skills and Opportunities”

Michael NeugartTechnical University of Darmstadt; Metin Akyol, Technical University of Darmstadt; and Stefan Pichler, ETH Zurich: “A Tradable Employment Quota

Tomasz GajderowiczUniversity of Warsaw: “Benefits of Employment: Decomposition and Valuation

SESSION C15: Learning from Lotteries-- Chair, Thomas Crossley,University of Essex

Joniada MillaUniversité catholique de Louvain; Michael Hoy, University of Guelph; Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph; and Louis N. Christofides, University of Guelph: “Nature or Nurture in Tertiary Education Attendance? Intergenerational Implications of the Vietnam-Era Lottery

Thomas CrossleyUniversity of Essex; Hamish Low, Cambridge University; and Sarah Smith, University of Bristol: “The External Validity of Lottery Winnings: Do Consumers Gamble to Convexify?

Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-JensenDanish National Centre for Social Research; Paul Bingley, Danish National Centre for Social Research; and Petter Lundborg, Lund University: “Estimating Family Spillovers: Evidence from a Draft Lottery

SESSION C16: Personnel Economics 1-- Chair, Mikko MakinenAalto University

Daiji KawaguchiHitotsubashi University; Shota Araki, Hitotsubashi University; and Yuki Onozuka, Hitotsubashi University: “University Prestige, Performance Evaluation and Promotion: Estimating the Employer Learning Model Using Personnel Datasets

Mikko MakinenAalto University; Derek Jones, Hamilton College; Panu Kalmi, University of Vaasa; and Takao Kato, Colgate University: “Worker Separation and Sorting under Individual Incentive and Group Incentive Pay: A Discrete-Time Duration Analysis

Thomas PeetersErasmus School of Economics; Steven Salaga, Texas A&M University; and Matthew Juravich, University of Akron: “The Impact of Upper and Middle Management on Team Production

5:45-6:45 SOLE Presidential Address
ntroduction of the Speaker: John M. Abowd, Outgoing President of SOLE
Janet Currie
: “Diagnosing Expertise: Towards A Model of Physician Skill”Audio
Grand Salon

Saturday, June 27

7:00-8:00 -- Breakfast

8:00-9:45 – Sessions D

SESSION D01:Economics of Education-- Chair, Lisa B. Kahn,Yale University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Lisa B. KahnYale University, and Brad Hershbein, Upjohn Institute: “Is College the New High School? Evidence from Vacancy Postings

Evan RiehlColumbia University; W. Bentley MacLeod,Columbia University; Juan E. Saavedra, University of Southern California; and Miguel Urquiola, Columbia University: “The Big Sort: College Reputation and Labor Market Outcomes

Andrew DustanVanderbilt University: “Peer Networks and School Choice under Incomplete Information

Trude GunnesStatistics Norway, and Hege Marie Gjefsen, Statistics Norway: “School Accountability: Incentives or Sorting?

SESSION D02: Early Labor Market Conditions and Life Time Outcomes--Chair: David Cutler,Harvard University

Veronica ToffoluttiUniversity of East Anglia; Marc Suhrcke, Centre for Health Economics, University of York; and Marcello Morciano, University of East Anglia: “The Impact of Unemployment on Mortality in Europe: Different Methods, Different Results?

Pierre-Carl MichaudESG UQAM, CIRANO, IZA and & RAND; Eileen Crimmins, University of Southern California; and Michael Hurd, RAND: “The Effect of Job Loss on Health: Evidence from Biomarkers

Anna AizerBrown University; Adriana Lleras-Muney, UCLA; Hannes Schwandt, Princeton University; and Till von Wachter, UCLA: “The Lifetime Impact of Recessions and the Mitigating Role of the Government

David M. CutlerHarvard University; Wei Huang, Harvard University; and Adriana Lleras-Muney, UCLA: “The Impact of Economic Conditions on Mortality over the Lifetime

SESSION D03: Early Heterogeneity in Human Capital and Inequality--Chair, Eric Hanushek,Stanford University

Eric A. HanushekStanford University; Jens Ruhose, University of Munich; and Ludger Woessmann, University of Munich: “Human Capital and Income Differences across States: Development Accounting for the U.S.

Sébastien RouxBanque de France, Ined & Crest; Thierry Magnac, Université Toulouse; and Nicolas Pistolesi, Université Toulouse: “Post Schooling Human Capital Investments and the Life Cycle Variance of Earnings

Murat KirdarBogazici University, and Abdurrahman Aydemir, Sabanci University: “Low Wage Returns to Schooling in a Developing Country: Evidence from a Major Policy Reform in Turkey

Raul SanchezUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign: “Estimation of the Production Function of Cognitive Development for Children in Andhra Pradesh, India

SESSION D04: Retirement-- Chair, David Blau,Ohio State University
Room: Hochelaga 6

Philip ArmourRAND Corporation, and Michael F. Lovenheim, Cornell University and NBER: “The Effect of Social Security (Mis)information on the Labor Supply of Older Americans

Ola Lotherington VestadStatistics Norway; Christian N. Brinch, BI Norwegian Business School; and Josef Zweimüller, University of Zurich: “Excess Early Retirement? Evidence from the Norwegian 2011 Pension Reform

Paul BingleySFI, and Gauthier Lanot, Umea University: “Pension Benefit Reform and the Substitution of Younger for Older Workers

Joanna TyrowiczUniversity of Warsaw; Krzysztof Makarski, Warsaw School of Economics; and Karolina Goraus, University of Warsaw: “The Shadow of Longevity

SESSION D05: Gender (Wage) Gaps-- Chair, Leslie Stratton,Virginia Commonwealth University
Room: Peribonka

Marion LeturcqINED; Laurent Gobillon, INED; Dominique Meurs, University of Paris Ouest Nanterre; and Sébastien Roux, Banque de France and CREST: “Elite Institutions, Fields of Study and the Gender Wage Gap: Case Study of a Large Firm

Sarra Ben YahmedCentre for European Economic Research (ZEW): “Gender Wage Gaps in Formal and Informal Jobs, Evidence from Brazil

Manuel BaguesAalto University; Natalia Zinovyeva, Aalto University; and Mauro Sylos Labini, Universita di Pisa: “Do Gender Quotas Pass the Test? Evidence from Academic Evaluations in Italy

Jaanika MeriküllBank of Estonia, and Pille Mõtsmees, University of Tartu: “Do You Get What You Ask? The Gender Gap in Desired and Realised Wages

SESSION D06: Marriage andHousehold -- Chair, Reuben Gronau,Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Daniel I. TannenbaumUniversity of Chicago: “The Effect of Child Support Laws on Marital Formation

Gabriela RubioUniversity of California, Merced: “How Love Conquered Marriage: Theory and Evidence on the Disappearance of Arranged Marriages

Alexandros TheloudisUniversity College London: “Consumption Dynamics and Allocation in the Family

Cheti NicolettiUniversity of York; Katrin Auspurg, Goethe University Frankfurt Main; and Maria Iacovou, University of Cambridge: “Housework Share between Partners: Experimental Evidence on Gender Identity

SESSION D07: Family Economics and Couple’s Labor Supply-- Chair, Miriam Beblo,Universitaet Hamburg
Room: Youville 1+2

Michel SerafinelliUniversity of Toronto, and Pamela Campa, University of Calgary: “Politico-economic Regimes and Attitudes: Female Workers under State-socialism

Miriam Beblo,Universitaet Hamburg, and Denis Beninger,Universitaet Hamburg and University of Strasbourg: “Do Husbands and Wives Pool Their Incomes? A Couple Experiment

Claire ThiboutUniversity of Melbourne: “Allocation of Resources Within Couples: Some New Evidence about the ‘Sharing Rule’”

Jesse Naidoo, University of Chicago: “The Power of Tests for Pareto Efficiency Within the Family

SESSION D08: Education and University Preferences--Chair, Wiji Arulampalam,University of Warwick
Room: Matapedia

Michael LovenheimCornell University; Rodney J. Andrews, University of Texas at Dallas; and Scott Imberman, Michigan State University: “The Effects of Targeted Recruitment and Comprehensive Supports for Low-Income High Achievers at Elite Universities: Evidence from Texas Flagships

Vaishali ZambreGerman Institute for Economic Research, and Frauke Peter, German Institute for Economic Research: “Preference for College and Educational Inequality: Do Students Lack Information? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”

Aderonke OsikominuUniversity of Hohenheim; Volker Grossmann, University of Fribourg; and Marius Osterfeld, University of Fribourg: “Are Sociocultural Factors Important for Studying a Science University Major?

Susanna Sten GahmbergNorwegian School of Economics: “Early Bird Caught the Worm? The Effect of a Student Aid Reform on Time-to-Degree

SESSION D09: Unemployment 1– Chair, Michael Stops,Institute for Employment Research
Room: Ramezay

Thepthida SopraseuthUniversity of Cergy-Pontoise; François Langot, University of Le Mans; and Jean-Olivier Hairault, Paris School of Economics: “Why Is Old Workers’ Labor Market More Volatile? Unemployment Fluctuations over the Life-Cycle

Michael StopsInstitute for Employment Research: “German Labour Market Reform Effects - Revisited with a Panel Data Analysis for Occupational Labour Markets

Carsten OchsenUniversity of Applied Labour Studies: “The Ins and Outs of German Unemployment

Rafael SanchezAdolfo Ibañez University, and Eugenio Rojas, University of Pennsylvania: “Does Access to Insurance Savings Accounts affect Duration of Unemployment and Job Match Quality?

SESSION D10: Teachers and School Quality--Chair, Sandra McNally,University of SurreyandCEP London School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 5

Michael BatesMichigan State University: “Public and Private Learning in the Market for Teachers: Evidence from the Adoption of Value-Added Measures

Bas Ter WeelCPB; Eva Feron, Maastricht University; and Trudie Schils, Maastricht University: “Does the Teacher Beat the Test? The Additional Value of Teacher Assessment in Predicting Student Ability

Sandra McNallyUniversity of SurreyandCEP London School of Economics; Stephen Machin, University College LondonandCEP London School of Economics; and Martina Viarengo, The Graduate Institute: “Teaching and Learning Literacy

Federica OrigoUniversity of Bergamo; Simona Lorena Comi, University of Milano Bicocca; Gianluca Argentin, University of Milano Bicocca; Marco Gui, University of Milano Bicocca; and Laura Pagani, University of Milano Bicocca: “Is It the Way They Use It? Teacher, ICT and Student Achievement

SESSION D11: Integration of Immigrants– Chair, Christina Gathmann,University of Heidelberg
Room: Hochelaga 4

Ingo IsphordingInstitute for the Study of Labor, and Andrew J. Clarke, University of Melbourne: “Language Skills and Immigrant Health

Nicolas KellerUniversity of Heidelberg; Ole Monscheuer, University of Heidelberg; and Christina Gathmann, University of Heidelberg: “Citizenship and the Social Integration of Immigrant”

Joseph-Simon GorlachUniversity College London; Jerôme Adda, Bocconi University; and Christian Dustmann, University College London: “Migrant Wages, Human Capital Accumulation and Return Migration”

Osea GiuntellaUniversity of Oxford, IZA, and Fabrizio Mazzonnay, University of Lugano, MEA: “Do Immigrants Improve the Health of Natives?

SESSION D12: Job Search-- Chair, Ioana Marinescu,University of Chicago
Room: Gatineau

Ying Tung ChanMcGill University, and Chi Man Yip, McGill University: “On the Ambiguity of Job Search

Ioana MarinescuUniversity of Chicago, and Roland Rathelot, University of Warwick: “Mismatch Unemployment and the Geography of Job Search

Beatrix EugsterUniversity of St. Gallen; Rafael Lalive, University of Lausanne; and Josef Zweimüller, University of Zurich: “Do Work Attitudes Matter for Job Search? Evidence from the Swiss Language Border

Amelie SchiprowskiIZA Bonn, and Patrick Arni, IZA Bonn: “The Effects of Binding and Non-Binding Job Search Requirements

SESSION D13: Local Labor Market Policies-- Chair, Enrico Moretti,University of California, Berkeley
Room: Saint-Francois

Daniel F. HeuermannUniversity of Regensberg; Franziska Hawranek, University of Regensberg; Florian Freund, University of Regensberg; and Philipp vom Berge,Institute for Employment Research: “The Distributional Effect of Commuting Subsidies - Evidence from Geo-Referenced Data and a Large-Scale Policy Reform

Alan ManningLondon School of Economics, and Michael Amior, London School of Economics: “The Persistence of Local Joblessness

Benjamin ThompsonUniversity of Michigan; Breno Braga, Urban Institute; and Diogo Guillen, Gavea Investimentos: “Local Government Spending and Employment in Brazil

Alexander KubisInstitute for Employment Research (IAB), and Lutz Schneider, University of Applied Sciences and Arts: “Human Capital Mobility and Convergence - A Spatial Dynamic Panel Model of the German Regions

SESSION D14: Birth Control and Teenage Motherhood--Chair, Kelly Ragan,Stockholm School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 2

Andrew BeauchampBoston College, and Catherine Ruth Pakaluk, Ave Maria University: “The Paradox of The Pill

Ericka G. Rascon-RamirezUniversity of Essex: “Teenage Pregnancy and Motherhood in England: Do Parents’ Educational Expectations Matter?

Sergio UrzuaUniversity of Maryland; Tomas Rau, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; and Miguel Sarzosa, University of Maryland: “The Children of the Missed Pill: Unintended Consequences of Price Collusion

Kelly RaganStockholm School of Economics: “Teenage Kicks: New (Old) Evidence on the Pill and Teenage Childbearing

SESSION D15: Intergenerational Mobility 3 –Chair, Lorenzo Cappellari,Universita Cattolica Milano
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Pia PingerUniversity of Bonn, IZA: “Intergenerational Effects of Economic Distress: Paternal Unemployment and Child Secondary Schooling Decisions

Wen-Hao ChenStatistics Canada; Yuri Ostrovsky, Statistics Canada; and Patrizio Piraino, University of Cape Town: “Lifecycle Variation, Errors-in-Variables Bias and Nonlinearities in Intergenerational Income Transmission: New Evidence from Canada

Daniel SchnitzleinLeibniz University Hannover / DIW Berlin: “A New Look at Intergenerational Mobility in Germany Compared to the US

Aleksi KarhulaUniversity of Turku; Hannu Lehti, University of Turku; and Jani Erola, University of Turku: “The Long-term Effect of Parental Unemployment during Recession on Children’s Socioeconomic Achievement

SESSION D16: Costs of the Recession-- Chair, Ayako Kondo,Yokohama National University
Room: Harricana

Ayako KondoYokohama National University: “Differential Effects of Graduating during a Recession across Race and Gender

Mark BorgschulteUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, and Paco Martorell, University of California, Davis: “Paying to Avoid Recession: Using Reenlistment to Estimate the Cost of Unemployment

Stéphane CarcilloOECD, Sciences Po and IZA; Pierre Cahuc, Crest-Ensae, Ecole Polytechnique, IZA; and Thomas Le Barbanchon, Crest-Ensae: “Do Hiring Credits Work in Recessions? Evidence from France

Matthias Umkehrer,Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “Entering the Labor Market in a Recession Revisited -- Evidence from German Apprentices

9:45 – 10:40 – Coffee Break/Poster Session II

Room: Jolliet-Duluth-Mackenzie

09:45 – 15:45

Demand, Supply, Wages


Álvaro Novo,Banco de Portugal, and Mário Centeno,Banco de Portugal: “The Impact of Unionization on Employment and Wages

Jooyoung Yang,University of Minnesota, and Aaron Sojourner,University of Minnesota: “Effects of Unionization on Workplace Safety: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from OSHA’s Enforcement Data

Minimum Wages

Rahel Felder,RWI: “The Minimum Wage in the German Roofing Sector - An Evaluation with the Synthetic Control Method

Hanna Frings,RWI, and Ronald Bachmann,RWI: “Monopsonistic Competition and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Germany

Tobias Haepp,National Taiwan University, and Carl Lin,Beijing Normal University: “How Does the Minimum Wage Affect Firm Investments in Fixed and Human Capital? Evidence from China

Suzana Laporšek,University of Primorska, Matija Vodopivec,International School for Social and Business Studies, and Milan Vodopivec,University of Primorska: “The Employment and Wage Spillover Effects of Slovenia’s 2010 Minimum Wage Increase

Wage Inequality

Mehmet Soytas,Ozyegin University; George-Levi Gayle,Washington University in St. Louis; and Limor Golan,Washington University in St. Louis: “What Is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings?

Roger Wilkins,University of Melbourne; Rosanna Scutella,University ofMelbourne; and Yin King Fok,University of Melbourne: “The Low-Pay No-Pay Cycle: Are There Systematic Differences across Demographic Groups?

Melinda Petre,University of Wisconsin: “Noncognitive Skills and the Racial Wage Gap


David Döhrmann,Technische Universität Braunschweig: “Arising from the Ruins: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Reconstruction Labor Wages

Peter Brummund,University of Alabama: “Intra-Plant Wage Responsiveness: Evidence from Brazil

Emil Mihaylov,VU University Amsterdam: “Returns to Routine and Non-routine Job Tasks: Evidence from Germany

Guido Matias Cortes,University of Manchester, and Manuel Alejandro Hidalgo,Universidad Pablo de Olavide: “Changes in the Return to Skills and the Variance of Unobserved Ability

Nail Hassairi,University of Washington; Claus C. Pörtner,Seattle University; and Michael Toomin,University of Washington: “Testing the Compensating Wage Theory Using Online Labor Market Experiments

Education, Training, Human Capital

Human Capital

Koray Sayili,Queens University: “Preventing Employee Departure: A Human Capital Model with Innovation

Bastian Ravesteijn,Erasmus University Rotterdam: “Tracking and Human Capital Inequalities: The Impact of the Finnish Comprehensive School Reform

Job and Life Satisfaction

Maria del Mar Salinas-Jiménez,University of Extremadura; Joaquín Artés,Universidad Complutense de Madrid; and Javier Salinas-Jiménez,Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: “Education, Job Aspirations and Subjective Wellbeing: A Quantile Regression Analysis

Returns to Education and Schooling

Nicolai Kristensen,The Danish National Center for Social Research, and Paul Bingley,The Danish National Center for Social Research: “Lifetime Returns to Schooling

Carl Sanders,Washington University in St. Louis: “Reading Skills and Earnings: Why Do Doing Words Good Hurt You’re Wages?

Jacopo Mazza,University of Manchester: “Does Risk Matter? A Semiparametric Model for Educational Choices in the Presence of Uncertainty

Matt Dickson,University of Bath, and Franz BuschaUniversity of Westminster, “The Wage Returns to Education over the Life-cycle: Heterogeneity and the Role of Experience


Yuri Soares,Inter-American Development Bank; Carla Calero,Inter-American Development Bank; Carlos Henrique Corseuil,Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada; Veronica Gonzales, Inter-American Development Bank; and Jochen Kluve, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,RWIandIZA: “Can Arts-Based Interventions Enhance Labor Market Outcomes among Youth? Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Rio de Janeiro

Family Marriage & Work, Health


Bora KimCEPS/INSTEADThe Impact of Childhood Health and Circumstances on Adulthood Outcomes

Maternal Employment

Jochen Kluve,Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,RWI Essen, IZA Bonn, and Sebastian Schmitz,Freie Universität Berlin: “Parental Benefits and Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes in the Medium Run

Yukiko Asai,University of Tokyo; Ryo Kambayashi,Hitotsubashi University; and Shintaro Yamaguchi,McMaster University: “Childcare Availability, Household Structure, and Maternal Employment

Erica Lindahl,IFAU; Per Johansson,IFAU; and Nikolay Angelov,IFAU: “Sick of the Double Burden or of Disincentives to Work?

Ulrika Vikman,IFAU: “Does Providing Childcare to the Unemployed Affect Transitions from Unemployment?

Topics in Discrimination

Colleen Manchester,University of Minnesota; Lisa M. Leslie,New York University; and Patricia Caulfield Dahm,University of Minnesota: “Bringing Home the Bacon: Does Productivity Explain the Relationship between Breadwinner Status and Pay?

Mrittika Shamsuddin,UAE University; Marina-Selini Katsaiti,UAE University; and Philip Shaw,Fordham University:Weight Discrimination in the German Labor Market

Migration, Regional Labour Markets

Regional Labour Markets

Erik Scherpf,USDA Economic Research Service; Benjamin Cerf Harris,U.S. Census Bureau; and Constance Newman,USDA Economic Research Service: “Local Labor Market Demand and Program Participation Dynamics: Evidence from New York SNAP Administrative Records

Jin Zhou,University of Western Ontario: “Migration With Endogenous Social Networks in China

Javier Vázquez-Grenno,Universitat de Barcelona; José I. Silva,University of Kent/Universitat de Girona; and Jordi Jofre-Monseny,Universitat de Barcelona: “The Impact of Public Employment on Local Labor Markets under the Presence of Urban Benefits and Costs

Jan Sebastian Nimczik,University of Mannheim: “How Concentrated Are Local Labour Markets? Evidence from Group Formation Patterns in Firm Networks

Emanuele Ciani,Bank of Italy, and Guido de Blasio,Bank of Italy: “How Do Local Labor Markets Cope with Local Shocks? Evidence from Italy

Alexandra Fedorets,DIW Berlin, and Michael Stops,Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “Job Matching on Connected Occupational and Regional Labor Markets


Pierre Deschamps,Sciences Po, and José de Sousa,Université Paris Sud, RITM, Sciences Po: “Labor Mobility and Racial Discrimination

Policy Evaluation, Unemployment, Retirement


Kathryn Anne Edwards,University of Wisconsin, Madison: “Measuring the Response of the Private Safety Net to Job Separation

Duncan Roth,Philipps-Universität Marburg, and John Moffat,Durham University: “Cohort Size and Youth Unemployment in Europe: A Regional Analysis

Uwe Blien,Institute for Employment Research (IAB); Susanne Messmann,Federal Labour Offices; and Mark Trappmann,Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “The Reservation Wage Curve


Zeyuan Chen,Lunds Universiteit; Jonas Helgertz; and Tommy Bengtsson: “Labor Force Participation Responses to New Rural Social Pension Insurance in China: A Regression Discontinuity Approach

Poverty/Welfare Economics

Iryna Kyzyma,CEPS/INSTEAD Luxembourgandthe University of Bremen: “Behind a Stable Poverty Rate: Changes in the Duration of Poverty Episodes in the United States since the mid-1980s

Nicolas Salamanca,University of Melbourne: “The Dynamic Properties of Economic Preferences

10:30 – 11:45Invited Sessions

4. The Great Recession– Panel Discussion, Chair, Bernd Fitzenberger,Humboldt-University Berlin
Room: Hochelaga 1

Participants:Thomas Lemieux,University of British Columbia, and Tito Boeri,Bocconi University

5. Peer Effects– Chair, Fabian Lange,McGill University
Room: Saint-Maurice

FabianWaldinger, University of Warwick, “Peer Effects in High-Skilled Professions”

Alexandre Masand Daniel Herbst, “Peer Spillovers in the Workplace: A Meta-Analysis”

11:45 – 1:15 -- Second plenary and lunch
Adam Smith Lecture
Introduction of the Speaker: Christian Dustmann, President, EALE
Jean-Marc Robin,Sciences Po; Marion Goussé,Université Laval,Québecand Nicolas Jacquemet, Paris School of Economics andBETA, Université de Lorraine: “Marriage, Labor Supply, and Home Production”Audio

1:15-3:00 Sessions E

SESSION E01: Peer Effects-- Chair, Richard Mansfield,Cornell University
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Richard MansfieldCornell University, and Joseph Altonji, Yale University: “Group-Average Observables as Controls for Sorting on Unobservables When Estimating Group Treatment Effects: the Case of School and Neighborhood Effects

Chungsang LamClemson University, and Tszkin Julian Chan, Boston University: “Type of Peers Matters: A Study of Peer Effects of Friends, Studymates and Seatmates on Academic Performance

Simon Georges-KotINSEE; Dominique Goux, CREST; and Eric Maurin, PSE: “Following the Crowd: Leisure Complementarities Beyond the Household

Krzysztof KarbownikNorthwestern University; Sandra Black, University of Texas at Austin; David Figlio, Northwestern University; Jonathan Guryan, Northwestern University; and Jeffrey Roth, University of Florida: “The Educational Consequences of Having a Disabled Sibling

SESSION E02: Gender Differences-- Chair, Sara De la Rica,University of the Basque Country

Javaeria Qureshi, University of Illinois at Chicago: “Additional Returns to Investing in Girls: Impact on Younger Sibling Human Capital

Ghosh PallabUniversity of Oklahoma: “Noncognitve Traits, Sorting and Gender Wage Gap in the U.S. Labor Market

Sara De la RicaUniversity of the Basque Country, and Yolanda Rebollo, University of the Basque Country: “Gender Differentials in Labor Market Flows during the Great Recession in Spain

Marco AlfanoUniversity College London; Wiji Arulampalam, University of Warwick; and Artemisa Flores, School of Oriental and African Studies: “Widening the Gender Gap: The Unintended Consequences of Conditional Cash Transfers in India

SESSION E03: Health in Early Childhood-- Chair, Nabanita Datta Gupta,Aarhus University
Room: Matapedia

Therese NilssonLund University, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN); Sonia Bhalotra, University of Essex; Martin Karlsson, University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Oslo; Nina Schwarz, University of Duisburg-Essen: “Early Life Health Interventions: Effects on Sickness Absence and Academic Performance

Nabanita Datta GuptaAarhus University, and Marianne Simonsen, Aarhus University: “Academic Performance and Type of Early Childhood Care

Pietro BiroliUniversity of Chicago: “Health and Skill Formation in Early Childhood

Bettina SiflingerUniversity of Mannheim, and Gerard J. van den Berg, University of Mannheim, IFAU-Uppsala, IZA and CEPR: “The Effects of Preschool Attendance on Child Health Outcomes - Evidence from a Swedish Child Care Reform

SESSION E04: Charter Schools, School Vouchers, and State Laws--Chair, Steven Rivkin,University of Illinois at Chicago
Room: Hochelaga 5

Peter D. HullMassachusetts Institute of Technology; Atila Abdulkadiroglu, Duke University; Joshua D. Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Parag A. Pathak,Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “Charters Without Lotteries: Testing Takeovers in New Orleans and Boston

Benjamin FeigenbergUniversity of Illinois at Chicago: “Priced Out: Aggregate Income Shocks and School Pricing in the Chilean Voucher Market

Steven RivkinUniversity of Illinois at Chicago; Patrick Baude, University of Illinois at Chicago; Eric Hanushek, Stanford University; and Marcus Casey, University of Illinois at Chicago: “The Evolution of Charter School Quality

Julia Manzella,Georgia State University: “Are States Winning the Fight? Evidence on the Impact of States’ Laws on Bullying in Schools

SESSION E05: Child Care and Maternal Employment--Chair, Paul Bingley,The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Room: Ramezay

Shintaro YamaguchiMcMaster University: “Dynamic Effects of Parental Leave Policy on Female Labor Market Outcomes

Malte SandnerLeibniz University Hannover: “Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Maternal Employment, Fertility and Well-Being: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Alzbeta MullerovaUniversite de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense: “Family Policy and Maternal Employment in the Czech Transition: A Natural Experiment

Vibeke Myrup JensenThe Danish National Centre for Social Research; Paul Bingley, The Danish National Centre for Social Research; and Sarah Sander Nielsen, The Danish National Centre for Social Research: “Maternal Employment, Child Care and Long-Run Child Outcomes

SESSION E06: Student Achievements– Chair, Dinand Webbink,Erasmus University Rotterdam
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Dinand WebbinkErasmus University Rotterdam, and Jose Maria Cabrera, University of Montevideo: Extra Resources for Poor Schools: Impact on Teachers and Students

Daniela Vuri, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Erich Battistin, Queen Mary University of London; and Michele De Nadai, University of Padua: “Counting Rotten Apples: Student Achievement and Score Manipulation in Italian Elementary Schools

Markus NaglerUniversity of Munich; Marc Piopiunik, Ifo Institute for Economic Research; and Martin R. West, Harvard Graduate School of Education: “Weak Markets, Strong Teachers:Recessions at Career Start and Teacher Effectiveness

Louis-Philippe BelandLouisiana State University, and Richard Murphy, University of Texas at Austin: “Ill Communication: Technology, Distraction & Student Performance

SESSION E07: Minimum Wages-- Chair, David Neumark,University of California, Irvine
Room: Hochelaga 2

Marieke VandeweyerKU Leuven, and Stijn Broecke, OECD: “Doubling the Minimum Wage and Its Effect on Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from Brazil

Chiara Rosazza BondibeneNational Institute of Economic and Social Research, and Rebecca Riley, National Institute of Economic and Social Research: “Raising the Standard: Minimum Wages and Productivity

Pedro MartinsQueen Mary University of London: “30,000 Minimum Wages: The Economic Effects of Collective Bargaining Extensions

Terry Gregory, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW): “When the Minimum Wage Bites Back: Quantile Treatment Effects of a Sectoral Minimum Wage in Germany

SESSION E08: Income Inequality– Chair, Konstantinos TatsiramosUniversity of Nottingham
Room: Gatineau

Alex BrysonNational Institute of Economic and Social Research, and Mark Bryan, Institute of Economic and Social Research: “Has Performance Pay Increased Wage Inequality in Britain?

Konstantinos TatsiramosUniversity of Nottingham; Lorenzo Cappellari, Universita Cattolica Milano; and Paul Bingley, SFI: “Family, Community and Long-Term Earnings Inequality

Rong HaiUniversity of Chicago; Siddhartha Biswas, University of Chicago; and Indraneel Chakraborty, Southern Methodist University: “Income Inequality, Tax Policy, and Economic Growth

Eric NielsenFederal Reserve Board: “The Income-Achievement Gap and Adult Outcome Inequality

SESSION E09: Effects of Immigration-- Chair, George Borjas,Harvard University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Daniela HochfellnerUniversity of Michigan and Institute for Employment Research (IAB), and Rüdiger Wapler, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “Do High-Skilled Immigrants Find Jobs Faster than Low-Skilled Immigrants?

Eva Moreno GalbisUniversity of Angers, and Ahmed Tritah, Universite du Mans: “Effects of Immigration in Frictional Labor Markets: Theory and Empirical Evidence from EU Countries

Martin GuziMasaryk University; Martin Kahanec, Central European University; and Lucia Mýtna Kureková, Central European University: “Does Immigration Grease the Wheels of European Labor Markets?

Bastian StockingerInstitute for Employment Research (IAB), and Katja Wolf, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “Do Knowledge Spillovers through Worker Inflows Increase Establishments’ Productivity? First Evidence from Germany

SESSION E10: The German Labor Market in a Globalized World:A Research Network sponsored by DFG (German Research Foundation)
Chair: Bernd Fitzenberger,Humbolt-University Berlin
Room: Hochelaga 4

Bernd FitzenbergerHumbolt-University Berlin; Annabelle Doerr, University of Freiburg; Thomas Kruppe,IAB; Marie Paul, University of Duisburg-Essen; and Anthony Strittmatter, University of St Gallen: “Employment and Earnings Effects of Awarding Training Vouchers in Germany

Alexandra Spitz-OenerHumboldt University Berlin; Bernd Fitzenberger, Humbolt-University Berlin; Alexandra Fedorets, DIW; and Ute Schulze, University of Freibur: “Routine Bias, Changing Tasks, and Occupational Mobility

Christina GathmannUniversity of Heidelberg; Uta Schönberg, University College London; and Ines Helm, University College London: “Spillover Effects in Local Labor Markets: Evidence from Mass Layoffs”

Wolfgang DauthUniversity of Wuerzburg; Sebastian Findeisen, University of Mannheim; and Jens Suedekum, Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics: “Adjusting to Globalization: Evidence from Heterogeneous Worker-Establishment Matches in Germany

There will be a private reception after the talk in Bersimis Room.

SESSION E11: Mental Health and Labor Market Outcomes--Chair Deborah Cobb-Clark,University of Melbourne
Room: Saint-Maurice

Deborah A. Cobb-ClarkUniversity of Melbourne; Melisa Bubonya, University of Melbourne; and Mark Wooden, University of Melbourne: “A Family Affair: Job Loss and the Mental Health of Spouses and Adolescents

Pinka ChatterjiSUNY Albany; Kajal Lahiri, SUNY Albany; and Souvik Banerjee, University of Washington: “Effects of Psychiatric Disorders on Labor Market Outcomes: A Latent Variable Approach Using Multiple Clinical Indicators

Massimiliano BrattiUniversità degli Studi di Milano; Mariapia Mendola, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocc; and Alfonso Miranda, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE): “Hard to Forget. War Victimization and Long-Term Mental Health

Ronald WarrenUniversity of Georgia; Anirban Basu, University of Washington; and Arati Dahal, University of Washington: “Mental Illness, Labor Supply, and Wages

SESSION E12: Training-- Chair, Ana Rute Cardoso,IAE, CSIC, Barcelona GSE
Room: Harricana

Nikolaos TheodoropoulosUniversity of Cyprus; Christos Bilanakos, Athens University of Economics and Business; John S. Heywood, University of Wisconsi-Milwaukee; and John Sessions, University of Bath: “Worker Training and Competing on Product Quality

Thomas Zwick,University of Würzburg; Jens Mohrenweiser,Centre for European Economic Research; and Gaby Wydra-Sommaggio,IAB Regional Saarbrücken: “Work-Related Ability as Source of Information Advantages of Training Employers

Raymond MontizaanMaastricht University; Didier Fouarge, Maastricht University; and Andries De Grip, Maastricht University: “Training Access, Reciprocity and Expected Retirement Age

Cain PolidanoUniversity of Melbourne, and Duncan McVicar, Queen’s University Belfast: “If You Get What You Want, Do You Get What You Need? The Effects of a Voucher Scheme in Post-Secondary Vocational Education and Training

SESSION E13: Education and Language-- Chair, Jeffrey Grogger,University of Chicago
Room: Saint-Francois

Jeffrey GroggerUniversity of Chicago: “Speech and Wages”

Andrea IchinoEuropean University Institute; Rosario Ballatore, Banca d' Italia; and Margherita Fort, University of Bologna: “The Tower of Babel in the Classroom. Immigrants and Natives in Italian Schools

Lorenzo CappellariCatholic University of Milan, and Antonio Di Paolo, Universitat de Barcelona: “Bilingual Schooling and Earnings: Evidence from a Language-in-Education Reform

Yuxin YaoTilburg University; Asako Ohinata,Leicester University; and Jan C. van Ours, Tilburg University: “Educational Consequences of Language for Young Children

SESSION E14: Retirement and Older Workers--Chair, Rafael Lalive,University of Lausanne, CEPR, CESifo, IFAU,andIZA
Room: Peribonka

Umut Oguzoglu , University of Manitoba; Ha Vu, Deakin University; and Diana Warren, Australian Institute of Family Studies: “Aching to Retire Down Under? Rise in Retirement Age and Growth of Disability Support Pension

Ahmed ElsayedInstitute for the Study of Labor; Andries De Grip, ROAResearch Centre for Education and the Labour Market; Didier Fouarge ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market; and Raymond Montizaan, ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market: “Gradual Retirement and Labour Supply of Older Workers: Evidence from a Stated Preference Analysis

Rafael LaliveUniversity of Lausanne, CEPR, CESifo, IFAU, and IZA, and Stefan Staubli, University of Calgary, RAND, and IZA: “How Does Raising Women’s Full Retirement Age Affect Labor Supply, Income, and Mortality? Evidence from Switzerland

Sarah OkoampahUniversity of Duisburg-Essen, and Matthias Giesecke, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI): “Inequality of Opportunity in Retirement Age – The Role of Physical Job Demands

SESSION E15: Self-Employment and Temporary Work-- Chair, Stijn Baert,Ghent University
Room: Youville 1+2

Clemens HetschkoFreie Universität Berlin: “On the Misery of Losing Self-employment

Yue LiVU University Amsterdam; Mauro Mastrogiacomo, VU University Amsterdam; Stefan Hochguertel, VU University Amsterdam; and Hans Bloemen, VU University Amsterdam: “The Role of Wealth in the Start-up Decision of New Self-employed: Evidence from a Pension Policy Reform

Elke JahnBayreuth University, and Michael Rosholm, Aarhus University: “The Cyclicality of the Stepping Stone Effect of Temporary Agency Employment

Stijn BaertGhent University; Anke Penninck, Ghent University; and Bart Cockx, Ghent University: “Do They Find You on Facebook? The Impact of Revealed Personality Traits by CV and Facebook Pictures on Hiring Decisions

SESSION E16: Education Policies– Chair, Christian Dustmann,University College London
Room: Hochelaga 6

Luiza PogorelovaLouisiana State University, andNaci MocanLouisiana State University, NBER and IZA: “Compulsory Schooling Laws and Formation of Beliefs: Education, Religion and Superstition

Thomas CornelissenUniversity College London; Christian Dustmann, University College London; and Claudia Trentini, CReAM and UNCTAD: “Early School Exposure, Test Scores and Noncognitive Outcomes

Martin FischerUniversity Duisburg-Essen; Martin Karlsson, University of Duisburg-Essen; and Therese Nilsson, Lund University: “The Sooner the Better? Compulsory Schooling Reforms in Sweden

Margarita PivovarovaArizona State University: “Should We Track or Should We Mix Them?

3:00 - 3:45 Coffee Break/Poster Session II continued

3:45 - 5:30 Sessions F

SESSION F01: Computers and Capital-Skill Complementarities--Chair, Bas Ter Weel,CPB
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Paul GagglUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Greg C. Wright, University of California, Merced: “A Short-Run View of What Computers Do: Evidence from a UK Tax Incentive

Juan CorreaUniversidad Andres Bello; Miguel Lorcaz, Universidad de Chile; and Francisco Parro, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez: “Capital-Skill Complementarity: Does Capital Composition Matter?

José TessadaPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Jeanne Lafortune, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; and Ethan Lewis, Dartmouth College: “People and Machines: A Look at the Evolving Relationship Between Capital and Skill In Manufacturing 1850-1940 Using Immigration Shocks

Michael OrandINSEE-CREST, and Pauline Charnoz, INSEE-CREST-Paris Sud: “Spatial Labor Market Inequalities: The Computerization Hypothesis, Evidence from France 1990-2011

SESSION F02: Financial Aid and the Cost of Education--Chair, Daniela Vuri,University of Rome Tor Vergata
Room: Harricana

Douglas WebberTemple University: “Are College Costs Worth it? How Individual Ability, Major Choice, and Debt Affect Optimal Schooling Decisions

Elena MattanaUniversité Catholique de Louvain – CORE, and Juanna Joensen, Stockholm School of Economics: “Student Aid, Academic Achievement, and Labor Market Behavior: Grants or Loans?

Lisa DettlingFederal Reserve Board, and Joanne W. Hsu, Federal Reserve Board: “Returning to the Nest: Debt and Parental Co-residence Among Young Adults

Ronan Le SaoutINSEE-CRESTandEcole Polytechnique, and E.Coudin, INSEE-CREST: “Internships, Major Choices and Labor Market Outcomes of French ‘Grandes Ecoles’ Graduates

SESSION F03: Education and Career Choices– Chair, Isaac McFarlin,University of Michigan
Room: Hochelaga 5

Isaac McFarlinUniversity of Michigan; Paco Martorell, University of California, Davis; and Brian McCall, University of Michigan: “Do Public Tuition Subsidies Promote College Enrollment? Evidence from Community College Taxing Districts in Texas

Volker GrossmannUniversity of Fribourg; Sebastian Böhm, University of Leipzig; and Thomas Steger, University of Leipzig: “Does Public Education Expansion Lead to Trickle-Down Growth?

Natalia ZinovyevaAalto University; Manuel Bagues, Aalto University; and Mauro Sylos-Labini, University of Pisa: “The Hidden Advantage of Connections in Scienti c Committees: Evidence from a Large Scale Randomized Natural Experiment

Oskar Nordström SkansUppsala University; Martin Lundin, IFAU; and Pär Zetterberg, Uppsala University: “Extracurricular Leadership Activities at College and Their Impact on Labor Market Entry and Career Trajectories

SESSION F04: Employment, Sorting, and Reservation Wages-- Chair, Alan Manning,London School of Economics
Room: Matapedia

Grigorios SpanosAix-Marseille School of Economics: “Sorting Within and Across French Production Hierarchies

Barbara PetrongoloQueen Mary University London; Felix Koenig, London School of Economics and CEP-LSE; and Alan Manning, London School of Economics and CEP-LSE: “Reservation Wages and the Wage Flexibility Puzzle

Ana Damas de MatosHEC Montréal, and Daniel Parent, HEC Montréal: “Which Firms Create Fixed-Term Employment? Evidence from Portugal

Andrew ZuppannUniversity of Houston, and Ezra Oberfield, Princeton University: “Employment Dynamics in Assignment Markets

SESSION F05: Infant Health and Outcomes-- Chair, Janet Currie,Princeton University
Room: Saint-Francois

David SimonUniversity of Connecticut; Marianne Page, University of California, Davis; and Jessamyn Schaller, University of Arizona: “Are Recessions Good For Children’s Health?

Aline BütikoferNorwegian School of Economics; Katrine Løken, University of Bergen; and Kjell G. Salvanes, Norwegian School of Economics: “Long-Term Consequences of Access to Well-child Visits

Hannes SchwandtPrinceton University: “The Lasting Legacy of Seasonal Influenza: In-utero Exposure and Human Capital Development

Ainhoa AparicioCollegio Carlo Alberto, and Libertad Gonzalez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra: “Recessions and Babies’ Health

SESSION F06: Economics of Crime--Chair, Magnus Lofstrom,Public Policy Institute of CaliforniaandIZA
Room: Hochelaga 4

Anna Bindler,University College London, “Still Unemployed, What Next? Crime and Unemployment Duration

Katherine ErikssonCalifornia Polytechnic State University: “Access to Schooling and the Black-White Crime Gap in the Early 20th Century US South: Evidence from Rosenwald Schools

Magnus LofstromPublic Policy Institute of California and IZA, and Steven Raphael, University of California, Berkeley and IZA: “Incarceration and Crime: Evidence from California’s Public Safety Realignment Reform

Dionissi Aliprantis,Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and Francisca G.-C. Richter,Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland: “Evidence of Neighborhood Effects from MTO: LATEs of Neighborhood Quality

SESSION F07: Labor Demand-- Chair, Steve Machin,London School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 2

Ferran EliasColumbia University: “Labor Demand Elasticities Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Spain’s Payroll Tax Reforms

Alicia Sasser ModestinoNortheastern University; Daniel Shoag, Harvard Kennedy School of Government; and Joshua Balance, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: “Upskilling: Do Employers Demand Greater Skill When Skilled Workers Are Plentiful?

Andreas LichterIZA, University of Cologne; Andreas Peichl, ZEW, University of Mannheim and IZA; Sebastian Siegloch, University of Mannheim, IZA and ZEW: “The Own-Wage Elasticity of Labor Demand: A Meta-Regression Analysis

Henry HyattU.S. Census Bureau, and James R. Spletzer, U.S. Census Bureau: “The Shifting Tenure Distribution

SESSION F08: Labor Supply, Taxes, and Transfer Policies--Chair, Robert Moffitt,Johns Hopkins University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Robert MoffittJohns Hopkins University: “Estimating Marginal Treatment Effects of Transfer Programs on Labor Supply

Rodrigo Ceni-GonzalezIECON, and Gonzalo Salas, IECON: “Drop-out and Enforcement under Two Transfer Programs

Gábor Kátay, Banque de France, and Kamil Galušcák, Ceská Národní Banka: “Labour Force Participation and Tax-Benefit Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Perspective

Sebastian SieglochIZA, ZEW Mannheim, University of Cologne: “Employment Effects of Local Business Taxes”

SESSION F09: Topics in Education-- Chair, Andrea Ichino,European University Institute
Room: Gatineau

Clement De ChaisemartinUniversity of Warwick; Luc Behaghel, Paris School of Economics; and Marc Gurgand, Paris School of Economics: “Ready for Boarding? The Effects of a Boarding School for Disadvantaged Students

Nienke RuijsUniversity of Amsterdam: “The Effects of Montessori Education: Evidence from Admission Lotteries

Hans FrickeUniversity of St.Gallen; Jeffrey Grogger, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy; and Andreas Steinmayr, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy: “Does Exposure to Economics Bring New Majors to the Field? Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Sturla A LøkkenStatistics Norway, and Edwin Leuven, University of Oslo: “Long Term Impacts of Class Size in Compulsory Schooling

SESSION F10: College Completion and Exams--Chair, Caroline Hoxby,Stanford University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Hugh MacartneyDuke University; Robert McMillan, University of Toronto; and Uros Petronijevic, University of Toronto: “Incentive Design in Education: An Empirical Analysis

Sergey LychaginCentral European University; Kala Krishna, Pennsylvania State University; and Veronica Frisancho, Inter-American Development Bank: “Retaking in High Stakes Exams: Is Less More?

Benjamin ElsnerIZA, and Ingo Isphording, IZA: “Big Fishes in Small Ponds: High-School Ability Rank and College Completion

Matthew D. WebbUniversity of Calgary: “Finish It and It’s Free: An Evaluation of College Graduation Subsidies

SESSION F11: (Over)Education and the Labor Market– Chair, Dieter VerhaestKU Leuven
Room: Youville 1+2

François RycxUniversité libre de Bruxelles; Yves Saks, National Bank of Belgium; and Ilan Tojerow, Université libre de Bruxelles: “Education, Productivity and Wages: The Moderating Roles of Age, Gender and Industry

Clement JoubertUNC Chapel Hill; Arnaud Maurel, Duke University; and Brian Clark, Duke University: “Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans

Dieter VerhaestKU Leuven, and Stijn Baert, Ghent University: “Unemployment or Overeducation: Which Is a Worse Signal to Employers?

Breno BragaUrban Institute, and Paola Bordon, University of Chile: “Employer Learning, Statistical Discrimination and University Prestige

SESSION F12: Unemployment 2-- Chair, Ian Walker,Lancaster University
Room: Peribonka

Linna MartenUppsala University; Matz Dahlberg, Uppsala University; and Anna Persson, Uppsala University: “After the Cold War: The Effect of Military Base Closures on Individual Labor Market Outcomes

Alexander PlumUniversity of Magdeburg, and Gundi Knies, Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER): “Earnings Prospects for Low-Paid Workers Higher than for the Unemployed But Only in High-Pay Areas with High Unemployment

Nicolas Lepage-SaucierENSAI France: “The Consumption Response to Job Displacements, Layoffs and Hours Losses

Ian WalkerLancaster University, and Silvia Mendolia, University of Wollongong: “Do NEETs Need Grit?

SESSION F13: Program and Policy Evaluation--Chair, Jose Ignacio Garcia PerezUniversidad Pablo de Olavide
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Enrique Moral-Benito,Banco de España, and Laura Hospido, Banco de España and IZA: “The Public Sector Wage Premium in Spain: Evidence from Longitudinal Administrative Data

Jose Ignacio Garcia PerezUniversidad Pablo de Olavide; Judit Vall Castello, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; and Ioana Marinescu, University of Chicago Harris School of Publilc Policy: “Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low Skilled Youth on a Better Career Path? Evidence from Spain

Annemarie PaulUniversität Hamburg: “After Job Shopping? Employment Effects of a Deregulation of Shop Opening Hours in the German Retail Sector”

Thomas BarnayUPEC; Emmanuel Duguet, UPEC; Christine Le Clainche, Ens Cachan, Ces-Cachan, Cee; and Yann Videau UPEC: “The Impact of the French Law 1987 on the Employment of Disabled People: An Evaluation by the Triple Difference Methodology

SESSION F14: Urbanization, Suburbanization, and Overweight--Chair, David Albouy,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Room: Hochelaga 6

Huailu LiFudan University; Kevin Lang, Boston University; and Kaiwen Leong, Nanyang Technological University: “Does Competition Eliminate Discrimination? Evidence from Commercial Sex Market in Singapore

Maryam Naghsh NejadIZA, and Amanda Ross, West Virginia University: “Has Suburbanization Caused Obesity? Evidence across Gender, Race, and Income

Conrad MillerPrinceton University: “When Work Moves: Job Suburbanization and Black Employment

David AlbouyUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Brian Stuart, University of Michigan: “Urban Population and Amenities

SESSION F15: Cyclicality of Wages-- Chair, Pedro Portugal,Banco de Portugal

Fernando MartinsBanco de Portugal; Pedro Portugal, Banco de Portugal; and Paulo Guimaraes, Banco de Portugal: “The Effect of Upward Nominal Wage Pushing on Workers Accessions and Separations

Heiko StueberInstitute for Emplyoment Research (IAB): “The Real Wage Cyclicality of Newly Hired and Incumbent Workers in Germany

Anja DeelenCPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, and Wouter Verbeek, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis: “Measuring Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity - Why Methods Matter

Pedro PortugalBanco de Portugal; Sónia Torres; John T. Addison; and Paulo Guimarães: “The Sources of Wage Variation: A Three-Way High-Dimensional Fixed EffectsRegression Model

SESSION F16: Child Care-- Chair, Birgitta Rabe,University of Essex
Room: Ramezay

Birgitta RabeUniversity of Essex; Mike Brewer, University of Essex; Sarah Cattan, Institute for Fiscal Studies; and Claire Crawford, Institute for Fiscal Studies: “The Impact of Free, Universal Pre-School Education on Maternal Labour Supply”

Elia De la Cruz Toledo,Columbia University: “Universal Preschool and Mothers’ Employment in Mexico

Anna BusseUniversity of Heidelberg, and Christina Gathmann, University of Heidelberg: “The Effects of Free Childcare on Labor Supply and Children

Marie ConnollyUniversity of Quebec in Montreal, and Catherine Haeck,University of Quebec in Montreal: “Are Child Care Subsidies Good for Parental Well-Being? Empirical Evidence from Three Countries

5:30 - 6:30 pm EALE Presidential Address
Introduction of the Speaker: Henry Farber, SOLE President-Elect
Christian Dustmann:“The Economics of Temporary Migrations”Audio

7:00 - 10:00 pm

Cocktail Reception, Montréal Museum of Fine ArtsThe Glass Court

Beer, wine, hot and cold hors d’oevres, and carving stations will be offered

Sponsored by HEC Montréal

7:30: pm Awards Presentation


Young Labour Economists Prize, presented by Christian Dustmann
Best Poster Award, presented by Alexandra Spitz-Oener
Labour Economics Prize, presented by Helena Skyt Nielsen
Best Reviewer Award, presented by Helena Skyt Nielsen


Introduction of new Fellows by John Abowd
Jacob Mincer Prize, presented by John Abowd

After the awards presentation, attendees are invited to view theRodin Exhibit(be sure to wear your badge for admittance) and visit the Museum Gift Shop.

Sunday, June 28

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30Invited Sessions

6. New Developments in Economics of Education –Chair, Ian Walker,Lancaster University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Caroline Hoxby,Stanford University: “Raising the Returns to Investments (Government, Philanthropic, Individual) in College Education”

Stephen Machin,London School of Economics; Andrew Eyles;London School of Economics; and Claudia Hupkau,London School of Economics: “School Reforms and Pupil Performance”

7. Theory and Evidence in Labor Economics– Chair, Edward Lazear,Stanford University
Room: Saint-Francois

Josh Angrist,M.I.T.; Atila Abdulkadiroğlu,Duke University; Yusuke Narita,M.I.T.; and Parag A. Pathak,M.I.T.: “Market Design Meets Research Design: Using Matching Mechanisms for Impact Evaluation”

W. Bentley MacLeod,Columbia University: “Theory and Evidence in Labor Economics: The Role of Time”

8. New Data Resources for Labor Economists– Chair, Francis Kramarz,CREST(ENSAE)
Room: Hochelaga 4

John Abowd,Cornell University: “Privacy, Confidentiality and Data Analysis in Labor Economics”

Stefan Bender,German Institute for Employment Research: “Found/Organic Data for Economic Research: the Need For Data Quality and Access”

Kjell Salvanes,Norwegian School of Economics; David N. Figlio,Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University; and Krzysztof Karbownik,Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University: “Education Research and Administrative Data”

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:45 Sessions G

SESSION G01: Wage Inequality-- Chair, Eric Gould,Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Room: Ramezay

Eric GouldThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “Explaining the Unexplained: Residual Wage Inequality, Manufacturing Decline, and Low-Skilled Immigration

Julian MessinaWorld Bank; Francisco Ferreira, World Bank; and Sergio Firpo, Escola de Economia de São Paulo (EESP/FGV): “A More Level Playing Field? Explaining the Decline in Earnings Inequality in Brazil, 1995-2012

Hamid BoustanifarBI Norwegian Business School; Everett Grant, University of Virginia; and Ariell Reshef, University of Virginia: “Wages and Human Capital in Finance: International Evidence, 1970-2005

Theodore KoutmeridisUniversity of Glasgow: “The Market for ‘Rough Diamonds’: Information, Finance and Wage Inequality

SESSION G02: Firms, Skills, and Productivity-- Chair, Craig Olson,University of Illinois
Room: Hochelaga 5

Erika McEntarferU.S. Census Bureau; John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland; and Henry Hyatt, U.S. Census Bureau: “Firm Size, Wages, and Productivity

Craig A. OlsonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign: “CEO-Firm Match Quality and Firm Performance

Antti KauhanenThe Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA); Jed DeVaro, California State University; and Nelli Valmari, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA): “Internal and External Hiring: The Role of Prior Job Assignments

Ryan MichaelsUniversity of Rochester; Michele Battisti,Ifo Institute; and Choonsung Park, University of Rochester: “Labor Supply within the Firm

SESSION G03: Identity, Group Membership, and Satisfaction--Chair, Kevin Lang,Boston University
Room: Hochelaga 2

Marie Claire VillevalGATE; Tor Eriksson, Aarhus School of Business and Social Scienes; and Lei Mao, GATE: “Saving Face An Experiment on Image and Group Identity

Christian GrundRWTH Aachen University; Christine Harbring, RWTH Aachen University; and Kirsten Thommes, RWTH Aachen University: “Public Good Provision in Blended Groups of Partners and Strangers

Kevin LangBoston University, and Timothy N. Bond, Purdue University: “The Sad Truth About Happiness Scales

Donald WilliamsKent State University, and Laetitia Hauret, CEPS/INSTEAD: “Choice of Reference Group and Pay Satisfaction: Evidence from Luxembourg

SESSION G04: Education and Early Careers --Chair, Joseph Altonji,Yale University

Leslie StrattonVirginia Commonwealth University; Nabanita Datta Gupta, Aarhus University; David Reimer, Aarhus University; and Anders Holm, University of Copenhagen: “Modeling Enrollment in and Completion of Vocational Education: The Role of Academic Achievement and Program Type

Russell WeinsteinRensselaer Polytechnic Institute: “Employer Screening Costs, Recruiting Strategies, and Labor Market Outcomes: An Equilibrium Analysis of On-Campus Recruiting

Tanya WilsonRoyal Holloway, University of London: “Incentivizing Post-Compulsory Education: The Effect on Non-Educational Outcomes

Greta MorandoUniversity of Essex, and Emilia Del Bono, University of Essex: “The Destination of UK Graduates From Different Socio-Economic Backgrounds and the Great Recession

SESSION G05: Fertility and Teenage Birth– Chair, Jason Lindo,Texas A&M University
Room: Matapedia

Jason LindoTexas A&M University, NBER, and IZA, and Analisa Packham, Texas A&M University: “How Much Can Expanding Access to Long-Acting Contraceptives Reduce Teen Birth Rates

Danielle SandlerU.S. Census Bureau, andLisa SchulkindUniversity of North CarolinaThe Timing of Teenage Births and the Signaling Value of a High School Degree

Kasey BucklesUniversity of Notre Dame, and Daniel M. Hungerman, University of Notre Dame: “The Incidental Fertility Effects of School Condom Distribution Programs

Michele De NadaiUniversity of Padova; Erich Battistin, Queen Mary University, IRVAPP and IZA; and Mario Padula, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, CSEF and CEPR: “Roadblocks on the Road to Grandma’s House: Fertility Consequences of Delayed Retirement”

SESSION G06: Family Economics –Chair, DanielaAndrén,Örebro University School of Business
Room: Youville 1+2

Giulia La MattinaUniversity of South Florida, and Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: “Assisted Reproductive Technology and Women’s Choice to Pursue Professional Careers

Thomas AndrénThe Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Saco), and Daniela Andrén, Örebro University School of Business: “Women’s and Men’s Responses to In-Work Benefits: The Influence of Younger Children

Astrid Würtz RasmussenAarhus University; Petter Lundborg, Lund University; and Erik Plug, University of Amsterdam: “Children and Divorce: Evidence from IVF Treatments

Giulio ZanellaUniversity of Bologna, and Peter Rupert, University of California, Santa Barbara: “Grandchildren and Their Grandparents’ Labor Supply

SESSION G07: Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Duration--Chair, Henry Farber,Princeton University
Room: Hochelaga 4

Henry FarberPrinceton University; Daniel Silverman, Arizona State University; and Till von Wachter, University of California, Berkeley: “Do Employers Consider Unemployment Duration, Low-Quality Interim Employment, and Age in Hiring? Evidence from an Audit Study”

Hernán RuffoUTDU, and Martín González-Rozada, UTDT: “The Effects of Unemployment Insurance Under High Informality: Evidence from Argentina

James SpletzerU.S. Census Bureau; Katharine G. Abraham, University of Maryland; John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland; and Kristin Sandusky, U.S. Census Bureau: “The Consequences of Long Term Unemployment: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data

Italo GutierrezRAND Corporation: “Job Insecurity, Unemployment Insurance and On-the-Job Search

SESSION G08: Labor Market Discrimination--Chair, David Neumark,University of California, Irvine
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

David PhillipsHope College: “Neighborhood Affluence or Long Commutes: Testing Why Employers Discriminate Against Applicants from Poor Neighborhoods Using an Audit Experiment

Timothy BondPurdue University, and Jee-Yeon K. Lehmann, Analysis Group Boston: “Prejudice and Racial Matches in Employment

Joanna LaheyTexas A&M University and NBER, and Doug R. Oxley, University of Wyoming: “Discrimination at the Intersection of Age, Race, and Gender: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-field Experiment

David NeumarkUniversity of California, Irvine; Ian Burn, University of California, Irvine; and Patrick Button, University of California, Irvine: “Is There Age Discrimination in Hiring? Evidence from a Field Experiment”

SESSION G09: Program and Policy Evaluation: Methods-- Chair, Ricarda Schmidl,University of Mannheim
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Zhuan PeiBrandeis University; David Card, University of California, BerkeleyNBER and IZA; David S. Lee, Princeton University and NBER; and Andrea Weber,University of Mannheim and IZA: “Local Polynomial Order in Regression Discontinuity Designs

Steven DieterleUniversity of Edinburgh, and Andy Snell, University of Edinburgh: “A Simple Diagnostic to Investigate Instrument Validity and Heterogeneous Effects When Using a Single Instrument

Joshua HymanUniversity of Connecticut, and Robert Garlick, Duke University: “Data vs Methods: Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Alternative Sample Selection Corrections for Missing College Entrance Exam Score Data

Ricarda SchmidlUniversity of Mannheim; Gerard J. van den Berg, University of Mannheim; Marco Caliendo, Universität Potsdam; and Arne Uhlendorff, CREST: “Matching or Duration Models? A Monte Carlo Study

SESSION G10: Job Search and Early Labor Market Performance--Chair:Pedro S. Martins, Queen Mary University of London, CEG-IST, IZA
Room: Harricana

Annette HarmsUniversity of Lausanne: “Generation Internship - The Impact of Internships on Early Job Market Performance

Seung-Gyu SimUniversity of Tokyo: “On-the-job Training and On-the-job Search: Wage-Training Contracts in a Frictional Labor Market

Sofia Pessoa e CostaUniversite catholique de Louvain, CGR-QMUL , and Pedro S. Martins, Queen Mary University of London, CEG-IST, IZA: “Reemployment and Substitution Effects from Increased Activation: Evidence from Times of Crisis

Florez Luz AdrianaCentral Bank of Colombia: “Job Search Inefficiency in the Presence of Informal Sector

SESSION G11: Discrimination-- Chair, Jessica Pan,National University of Singapore
Room: Gatineau

Margaret Blume-KohoutNew Mexico Consortium and MBK Analytics: “Gender Differences in the Influence of Institutional Environments on Entrepreneurship

Vincent ChandlerQueen’s University: “Screening Discrimination in the Allocation of Graduate Scholarships

Stephan KampelmannUniversité libre de Bruxelles, and Francois Rycx, Université libre de Bruxelles: “Wage Gaps are Moving Targets: New Measurements of Wage Discrimination Against Foreigners with Firm-level Data

Jessica PanNational University of Singapore; Xiqian Cai, National University of Singapore; Yi Lu, National University of Singapore; and Songfa Zhong, National University of Singapore: “Gender Gap under Pressure: Performance and Reaction to Shocks

SESSION G12: Migration/Immigrants-- Chair, Eva Moreno Galbis,University of Angers
Room: Peribonka

Javier TorresUniversidad del Pacifico; Nicole Fortin, University of British Columbia; and Thomas Lemieux, University of British Columbia: “Foreign Human Capital and The Earnings Gap Between Immigrants and Canadian-born Workers

Esther Mirjam GirsbergerUniversity of Lausanne, “Migration, Education and Work Opportunities”

Juliane ScheffelThe University of Nottingham Ningbo China, and Yiwei Zhang, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China: “To What Extent does Rural Migration Affect the Elderly ‘Left-behind’?

Andrea VelásquezUniversity of Colorado Denver; Gabriela Farfán, World Bank; Maria Genoni, World Bank; Luis Rubalcava, CAMBS, Mexico City; Graciela Teruel,UIA, Mexico City; and Duncan Thomas, Duke University: “Selection and Assimilation of Mexican Migrants to the U.S.”

SESSION G13: Labor Supply-- Chair, Andries De Grip,Maastricht University
Room: Hochelaga 6

Che-Yuan LiangUppsala University, and Anil Kumar, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: “The Taxable Income Elasticity: A Structural Differencing Approach

Matthew RutledgeBoston College; April Yanyuan Wu, Boston College; and Francis Vitagliano, Boston College: “Do Tax Incentives Increase 401(k) Saving? Evidence from the Adoption of Catch-Up Contributions

Marion CollewetMaastricht University; Lex Borghans, Maastricht University; and Philipp Seegers, Maastricht University: “Measuring Preference for Leisure Using Hypothetical Choices

Lasse BruneYale University, and Jason Kerwin, University of Michigan: “Income Timing, Temptation and Expenditures: A Field Experiment in Malawi

SESSION G14: Topics in Education-- Chair, Joshua Goodman,Harvard University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Soohyung LeeUniversity of Maryland; Lesley J. Turner, University of Maryland; Seokjin Woo, Myongji University; and Kyunghee Kim, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation: “All or Nothing? The Impact of School and Classroom Gender Composition on Effort and Academic Achievement”

Joshua GoodmanHarvard University; Shaun Dougherty, University of Connecticut; Darryl Hill, Wake County Public Schools; Erica Litke, Harvard University; and Lindsay Page, University of Pittsburgh: “Middle School Math Acceleration and College Readiness

Peter BergmanColumbia University: “The Long-Run Impacts of School Desegregation: Evidence from Randomized Lotteries

Katja Maria KaufmannBocconi University, IGIER and CESIfo; Matthias Messner, Bocconi University, IGIER and CESIfo; and Alex Solis, Uppsala University: “Marriage Market and Intergenerational Effects of Elite Higher Education: Evidence from Chile

SESSION G15: Child Development and Skills--Chair: Melanie LuehrmannRoyal HollowayUniversity of LondonandIFS

Michael LechnerUniversity of St. Gallen; Charlotte Cabane, University of St. Gallen; and Adrian Hille, DIW Berlin: “Mozart or Pelé? The Effects of Teenagers’ Participation in Music and Sports

Roxanne KorthalsMaastricht University; Lex Borghans, Maastricht University; and Trudie Schils, Maastricht University: “The Effect of Track Placement on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills

Melanie LuehrmannRoyal HollowayUniversity of London and IFS; Joachim Winter, LMU Munich; and Marta Serra-Garcia, University of California, San Diego: “The Impact of Financial Education on Adolescents’ Intertemporal Choices

Teny ShapiroSanta Clara University, and Kevin M. Williams, University of California, Davis: “The Causal Effect of the School Day Schedule on the Academic Achievement of Adolescents

SESSION G16: Measurement in Labor Market Data-- Chair, Alexandre Mas,Princeton University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Alexandre MasPrinceton University; Alan Krueger, Princeton University; and Xiaotong Niu, Congressional Budget Office: “The Evolution of Rotation Group Bias: Will the Real Unemployment Rate Please Stand Up?

Bruce Meyer,University of ChicagoandNBER, and Nikolas Mittag,CERGE-EI/Charles University: “Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Better Measure Income: Implications for Poverty, Program Effectiveness and Holes in the Safety Net

Barry HirschGeorgia State University and IZA, Bonn; Christopher Bollinger, University of Kentucky; Charles Hokayem, Centre College; and James Ziliak, University of Kentucky: “Measuring Levels and Trends in Earnings Inequality with Nonresponse, Imputations, and Topcoding

Tommaso FrattiniUniversity of Milan; Giovanni Facchini, University of Nottingham; and Cora Signorotto, University of Milan: “Mind What Your Voters Read: Media Exposure and International Economic Policy Making

The conference ends at 12:45 on Sunday. There are no closing events.

All coffee breaks are sponsored by the Cornell University Labor Dynamics Institute

Word cloud art courtesy of Lars Vilhuber

Complete Current Program

This program is more current than the printed program
Updates are noted in red.

Podcasts of the plenary sessions are available. Click on the audio link next to the title.


Friday 26 June

7:00 – 8:30      Breakfast & Registration

8:30 – 10:15     Sessions A

SESSION A01: Absenteeism -- Chair, Andrea Ichino, European University Institute
Room: Youville 1+2

Bernd FrickUniversity of Paderborn, and Friedrich Stein, Institute for Labor and Personnel Management: “Timing Matters: Worker Absenteeism in a Weekly Backward Rotating Shift Model

Colin GreenLancaster University; Inmaculada Garcia, University of Zaragoza; and Maria Navarro, Lancaster University, “The Effect of Permanent Employment on Absenteeism: Evidence from Labour Reforms in Spain

Wolter HassinkUtrecht University; Pierre Koning, VU University of Amsterdam; and Simen Gaure, Frisch Center: “Workplace Absence in a Downsizing Firm

Seth Gershenson, American University: “Performance Standards and Employee Effort: Evidence from Teacher Absences

SESSION A02: Higher Education -- Chair, Philip Oreopoulos, University of Toronto
Room: Peribonka

Philip OreopoulosUniversity of Toronto: “Keeping College Options Open: A Field Experiment to Help All High School Seniors Through the College Application Process”

Celeste K. CarruthersUniversity of Tennessee, and Jilleah G. Welch, University of Tennessee: “Not Whether, but Where? Pell Grants and College Choices

Christopher JepsenUniversity College Dublin, and Peter Mueser, University of Missouri-Columbia: “The Benefits of Alternatives to Conventional College: Labor-Market Returns to Proprietary Schooling

Soobin KimMichigan State University: “College Enrollment over the Business Cycle: The Role of Supply Constraints

SESSION A03: Employment Contracts 1 -- Chair, Polona Domadenik, University of Ljubljana
Room: Richelieu

Alan BensonUniversity of Minnesota; Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota; and Akhmed Umyarov, University of Minnesota: “The Value of Employer Reputation in the Absence of Contract Enforcement: A Randomized Experiment

Evan StarrUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Norman Bishara, University of Michigan; and JJ Prescott, University of Michigan: “Noncompetes in the U.S. Labor Force

John J. HortonNew York University, and Joseph M. Golden, Elance-oDesk: “Reputation Inflation in a Labor Market

Silvio StaedterUniversity of Regensburg, and  Marcus Dittrich, Chemnitz University of Technology: “Regulating Bankers’ Pay: Incentive contracts and non-binding salary caps

SESSION A04: Human Capital -- Chair, Robert Willis, University of Michigan
Room: Hochelaga 2

Wei ChiTsinghua University; Richard Freeman, Harvard University and NBER; and Hongbin Li, Tsinghua University: “Education Attainment and the Labor Market in China, 1989-2013

Lei ZhangShanghai Jiao Tong University, and Yi Che, Shanghai Jiao Tong University: “Human Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence from China’s Higher Education Expansion in the Late 1990s

Christos MakridisStanford University: “The Performance Pay Premium, Human Capital, and Inequality: Evidence from Over Forty Years of Microdata”

SESSION A05: Natural Resources and Labor Markets -- Chair, Anil Kumar, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Anil KumarFederal Reserve Bank of Dallas: “Impact of Oil Boom and Bust on Human Capital Investment in the U.S.

Mallory C. VachonLouisiana State University: “The Impact of Local Labor Market Conditions on Migration: Evidence from the Bakken Oil Boom”

Joseph MarchandUniversity of Alberta, and Jeremy Weber, University of Pittsburgh: “The Labor Market and School Finance Effects of the Texas Shale Boom on Teacher Quality and Student Achievement

Andrea PellandraCarnegie Mellon University: “The Commodity Price Boom and Regional Workers in Chile: A Natural Resources Blessing?

SESSION A06: Unemployment Insurance -- Chair, Craig Riddell, University of British Columbia
Room: Hochelaga 6

Andrey FradkinNBER, and Scott R. Baker, Northwestern University: “The Impact of Unemployment Insurance on Job Search:Evidence from Google Search Data

Thomas Le BarbanchonCREST: “Optimal Partial Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from Bunching in the U.S.

Victoria ProwseCornell University, and Peter Haan, DIW Berlin and Fu Berlin:: Optimal Unemployment Insurance and Social Assistance in a Life-cycle model of Family Labor Supply and Savings

Hanna PesolaVATT, and Tomi Kyyrä, VATT: The Effects of Higher Unemployment Insurance Benefits on Subsequent Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from an RKD Approach

SESSION A07: Health Care and Labor Markets -- Chair, Rita Ginja, Uppsala University
Room: Ramezay

Matthias SchönUniversity of Cologne: “Unemployment, Sick Leave and Health

Bradley T. HeimIndiana University, and Kate Yang, Indiana University: “The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Self-Employment: Early Evidence

Rita GinjaUppsala University; Gabriella Conti, UCL, IFS, and NBER; and Renata Narita, São Paulo University: Equilibrium Labor Market Effects of Non-Contributory Health Insurance: Evidence from Mexico

SESSION A08: Training and Active Labor Market Policies -- Chair, Jeff Smith, University of Michigan
Room: Matapedia

Jeffrey SmithUniversity of Michigan; Fredrik Andersson, U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; Harry J. Holzer, Georgetown University; Julia I. Lane, American Institutes of Research; and David Rosenblum, Cornell University: “Does Federally-Funded Job Training Work? Nonexperimental Estimates of WIA Training Impacts Using Longitudinal Data on Workers and Firms

Steffen KünnIZA; Marco Caliendo, University of Potsdam; and Robert Mahlstedt, IZA: “The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed

Johan VikströmIFAU-Uppsala, and Gerard J. Van den Berg, University of Mannheim: Long-Run Effects of Active Labor Market Policy Programs

Marina FurdasAlbert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Olga Orlanski, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg; Bernd Fitzenberger, Humboldt-University Berlin, and Christoph Sajons, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg: “End-of-Year Spending and the Long-Run Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed

SESSION A09: Parental Influences on Education or Early Careers
Chair, Marianne Page, University of California, Davis
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Michael KindRheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung: “Start Me Up -- How Fathers’ Unemployment Affects their Sons’ School-to-Work Transitions

Ilan TojerowUniversité Libre de Bruxelles; Andrey Fradkin, NBER; and Frédéric Panier, Stanford University: “The Effect of Parental Income Shocks on Early Career Outcomes

Arnaud ChevalierIZA, and Olivier Marie, University of Maastricht, “Economic Uncertainty, Parental Selection, and the Educational Outcome of the ‘Children of the Wall’ 

Valentin WagnerUniversity of Düsseldorf, and Gerhard Riener, University of Düsseldorf : “Peers or Parents? On the Working of Social Incentives in School: Evidence from a Large-Scaled Field Experiment in Germany”

SESSION A10: Immigration Policies -- Chair, Tara Watson, Williams College
Room: Hochelaga 5

Tara WatsonWilliams College: “Enforcement and Immigrant Location Choice

Tobias MüllerUniversity of Geneva, and Roman Graf, University of Geneva: The Effects of the Free Movement of Persons on the Distribution of Wages in Switzerland

Mariola PytlikovaVŠB-Technical University Ostrava; Adsera Alicia, Princeton University; and John Palmer, ICREA Movement Ecology Laboratory (CEAB-CSIC & CREAF): Border Controls, Benefits, and Rights: How States Shape Migration Patterns in a World of Multiple Origins and Destinations

Judith SaurerIfo Institute, and Christina Felfe, University of St. Gallen: Granting Birthright Citizenship -- A Door Opener for Immigrant Children’s Educational Participation and Success?

SESSION A11: Trade and Labor Demand -- Chair, Francis KramarzCREST(ENSAE)
Room: Hochelaga 3

Nathalie PicarelliLondon School of Economics: “Who Really Benefits from Export Processing Zones? Estimating Distributional Effects Within Nicaraguan Municipalities

Francis KramarzCREST(ENSAE); Jonathan Eaton, Brown University; and Sam Kortum, Yale University: “Firm-to-Firm Trade: Imports, Exports, and the Labor Market

Michael SiegenthalerKOF Swiss Economic Institute, and Boris Kaiser, University of Bern: The Skill-Biased Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations

Selva BazikiUppsala University; Rita Ginja, Uppsala University; and Teodora Borota Milicevic, Uppsala University: “Import Competition and Technological Changes: Mobility of Workers and Firms

SESSION A12: Labor Markets and Crime -- Chair, Glen Waddell, University of Oregon
Room: Harricana

Briggs DepewLouisiana State University, and Ozkan Eren, Louisiana State University: “Test-Based Promotion Policies, Dropping Out, and Juvenile Crime

Matthew LindquistStockholm University, and Yves Zenou, Stockholm University: “Key Players in Co-Offending Networks

Olivier MarieMaastricht University, and Ulf Zölitz, IZA: “ ‘High’ Achievers? Cannabis Access and Academic Performance

Glen WaddellUniversity of Oregon, and Benjamin Hansen, University of Oregon: “Walk Like a Man: Do Juvenile Offenders Respond to Being Tried as Adults?

SESSION A13: Marriage and Work -- Chair, Aloysius Siow, University of Toronto
Room: Saint-Francois

Aloysius SiowUniversity of Toronto, and Ismael Mourifié, University of Toronto: “Cohabitation versus Marriage: Marriage Matching with Peer Effects”

Hani MansourUniversity of Colorado, Denver, and Terra McKinnish, University of Colorado, Boulder: “Same-Occupation Spouses: Preferences and Search Costs

Dan AnderbergRoyal Holloway University of London; Jesper Bagger, Royal Holloway University of London; V. Bhaskar, University of Texas at Austin; and Tanya Wilson,Royal Holloway University of London: “An Equilibrium Trade-Off between Age and Qualification? Evidence from Marriage Market Adjustments over a UK Educational Reform

Claudia OlivettiBoston University; Marianne Bertrand, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago; Patricia Cortes, School of Management, Boston University; and Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore: “Social Norms, Labor Market Opportunities, and the Marriage Market Penalty for Skilled Women

SESSION A14: Financial Crisis and the Labor Market -- Chair, Lars Vilhuber, Cornell University
Room: Gatineau

Paige OuimetKenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina, and Elena Simintzi, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia: “Wages and Firm Performance: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis

Gregory VerdugoBanque de France: “Real Wage Cyclicality in the Euro Zone Before and During the Great Recession: Evidence from Micro-Data”

Priscila FerreiraUniversity of Minho, and Ana P. Fernandes, University of Exeter: “Financing Constraints and Fixed Term Employment Contracts: Evidence from the Global Financial Crisis

Amparo Nagore GarciaUniversity of Valencia, and Arthur van Soest, Tilburg University: “New Job Matches and Their Stability Before and During the Crisis

SESSION A15: Minimum Wages and In-Work Tax Credits -- Chair, Marianne Bitler, University of California, Irvine
Room: Hochelaga 4

Maggie R. JonesU.S. Census Bureau: “Measuring the Effects of the Tipped Minimum Wage Using W-2 Data

Day ManoliUniversity of Texas at Austin; Ankur Patel, U.S. Treasury; and Nick Turner, U.S. Treasury: “The Minimum Wage, Earned Income Tax Credit and Labor Supply

Marianne BitlerUniversity of California, Irvine; Hilary Hoynes, University of California, Berkeley; and Elira Kuka, University of California, Davis: “Do In-Work Tax Credits Serve as a Safety Net?

Ankur J. PatelU.S. Department of the Treasury, and Hilary W. Hoynes, University of California, Berkeley: “The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Distribution of Income

SESSION A16: Gender Gaps -- Chair, Francine D. Blau, Cornell University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Nicole FortinUniversity of British Columbia, and Yann Algan, Sciences Po: “Computer Gaming and Test Scores: Cross-Country Gender Differences among Teenagers

Núria Rodríguez-PlanasQueens College of CUNY; Natalia Nollenberger, Queen Mary University of London; and Almudena Sevilla, Queen Mary University of London: “The Math Gender Gap: The Role of Culture

Xiaoyu XiaChinese University of Hong Kong: “Forming Wage Expectations through Learning: Evidence from College Major Choice

Ohto KanninenEuropean University Institute, and Laurent Bossavie, European University Institute: “The Gender Gap Reversal in Education: the Higher Male Dispersion Theory

10.15-11:00  Coffee Break

POSTER SESSION I -- 10.15 am – 4:30 pm
Room: Jolliet-Duluth-Mackenzie


Demand, Supply, Wages


Yu YangPeking University; David Ong, Peking University; Ho Fai Chan, Queensland University of Technology; and BennoTorgler, Queensland University of Technology: “Endogenous Selection into Single and Coauthorships by Surnames in Economics and Management

Lei XuMcGill University; Tingting Nian, NYU; and Luis Cabral, NYU: “What Makes Geeks Tick? A Study of Stack Overflow Careers

Elisabeth LångLinköping University, and Paul Nystedt, Jönköping International Business School: “Does Tallness Pay Off in the Long Run? Height and Life-Cycle Earnings

Daniel Fernandez-Kranz, IE-Business School, and Nuria Rodriguez-Planas, City University of New York (CUNY) - Queens College, “The Perfect Storm: Graduating in a Recession in a Segmented Labor Market

Labor Supply

Filip PertoldCERGE-EI: “What If They Take It All? Heterogeneous Impact of Zero Replacement Rates on Sickness Absence

Martin MicheliRWI: “Does Height Affect Labor Supply? Implications of Product Variety and Caloric Needs

Personnel Economics

Wendelin SchnedlerUniversity of Bristol, “Incentives and Misdirected Effort”

Lucy StokesNIESR; Alex Bryson, NIESR, CEP and IZA; John Forth, NIESR; and  Martin Weale, University of London: “Who Fared Better? The Fortunes of Performance-Pay and Fixed-Pay Workers Through Recession

Sabrina JeworrekUniversity of Trier, and Laszlo Goerke, University of Trier: “Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Councils

Topics in Discrimination

Atsuko TanakaUniversity of Calgary: “Employee Loyalty, Training, and Female Labor Supply

Andrea WeberUniversity of Mannheim; Christine Zulehner, University of Frankfurt; and Rosa Weber, London School of Economics: “Equal Pay for Equal Work – the Role of Women in the Labor Market

Sven-Kristjan BormannUniversity of Tartu ; Svetlana Ridala, University of Technology; and Ott-Siim Toomet, University of Tartu: “Language Skills in an Ethnically Segmented Labor Market: Estonia 1989 – 2012

Elizabeth HandwerkerU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Increased Concentration of Occupations, Outsourcing, and Growing Wage Inequality in the United States

Education, Training, Human Capital

Compulsory Education

Hans Henrik SievertsenDanish National Centre for Social Research, and Thomas S. Dee, Stanford University: “School Starting Age and Non-Cognitive Skills

Sabrina PabiloniaU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Jeffrey A. Groen, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Snooze or Lose: High School Start Times and Academic Achievement

Michael DörsamUniversity of Konstanz, and Verena Lauber, University of Konstanz: “The Effect of a Compressed High School Curriculum on University Performance

Eleanor ChoiHanyang University; Hyungsik Roger Moon, USC and Yonsei University; and Geert Ridder, University of Southern California: “Using Within-District Random Student Assignment to Estimate Average Partial Effects of Single-Sex Schooling and School Resources on Academic Achievement

Jeffrey PenneyQueen’s University: “Test Score Measurement, Value-Added Models, and the Black-White Test Score Gap

Angus HolfordUniversity of Essex: “Youth Employment and Academic Performance: Production Functions and Policy Effects

Marc PiopiunikIfo Institute Munich; Simon Wiederhold, Ifo Institute Munich; and Eric A. Hanushek Hoover Institution, Stanford University, “The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance

Vincenzo AndriettiUniversità “G. d’Annunzio“ di Chieti e Pescara: “The Causal Effects of Increased Learning Intensity on Student Achievement: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Higher Education

Ahmed RahmanU.S. Naval Academy; Ryan Brady, U.S. Naval Academy; and Michael Insler, U.S. Naval Academy: “Are You Really the Company You Keep? Reconciling Negative Peer Effects in College Achievement

Tommaso ColussiIZA: “Social Ties in Academia”

Arjan NonMaastricht University, and Dirk Tempelaar, Maastricht University: “Time Preferences, Study Effort, and Academic Performance

Jake AndersNational Institute of Economic and Social Research: “The Influence of Socio-economic Status on Changes to Young People’s Expectations of Applying to University

 Family Marriage & Work, Health

Allocation within the Household

Nicholas MontgomeryUniversity of Maryland: “Unemployment and Intra-household Time Allocation

Lionel WilnerCREST (INSEE): “Who’s Gonna Watch the Kids? Evidence from Linked Employer-Employee Data

Lina Cardona-SosaCentral Bank of Colombia; Javier Baez, World Bank; Juan Baron, World Bank, IZA; and Mathias Sinning, University of Queensland, RWI, IZA: “The Role of Fertility on Women Empowerement in Latin America

Fertility Decisions

Daniel HamermeshUniversity of Texas; Hielke Buddelmeyer; Melbourne University; and Mark Wooden, Melbourne University, DIW, IZA “The Psychic Cost of Children

Eirin MøllandNorwegian School of Economics: “Benefits from Delay? The Effect of Abortion Avilability on Young Women

Melanie GuldiUniversity of Central Florida, and Chris M. Herbst, Arizona State University: “Offline Effects of Online Connecting: The Impact of Broadband Diffusion on Teen Fertility Decisions

Gender Topics

Bertrand GarbintiCREST – INSEE; Carole Bonnet, INED; and Anne Solaz, INED: “Do Women Really Bear the Cost of Divorce? New Evidences Based on French Administrative Data”

Melanie Schröder, Universität Hamburg; Norma Schmitt, DIW Berlin; Miriam Beblo, Universität Hamburg; and Denis Beninger, Universität Hamburg: “Behavioral Effects of Gender Identity Priming - Evidence From an Incentivized Choice Experiment”

Jeanne LafortunePonticia Universidad Catolica de Chile and Murat Iyiguny, University of Colorado: “Why Wait? A Century of Education, Marriage Timing and Gender Roles

Luise GoergesUniversitaet Hamburg, and Miriam Beblo, Universitaet Hamburg: “Breaking Down the Wall between Nature and Nurture: An Exploration of Gendered Work Preferences in East and West Germany

Hiroko OkudairaOkayama University; Yusuke Kinari, Kyushu University; Noriko Mizutani, Institute for Research on Household Economics; Fumio Ohtake, Osaka University; and Akira Kawaguchi, Doshisha University: “Older Sisters and Younger Brothers:The Impact of Siblings on Preference for Competition

Migration, Regional Labour Markets


Jens RuhoseIfo Institute; Matthias Parey, University of Essex; Fabian Waldinger, University of Warwick; and Nicolai Netz, DZHW: “The Selection of High-Skilled Migrants

Hugh CassidyKansas State University: “The Occupational Attainment of Natives and Immigrants: A Cross-Cohort Analysis

Yu AokiIZA and University of Aberdeen, and Lualhati Santiago UK Office for National Statistics, “Fertility, Health and Education of UK Immigrants: The Role of English Language Skills

Sholeh MaaniUniversity of Auckland, and Xingang Wang University of Auckland, “Network Effects, Ethnic Capital and Immigrants’ Earnings Assimilation: Evidence from a Spatial, Hausman-Taylor Estimation


Sarah PearlmanVassar College; Emily Conover, Hamilton College; and Melanie Khamis, Wesleyan University: “Missing Men and Female Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Large-Scale Mexican Migration

Claudio LabancaUniversity of California, San Diego: “The Effects of a Temporary Migration Shock: Evidence from the Arab Spring Migration towards Italy

Dafeng XuCornell University, “Social Networks and High-Skilled Immigration: Evidence from French Football Players in England

Artjoms IvlevsUniversity of the West of England, “Remittances and informal employment: evidence from transition economies

Policy Evaluation, Unemployment, Retirement

Labour Markets and Crime

Patrick BennettCopenhagen Business School, Amine Ouazad INSEAD, “Job Displacement and Crime

Policy Evaluation

Andrew Hood, Mike Brewer, James Browne, Carl Emmerson, and Robert Joyce, Institute for Fiscal Studies: “The Incidence of Targeted Housing Subsidies: Evidence from Reforms to UK Housing Benefit

Helge LiebertUniversity of St. Gallen: “Screening Technology and Moral Hazard in Disability Insurance: Identifying Misclassification

Ragnhild Camilla SchreinerThe Frisch Centre/University of Oslo; Simen Markussen, The Frisch Centre; Knut Røed, The Frisch Centre: “Can Compulsory Dialogs Nudge Sick-Listed Workers Back to Work?

Andreas MoczallInstitute for Employment Research (IAB): “The Effect of Hiring Subsidies on Regular Wages

Nynke De GrootFree University Amsterdam, and Pierre Koning, Free University Amsterdam: “Assessing the Intended and Unintended Effects of Disability Insurance Experience Rating. The Case of the Netherlands

Kenneth Lykke SørensenAarhus University: “Heterogenous Effects on Earnings from an Early Effort in Labor Market Programs

11:00 – 12:30 Invited Sessions

1. Early Childhood Development and the Labor Market – Chair: Anna Aizer, Brown University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Uta Schönberg
University College London; Thomas Cornelissen, University College London; Christian Dustmann, University College London; and Anna Raute, University of Mannheim: “Who Benefits from Universal Childcare? Estimating Marginal Returns to Early Childcare Attendance”

Sandra Black
University of Texas at Austin; Paul Devereux, University College Dublin; Petter Lundborg, Lunds University and IZA Bonn; and Kaveh Majlesi, Lunds University: “On the Origins of Risk-Taking”

2. Inequality, Polarization, and Family Outcomes – Chair, David Green, 
University of British Columbia
Room: Hochelaga 4

David AutorMIT; David Dorn, University of Zurich and IZA; and Gordon Hanson, University of California, San Diego and NBER: “The Labor Market and Marriage Market: How Adverse Employment Shocks Affect Marriage, Fertility, and Children’s Living Circumstances”

Alan Manning, London School of Economics: “Job Polarization and Inequality”

3. New Approaches to Measuring Entrepreneurship, sponsored by the Kauffman Foundation
Chair, Audrey Light, Ohio State University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Ron S. Jarmin
U.S. Census Bureau; Ryan A. Decker, University of Maryland; John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland; and Javier Miranda, U.S. Census Bureau: “Where Has All the Skewness Gone? The Decline in High-Growth (Young) Firms in the U.S.

Audrey LightOhio State University, and Robert Munk, Ohio State University: “Business Ownership vs. Self-Employment

Kathryn ShawStanford University, and Francine Lafontaine, University of Michigan: “Serial Entrepreneurship: Learning by Doing?

12:30 - 2:00 pm First Plenary and Lunch
Al Rees Lecture
Introduction of the Speaker
: Janet Currie, 
Princeton University
Enrico Morett
i, University of California, Berkeley: “Labor in Space: The Changing Geography of Employment and Wages and Why It Matters”

2:00-3:45 pm Sessions

SESSION B01: Worker-Firm Models -- Chair, John Abowd, Cornell University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Ian M. SchmutteUniversity of Georgia; John M. Abowd, Cornell University; Francis Kramarz, CREST (ENSAE); Sébastien Pérez-Duarte, European Central Bank: “Sorting Between and Within Industries: A Testable Model of Assortative Matching


Kurt LavettiOhio State University, and Ian M. Schmutte, University of Georgia: “Estimating Compensating Wage Differentials with Endogenous Job Mobility

Isaac SorkinUniversity of Michigan: “Ranking Firms Using Revealed Preference

Ted ToUS Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Paul Sullivan, US Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Job Dispersion and Compensating Wage Differentials

SESSION B02: Labor Markets and the Great Recession -- Chair, Thomas Lemieux, Univesity of British Columbia
Room: Peribonka

Semih TumenCentral Bank of the Republic of Turkey; Binnur Balkan, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey; and Yusuf Soner Baskaya, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey: “Evaluating the Impact of the Post-2008 Employment Subsidy Program in Turkey

Etienne Lalé, University of Bristol, and Daniel Borowczyk-Martins, Sciences Po and IZA: “Employment Adjustment and Part-time Jobs: The US and the UK in the Great Recession

Yolanda F. Rebollo-SanzUniversidad Pablo Olavide, and Núria Rodríguez-Planas, Queens College of CUNY: “When the Going Gets Tough... Reducing Benefits in the Aftermath of the Great Recession

Bart CockxGhent University, and Corinna Ghirelli, Université catholique de Louvain: “Scars of Recessions in a Rigid Labor Market

SESSION B03: Early Childhood -- Chair, Alan Barreca, Tulane University
Room: Youville 1+2

Catherine HaeckUniversité du Québec à Montréal, and Pierre Lefebvre, Université du Québec à Montréal: “A Simple Recipe: Estimating the Effect of a Prenatal Nutrition Program on Child Health at Birth

Elaine M. LiuUniversity of Houston; Jin-Tan Liu, National Taiwan University; and Tzu-Yin Hazel Tseng, University of Houston: “The Impact of a Natural Disaster on the Incidence of Fetal Losses and Pregnancy Outcomes

Alan BarrecaTulane University; Olivier Deschenes, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Melanie Guldi, University of Central Florida: “Maybe Next Month? The Dynamic Effects of Ambient Temperature on Fertility

Seetha MenonUniversity of Essex: “Unfinished Lives: The Effect of Domestic Violence on Neonatal and Infant Mortality

SESSION B04: Personnel Economics/Incentives -- Chair, Barry Hirsch, Georgia State University
Room: Richelieu

Darren GrantSam Houston State University: “The Essential Economics of Threshold-Based Incentives: Theory and Estimation

Orie ShelefStanford University, and Amy Nguyen-Chyung, University of Michigan: “Selecting Among High-Powered Incentives: Evidence from Real Estate Agent Careers”

Diane AlexanderPrinceton University: “Do Doctors Engage in Risk Selection? Unintended Consequences of Paying Doctors to Reduce Costs

Elliott AshColumbia University, and Bentley W. MacLeod, Columbia University: “Intrinsic Motivation in Public Service: Theory and Evidence from State Supreme Courts

SESSION B05: High School Dropout and College Costs -- Chair, Elizabeth Cascio, Dartmouth College
Room: Hochelaga 2

Jeffrey T. DenningUniversity of Texas at Austin: “College on the Cheap: Costs and Benefits of Community College

Lesley J. TurnerUniversity of Maryland, and Benjamin M. Marx, University of Illinois: “Borrowing Trouble? Student Loans, the Cost of Borrowing, and Implications for the Effectiveness of Need-Based Grant Aid

Eric MaurinParis School of Economics-EHESS; Dominique Goux, CREST; and Marc Gurgand, Paris School of Economics-CNRS: “Adjusting Your Dreams? High School Plans and Dropout Behavior

Elizabeth U. CascioDartmouth College, and Ayushi Narayan, Dartmouth College: “Who Needs a Fracking Education? The Educational Response to Low-Skill Biased Technological Change

SESSION B06: Heterogeneity in Human Capital and Inequality -- Chair, Lawrence Kahn, Cornell University
Room: Hochelaga 6

Gustavo GonzagaPUC-Rio ; Eduardo Fraga, Yale University; and Rodrigo R. Soares, Sao Paulo School of Economics: “Selection on Ability and the Early Career Growth in the Gender Wage Gap

Patricia CortésBoston University, and Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore: “When Time Binds: Returns to Working Long Hours and the Gender Wage Gap among the Highly Skilled

Jan SauermannStockholm University; Friederike Mengel, University of Essex; and Ulf Zoelitz, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA): “Gender Bias in Performance Evaluations

Hideo OwanThe University of Tokyo; Daiji Kawaguchi, Hitotsubashi University; and Kazuteru Takahashi, The University of Tokyo: “Biases in Subjective Performance Evaluation

SESSION B07: Job Displacement -- Chair, Andrea Weber, University of Mannheim
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Peter UrwinUniversity of Westminster; Dave Bibby, Fischer Family Trust; Augusto Cerqua, University of Westminster; and Dave Thomson, Fischer Family Trust: “Estimating the Returns to Achievement in Training for the Unemployed in England Using ILR-WPLS Administrative Data

André NolteCentre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, and Nicole Gürtzgen, Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, and University of Mannheim: “Changing Fortunes During Economic Transition: Low-Wage Persistence Before and After German Unification

Andreas KettemannUniversity of Zurich; Francis Kramarz, CREST-ENSAE; and Josef Zweimüller, University of Zurich: “Beyond Severance Pay: Labor Market Responses to the Introduction of Occupational Pensions in Austria

Hyunseob KimCornell University; John R. Graham, Duke University; Si Li, Wilfrid Laurier University; and Jiaping Qiu, McMaster University: “The Labor Impact of Corporate Bankruptcy: Evidence from Worker-Firm Matched Data

SESSION B08: Immigration -- Chair, George Borjas, Harvard University
Room: Hochelaga 3

George BorjasHarvard University, and Kirk B. Doran, University of Notre Dame, and Ying Shen, University of Notre Dame: “Ethnic Complementarities after the Opening of China: How Chinese Graduate Students Affected the Productivity of Their Advisors

Francisca AntmanUniversity of Colorado, Boulder; Brian Duncan, University of Colorado, Denver; and Stephen J. Trejo, University of Texas, Austin: “Ethnic Attrition, Assimilation, and the Measured Health Outcomes of Mexican Americans

Joan LlullUniversitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and Robert A. Miller, Carnegie Mellon University: “The Lost Generation

Martin LjungeResearch Institute of Industrial Economics: “Inherited Trust Predicts Labor Supply, Human Capital and Occupational Status: Evidence from Children of Immigrants”

SESSION B09: Work and Welfare -- Chair, James Ziliak, University of Kentucky
Room: Ramezay

Vincent PohlQueen’s University; Steven F. Lehrer, Queen’s University; and Kyungchul Song, University of British Columbia: “Reinvestigating How Welfare Reform Inuences Labor Supply: A Multiple Testing Approach

Sofie T. Nyland BrodersenAarhus University, “Long-Run Outcomes of a Danish Welfare-to-Work Experiment

Mike BrewerUniversity of Essex, and Jonathan Cribb, Institute for Fiscal Studies: “Lone Parents, Time-Limited In-Work Benefits and the Dynamics of Work and Welfare

Aaron SojournerUniversity of Minnesota, and Jose Pacas, University of Minnesota: “Union Card or Welfare Card? Evidence on the Relationship between Union Membership and Net Fiscal Impact at the Individual Worker Level

SESSION B10: Female Labor Supply and Fertility -- Chair, Anna Raute, University of Mannheim
Room: Matapedia

Anna RauteUniversity of Mannheim: “Do Financial Incentives Affect Fertility - Evidence from a Reform in Maternity Leave Benefits

Jan KabátekTilburg University: “Labour Supply, Fertility and Childcare Decisions: A Structural Analysis of Fiscal Stimuli for Working Mothers

Delia FurtadoUniversity of Connecticut: “Fertility Responses of High-Skilled Native Women to Immigrant Inflows

Agnese RomitiIAB - Institute for Employment Research: “The Effects of Immigration on Household Services, Labor Supply and Fertility

SESSION B11: Unemployment/Job Search -- Chair, Alexandra Spitz-Oener, Humboldt University Berlin
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Marta LachowskaW.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research; Merve Meral, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; and Stephen A. Woodbury, Michigan State University: “Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Work Test on Long-Term Employment Outcomes

Jeremy SchwartzLoyola University Maryland: “The Job Search Intensity Supply Curve: How Labor Market Conditions Affect Job Search Effort

Jason R. FabermanFederal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and Marianna Kudlyak, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: “The Intensity of Job Search and Search Duration

Anna ZaharievaBielefeld University, and Yuliia Stupnytska, Bielefeld University: “Explaining the U-shape of the Referral Hiring Pattern in a Search Model with Heterogeneous Workers

SESSION B12: Earnings, Wealth, and Savings --  Chair, Dan Hamermesh, University of Texas at Austin
Room: Hochelaga 5

Stefano AlderighiUniversity of Essex: “Assessing the Correlation between Labour Income Risk and Household Portfolio Investment in Risky Assets: Evidence from Italian Longitudinal Data

Joan MonrasSciences Po: “Economic Shocks and Internal Migration

Karina DoorleyCEPS/INSTEAD, and Nico Pestel, IZA: “Labor Supply Effects of Wealth Shocks: Evidence for Germany

Raun Van OoijenUniversity of Groningen, and Mauro Mastrogiacomo, VU University Amsterdam: “Policy Uncertainty and Precautionary Savings: Does a Possible Reduction of the Mortgage Interest Deduction Increase Savings in the Netherlands?

SESSION B13: Intergenerational Mobility 1 -- Chair, Kjell Salvanes, Norwegian School of Economics
Room: Harricana

Matthias WestphalUniversity of Duisburg-Essen; Claudia Andreella, University of Duisburg-Essen; Martin Karlsson, University of Duisburg-Essen; and Therese Nilsson, Lund University: “Intergenerational Transmission of Health in Times of Crisis

Stefa HirschMaastricht University, and Paul Jungbluth, Maastricht University: “Parental Education and Schooling Outcomes – Evidence from Panel Data on Overall Development and Within Year Patterns in Primary School

Lennart ZieglerUniversity of Amsterdam; Erik Plug, University of Amsterdam; and Bas Van der Klaauw, VU University Amsterdam: “Can Educational Expansion of Parents Explain Polarised Earnings of Children?

Torsten SantavirtaSwedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), and Markus Jäntti, Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI): “Importance of Family Background for Economic Status – Evidence from Child Evacuations

SESSION B14: Impacts of Teachers and Schools -- Chair, Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley
Room: Saint-Francois

Jesse RothsteinUniversity of California, Berkeley: “Revisiting the Impacts of Teachers

Richard MurphyUniversity of Texas at Austin: “Trade Unions in the Age of Litigation

Chris WaltersUniversity of California, Berkeley; Josh Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Peter Hull, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Parag Pathak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “Leveraging Lotteries for School Value-Added: Bias Reduction vs. Efficiency

Michael CoelliUniversity of Melbourne; David Figlio, Northwestern University; Gigi Foster, University of NSW; and Andrew Leigh, Australian Commonwealth MP: “Does Public Monitoring Affect Private School Performance? The Case of Australia”

SESSION B15: Labor Supply, Firm Creation, and Skills -- Chair, John Kennan, University of Wisconsin
Room: Gatineau

Gabriel UlysseaPUC-Rio; Rudi Rocha, UFRJ; and Laísa Rachter, UFRJ: “Do Entry Regulation and Taxes Hinder Firm Creation and Formalization? Evidence from Brazil

Cindy ZoghiU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Robert D. Mohr, University of New Hampshire: “Using Tools and Tasks to Distinguish General and Occupation-Specific Skills

Markus JanserInstitute for Employment Research, Nuremberg, and Jens Horbach, University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg: “The Role of Innovation and Agglomeration for Employment Growth in the Environmental Sector

Sabien DobbelaereVU University Amsterdam, and Mark Vancauteren, Hasselt University: “Market Imperfections, Skills and Total Factor Productivity: Firm-Level Evidence on Belgium and the Netherlands

SESSION B16: Intrahousehold Economics -- Chair, Marjorie McElroy, Duke University
Room: Hochelaga 4

David M. BlauOhio State University, and Ryan M. Goodstein, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: “Commitment in the Household: Evidence from the Effect of Inheritances on the Labor Supply of Older Married Couples

Rachel HeathUniversity of Washington, and Xu Tan, University of Washington: “Intrahousehold Bargaining, Female Autonomy, and Labor Supply: Theory and Evidence from India

Caio PizaUniversity of Sussex; Richard Dickens, University of Sussex; and Andrew McKay, University of Sussex: “Intrahousehold Causal Effects of a Child Labour Ban

Robert GarlickDuke University, and Manuela Angelucci, University of Michigan: “Heterogeneity and Aggregation: Testing for Efficiency in Intra-Household Allocation

3:45-4:30 -- Coffee Break/Poster Session I continued

4:30-5:45 Sessions C

SESSION C01: Research Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the NLS -- Chair: Audrey Light, Ohio State University
Room: Saint-Francois

Solomon W. PolachekState University of New York at Binghamton; Tirthatanmoy Das, University of Central Florida; and Rewat Thamma-Apiroam, Kasetsart University, Thailand: “Heterogeneity in the Production of Human Capital

Meghan SkiraUniversity of Georgia; Andrew Beauchamp, Boston College; Geoffrey Sanzenbacher, Boston College; and Shannon Seitz, Analysis Group: “Single Moms and Deadbeat Dads: The Role of Earnings, Marriage Market Conditions, and Preference Heterogeneity

Harley Frazis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Mark A. Loewenstein, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Training and Jobs Across the Career:  An Empirical Investigation

SESSION C02: Intergenerational Mobility 2 -- Chair, Bruce Weinberg, Ohio State University
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Bruce WeinbergOhio State University: “Does Quality Time Produce Quality Children? Evidence on the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital Using Parental Deaths

Yu ZhuUniversity of Dundee; J. Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal, University of Zaragoza; and José Alberto Molina, University of Zaragoza: “Intergenerational mobility of Housework Time in the United Kingdom

Tuomas PekkarinenAalto University; Kjell Salvanes, NHH; and Matti Sarvimäki, Aalto University: “The Evolution of Social Mobility: Norway over the 20th Century

SESSION C03: Retirement and Disability -- Chair, Kathleen J. Mullen, RAND and IZA
Room: Youville 1+2

Pedro S. RaposoUniversidade Catolica Portuguesa, and Pedro Portugal, Banco de Portugal: “Seriously Strengthening the Tax-Benefit Link

Kathleen J. MullenRAND and IZA; Matthew J. Hill, University of Pompeu Fabra and RAND; Nicole Maestas, RAND: “Employer Accommodation and Labor Supply of Disabled Workers

Alice HenriquesBoard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Sebastian Devlin-Foltz, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; and John Sabelhaus, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: “The Evolution of Retirement Wealth

SESSION C04: Signaling and Human Capital -- Chair, Michael Waldman, Cornell University
Room: Gatineau

Michael WaldmanCornell University: “The Dual Avenues of Labor Market Signaling

Kristoffer MarkwardtSFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research, and Paul Bingley, SFI - The Danish National Centre for Social Research: “Signaling and Productivity in the Private Financial Returns to Schooling

Alex EbleBrown University, and Feng Hu, University of Science and Technology Beijing: “On the Relative Importance of Signaling and Human Capital Accumulation: Evidence from China

SESSION C05: Early Investments in Human Capital -- Chair, Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota
Room: Peribonka

Josh KinslerUniversity of Rochester; Ronni Pavan, Royal Holloway, University of London; and Richard DiSalvo, University of Rochester: “Distorted Beliefs and Parental Investment in Children

Juan ChaparroUniversity of Minnesota, and Aaron SojournerUniversity of Minnesota: “Early Production of Cognitive Skill: Evidence from Randomly-Assigned Childcare Prices and Pre-natal Investments

Limor Golan,Washington University in St. Louis; George-Levi Gayle, Washington University in St. Louis; and Mehmet A. Soytas, Ozyegin University: “Estimation of Dynastic Life-Cycle Discrete Choice Models

SESSION C06: Minimum Wages -- Chair, Nicole Fortin, University of British Columbia
Room: Hochelaga 4

Federico ZilioUniversity of Essex; Mike Brewer, University of Essex; and Thomas Crossley, University of Essex: “What We Really Know about the Employment Impact of the National Minimum Wage? An Illustration of the Low Power of Difference in Differences Studies

Hyejin KuUniversity College London: “The Power and the Perils of Higher Piece Rates: The Role of Capacity Constraints”

Romain AeberhardtDARES-CREST; Pauline Givord, INSEE - CREST; and Claire Marbot, INSEE-CREST: “Spillover Effect of the Minimum Wage in France: An Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach

SESSION C07: Severance Pay and Financial Incentives -- Chair, Tito Boeri, Bocconi University
Room: Kamouraska 1 + 2

Tito BoeriBocconi University; Pietro Garibaldi, Collegio Carlo Alberto; and Espen R. Moen, University of Oslo: “Severance Pay

Clémence BersonBanque de France, and Nicolas Ferrari, Direction Générale du Trésor: “Financial Incentives and Labor Market Duality

Samuel DanthineENSAI; Stéphane Auray, ENSAI; and Markus Poschke, McGill: “Mandated versus Negotiated Severance Pay

SESSION C08: Job Finding Rates, Returns to Schooling, and Occupational Task Prices -- Chair: David A. Green, University of British Columbia
Room: Harricana

Ana Rute Cardoso, IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE; Paulo Guimaraes, Bank of Portugal and Universidade do Porto; Pedro Portugal, Bank of Portugal and Universidade Nova de Lisboa; and Hugo Reis, Bank of Portugal: “What Lies Behind the Returns to Schooling? The Role of Firm Level Heterogeneity

Fabian LangeMcGill University, and Marianna Kudlyak, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond: “Measuring Heterogeneity in Job Finding Rates Among the Nonemployed using Labor Force Status Histories

David A. GreenUniversity of British Columbia, and Peter GottschalkBoston College: “Taking Selection to Task: Bounds on Trends in Occupational Task Prices for the U.S., 1984-2013

SESSION C09: Job Polarization -- Chair, Alan Manning, London School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 6

Yuming FuNational University of Singapore, and Yang Hao, National University of Singapore: “Urban Accounting for Geographic Concentration of Skills and Welfare Inequality

Andrea SalvatoriUniversity of Essex: “The Anatomy of Job Polarisation in the UK

Almudena SevillaQueen Mary University of London, and Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal, University of Zaragoza: “Job Polarization and the Intensification of Work in the United Kingdom and the United States over the last Decades: Evidence from Time Diary Data”

SESSION C10: Children’s Health and Development -- Chair Arnaud Chevalier, Royal Holloway, University of London
Room: Hochelaga 3

Shiko MaruyamaUniversity of Technology Sydney, and Eskil Heinesen, Rockwool Foundation Research Unit: “Why Is Birthweight Important for Human Capital?

Adi ShanyThe Hebrew University; Victor Lavy, The Hebrew University; and Analia Schlosser, Tel Aviv University: “Out of Africa: Human Capital Consequences of In Utero Conditions

Rafael NovellaInter-American Development Bank, and Claire Zanuso, DIAL: “Vulnerability and Children’s Time Allocation in Haiti: Evidence from the 2010 Earthquake

SESSION C11: R&D and Labor Markets -- Chair, Donna Ginther, University of Kansas
Room: Ramezay

Gerald MarschkeSUNY Albany; Erling Barth, Institutt for Samfunnsforskning, University of Oslo; James C. Davis, US Census; Richard Freeman, Harvard University; and Andrew Wang, Harvard University: “R&D Spillovers and Scientist and Engineer Labor Mobility

Donna K. GintherUniversity of Kansas: “Does Scientific Innovation Lead to Entrepreneurship? A Comparison of Academic and Industry Sectors

Sabrina Di AddarioBank of Italy: “Shedding Light on Inventors’ Returns to Patents

SESSION C12: Employment Contracts 2 – Chair, Marie-Claire Villeval, GATE
Room: Matapedia

Eleanor W. DillonArizona State University, and Christopher T. Stanton, London School of Economics: “Self-Employment Dynamics and the Returns to Entrepreneurship

Robert J. PetruniaLakehead University; Kim P. Huynh, Bank of Canada; Yuri Ostrovsky, Statistics Canada; and Marcel C. Voia, Carleton University: “Industry Shutdown Rates and Permanent Layoffs: Evidence from Firm-Worker Matched Data

Qing YeTsinghua University; Wei Chi, Tsinghua University; Tracy Xiao Liu, Tsinghua University; and Xiaoye Qian, Sichuan University: “Right Contract for Right Workers? Incentive Contracts for Short-term and Long-term Employees

SESSION C13: Pollution, Health, and Outcomes – Chair, Anna Aizer, Brown University
Room: Hochelaga 2

Nico PestelIZA Bonn and ZEW Mannheim; Andreas Lichter, IZA Bonn and the University of Cologne; and Eric Sommer, IZA Bonn and the University of Cologne: “Performance Effects of Air Pollution: Evidence from Professional Soccer

Moiz BhaiUniversity of Illinois at Chicago: “Understanding the Gradient in Children’s Health: Cigarette Taxes, Asthma, and Inequality”

Kevin T. SchnepelThe University of Sydney, and Stephen B. Billings, University of North Carolina-Charlotte: “Life Unleaded: Effects of Early Interventions for Children Exposed to Lead

SESSION C14: Employment and Labor Supply – Chair, Michael Neugart, Technical University of Darmstadt
Room: Hochelaga 5

Manudeep BhullerUniversity of Chicago: “Decomposing Labor Supply: Preferences, Skills and Opportunities”

Michael NeugartTechnical University of Darmstadt; Metin Akyol, Technical University of Darmstadt; and Stefan Pichler, ETH Zurich: “A Tradable Employment Quota

Tomasz GajderowiczUniversity of Warsaw: “Benefits of Employment: Decomposition and Valuation

SESSION C15: Learning from Lotteries -- Chair, Thomas Crossley, University of Essex

Joniada MillaUniversité catholique de Louvain; Michael Hoy, University of Guelph; Thanasis Stengos, University of Guelph; and Louis N. Christofides, University of Guelph: “Nature or Nurture in Tertiary Education Attendance? Intergenerational Implications of the Vietnam-Era Lottery

Thomas CrossleyUniversity of Essex; Hamish Low, Cambridge University; and Sarah Smith, University of Bristol: “The External Validity of Lottery Winnings: Do Consumers Gamble to Convexify?

Stéphanie Vincent Lyk-JensenDanish National Centre for Social Research; Paul Bingley, Danish National Centre for Social Research; and Petter Lundborg, Lund University: “Estimating Family Spillovers: Evidence from a Draft Lottery

SESSION C16: Personnel Economics 1 -- Chair, Mikko MakinenAalto University

Daiji KawaguchiHitotsubashi University; Shota Araki, Hitotsubashi University; and Yuki Onozuka, Hitotsubashi University: “University Prestige, Performance Evaluation and Promotion: Estimating the Employer Learning Model Using Personnel Datasets

Mikko MakinenAalto University; Derek Jones, Hamilton College; Panu Kalmi, University of Vaasa; and Takao Kato, Colgate University: “Worker Separation and Sorting under Individual Incentive and Group Incentive Pay: A Discrete-Time Duration Analysis

Thomas PeetersErasmus School of Economics; Steven Salaga, Texas A&M University; and Matthew Juravich, University of Akron: “The Impact of Upper and Middle Management on Team Production

5:45-6:45 SOLE Presidential Address
ntroduction of the Speaker: John M. Abowd, Outgoing President of SOLE
Janet Currie
: “Diagnosing Expertise: Towards A Model of Physician Skill” Audio
Grand Salon

Saturday, June 27

7:00-8:00 -- Breakfast

8:00-9:45 – Sessions D

SESSION D01: Economics of Education -- Chair, Lisa B. Kahn, Yale University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Lisa B. KahnYale University, and Brad Hershbein, Upjohn Institute: “Is College the New High School? Evidence from Vacancy Postings

Evan RiehlColumbia University; W. Bentley MacLeod,Columbia University; Juan E. Saavedra, University of Southern California; and Miguel Urquiola, Columbia University: “The Big Sort: College Reputation and Labor Market Outcomes

Andrew DustanVanderbilt University: “Peer Networks and School Choice under Incomplete Information

Trude GunnesStatistics Norway, and Hege Marie Gjefsen, Statistics Norway: “School Accountability: Incentives or Sorting?

SESSION D02: Early Labor Market Conditions and Life Time Outcomes -- Chair: David Cutler, Harvard University

Veronica ToffoluttiUniversity of East Anglia; Marc Suhrcke, Centre for Health Economics, University of York; and Marcello Morciano, University of East Anglia: “The Impact of Unemployment on Mortality in Europe: Different Methods, Different Results?

Pierre-Carl MichaudESG UQAM, CIRANO, IZA and & RAND; Eileen Crimmins, University of Southern California; and Michael Hurd, RAND: “The Effect of Job Loss on Health: Evidence from Biomarkers

Anna AizerBrown University; Adriana Lleras-Muney, UCLA; Hannes Schwandt, Princeton University; and Till von Wachter, UCLA: “The Lifetime Impact of Recessions and the Mitigating Role of the Government

David M. CutlerHarvard University; Wei Huang, Harvard University; and Adriana Lleras-Muney, UCLA: “The Impact of Economic Conditions on Mortality over the Lifetime

SESSION D03: Early Heterogeneity in Human Capital and Inequality -- Chair, Eric Hanushek, Stanford University

Eric A. HanushekStanford University; Jens Ruhose, University of Munich; and Ludger Woessmann, University of Munich: “Human Capital and Income Differences across States: Development Accounting for the U.S.

Sébastien RouxBanque de France, Ined & Crest; Thierry Magnac, Université Toulouse; and Nicolas Pistolesi, Université Toulouse: “Post Schooling Human Capital Investments and the Life Cycle Variance of Earnings

Murat KirdarBogazici University, and Abdurrahman Aydemir, Sabanci University: “Low Wage Returns to Schooling in a Developing Country: Evidence from a Major Policy Reform in Turkey

Raul SanchezUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign: “Estimation of the Production Function of Cognitive Development for Children in Andhra Pradesh, India

SESSION D04: Retirement -- Chair, David Blau, Ohio State University
Room: Hochelaga 6

Philip ArmourRAND Corporation, and Michael F. Lovenheim, Cornell University and NBER: “The Effect of Social Security (Mis)information on the Labor Supply of Older Americans

Ola Lotherington VestadStatistics Norway; Christian N. Brinch, BI Norwegian Business School; and Josef Zweimüller, University of Zurich: “Excess Early Retirement? Evidence from the Norwegian 2011 Pension Reform

Paul BingleySFI, and Gauthier Lanot, Umea University: “Pension Benefit Reform and the Substitution of Younger for Older Workers

Joanna TyrowiczUniversity of Warsaw; Krzysztof Makarski, Warsaw School of Economics; and Karolina Goraus, University of Warsaw: “The Shadow of Longevity

SESSION D05: Gender (Wage) Gaps -- Chair, Leslie Stratton, Virginia Commonwealth University
Room: Peribonka

Marion LeturcqINED; Laurent Gobillon, INED; Dominique Meurs, University of Paris Ouest Nanterre; and Sébastien Roux, Banque de France and CREST: “Elite Institutions, Fields of Study and the Gender Wage Gap: Case Study of a Large Firm

Sarra Ben YahmedCentre for European Economic Research (ZEW): “Gender Wage Gaps in Formal and Informal Jobs, Evidence from Brazil

Manuel BaguesAalto University; Natalia Zinovyeva, Aalto University; and Mauro Sylos Labini, Universita di Pisa: “Do Gender Quotas Pass the Test? Evidence from Academic Evaluations in Italy

Jaanika MeriküllBank of Estonia, and Pille Mõtsmees, University of Tartu: “Do You Get What You Ask? The Gender Gap in Desired and Realised Wages

SESSION D06: Marriage and Household -- Chair, Reuben Gronau, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Daniel I. TannenbaumUniversity of Chicago: “The Effect of Child Support Laws on Marital Formation

Gabriela RubioUniversity of California, Merced: “How Love Conquered Marriage: Theory and Evidence on the Disappearance of Arranged Marriages

Alexandros TheloudisUniversity College London: “Consumption Dynamics and Allocation in the Family

Cheti NicolettiUniversity of York; Katrin Auspurg, Goethe University Frankfurt Main; and Maria Iacovou, University of Cambridge: “Housework Share between Partners: Experimental Evidence on Gender Identity

SESSION D07: Family Economics and Couple’s Labor Supply -- Chair, Miriam Beblo, Universitaet Hamburg
Room: Youville 1+2

Michel SerafinelliUniversity of Toronto, and Pamela Campa, University of Calgary: “Politico-economic Regimes and Attitudes: Female Workers under State-socialism

Miriam Beblo, Universitaet Hamburg, and Denis Beninger, Universitaet Hamburg and University of Strasbourg: “Do Husbands and Wives Pool Their Incomes? A Couple Experiment

Claire ThiboutUniversity of Melbourne: “Allocation of Resources Within Couples: Some New Evidence about the ‘Sharing Rule’”

Jesse Naidoo, University of Chicago: “The Power of Tests for Pareto Efficiency Within the Family

SESSION D08: Education and University Preferences -- Chair, Wiji Arulampalam, University of Warwick
Room: Matapedia

Michael LovenheimCornell University; Rodney J. Andrews, University of Texas at Dallas; and Scott Imberman, Michigan State University: “The Effects of Targeted Recruitment and Comprehensive Supports for Low-Income High Achievers at Elite Universities: Evidence from Texas Flagships

Vaishali ZambreGerman Institute for Economic Research, and Frauke Peter, German Institute for Economic Research: “Preference for College and Educational Inequality: Do Students Lack Information? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”

Aderonke OsikominuUniversity of Hohenheim; Volker Grossmann, University of Fribourg; and Marius Osterfeld, University of Fribourg: “Are Sociocultural Factors Important for Studying a Science University Major?

Susanna Sten GahmbergNorwegian School of Economics: “Early Bird Caught the Worm? The Effect of a Student Aid Reform on Time-to-Degree

SESSION D09: Unemployment 1 – Chair, Michael Stops, Institute for Employment Research
Room: Ramezay

Thepthida SopraseuthUniversity of Cergy-Pontoise; François Langot, University of Le Mans; and Jean-Olivier Hairault, Paris School of Economics: “Why Is Old Workers’ Labor Market More Volatile? Unemployment Fluctuations over the Life-Cycle

Michael StopsInstitute for Employment Research: “German Labour Market Reform Effects - Revisited with a Panel Data Analysis for Occupational Labour Markets

Carsten OchsenUniversity of Applied Labour Studies: “The Ins and Outs of German Unemployment

Rafael SanchezAdolfo Ibañez University, and Eugenio Rojas, University of Pennsylvania: “Does Access to Insurance Savings Accounts affect Duration of Unemployment and Job Match Quality?

SESSION D10: Teachers and School Quality -- Chair, Sandra McNally, University of Surrey and CEP London School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 5

Michael BatesMichigan State University: “Public and Private Learning in the Market for Teachers: Evidence from the Adoption of Value-Added Measures

Bas Ter WeelCPB; Eva Feron, Maastricht University; and Trudie Schils, Maastricht University: “Does the Teacher Beat the Test? The Additional Value of Teacher Assessment in Predicting Student Ability

Sandra McNallyUniversity of Surrey and CEP London School of Economics; Stephen Machin, University College London and CEP London School of Economics; and Martina Viarengo, The Graduate Institute: “Teaching and Learning Literacy

Federica OrigoUniversity of Bergamo; Simona Lorena Comi, University of Milano Bicocca; Gianluca Argentin, University of Milano Bicocca; Marco Gui, University of Milano Bicocca; and Laura Pagani, University of Milano Bicocca: “Is It the Way They Use It? Teacher, ICT and Student Achievement

SESSION D11: Integration of Immigrants – Chair, Christina Gathmann, University of Heidelberg
Room: Hochelaga 4

Ingo IsphordingInstitute for the Study of Labor, and Andrew J. Clarke, University of Melbourne: “Language Skills and Immigrant Health

Nicolas KellerUniversity of Heidelberg; Ole Monscheuer, University of Heidelberg; and Christina Gathmann, University of Heidelberg: “Citizenship and the Social Integration of Immigrant

Joseph-Simon GorlachUniversity College London; Jerôme Adda, Bocconi University; and Christian Dustmann, University College London: “Migrant Wages, Human Capital Accumulation and Return Migration

Osea GiuntellaUniversity of Oxford, IZA, and Fabrizio Mazzonnay, University of Lugano, MEA: “Do Immigrants Improve the Health of Natives?

SESSION D12: Job Search -- Chair, Ioana Marinescu, University of Chicago
Room: Gatineau

Ying Tung ChanMcGill University, and Chi Man Yip, McGill University: “On the Ambiguity of Job Search

Ioana MarinescuUniversity of Chicago, and Roland Rathelot, University of Warwick: “Mismatch Unemployment and the Geography of Job Search

Beatrix EugsterUniversity of St. Gallen; Rafael Lalive, University of Lausanne; and Josef Zweimüller, University of Zurich: “Do Work Attitudes Matter for Job Search? Evidence from the Swiss Language Border

Amelie SchiprowskiIZA Bonn, and Patrick Arni, IZA Bonn: “The Effects of Binding and Non-Binding Job Search Requirements

SESSION D13: Local Labor Market Policies -- Chair, Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley
Room: Saint-Francois

Daniel F. HeuermannUniversity of Regensberg; Franziska Hawranek, University of Regensberg; Florian Freund, University of Regensberg; and Philipp vom Berge,Institute for Employment Research: “The Distributional Effect of Commuting Subsidies - Evidence from Geo-Referenced Data and a Large-Scale Policy Reform

Alan ManningLondon School of Economics, and Michael Amior, London School of Economics: “The Persistence of Local Joblessness

Benjamin ThompsonUniversity of Michigan; Breno Braga, Urban Institute; and Diogo Guillen, Gavea Investimentos: “Local Government Spending and Employment in Brazil

Alexander KubisInstitute for Employment Research (IAB), and Lutz Schneider, University of Applied Sciences and Arts: “Human Capital Mobility and Convergence - A Spatial Dynamic Panel Model of the German Regions

SESSION D14: Birth Control and Teenage Motherhood -- Chair, Kelly Ragan, Stockholm School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 2

Andrew BeauchampBoston College, and Catherine Ruth Pakaluk, Ave Maria University: “The Paradox of The Pill

Ericka G. Rascon-RamirezUniversity of Essex: “Teenage Pregnancy and Motherhood in England: Do Parents’ Educational Expectations Matter?

Sergio UrzuaUniversity of Maryland; Tomas Rau, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; and Miguel Sarzosa, University of Maryland: “The Children of the Missed Pill: Unintended Consequences of Price Collusion

Kelly RaganStockholm School of Economics: “Teenage Kicks: New (Old) Evidence on the Pill and Teenage Childbearing

SESSION D15: Intergenerational Mobility 3 – Chair, Lorenzo Cappellari, Universita Cattolica Milano
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Pia PingerUniversity of Bonn, IZA: “Intergenerational Effects of Economic Distress: Paternal Unemployment and Child Secondary Schooling Decisions

Wen-Hao ChenStatistics Canada; Yuri Ostrovsky, Statistics Canada; and Patrizio Piraino, University of Cape Town: “Lifecycle Variation, Errors-in-Variables Bias and Nonlinearities in Intergenerational Income Transmission: New Evidence from Canada

Daniel SchnitzleinLeibniz University Hannover / DIW Berlin: “A New Look at Intergenerational Mobility in Germany Compared to the US

Aleksi KarhulaUniversity of Turku; Hannu Lehti, University of Turku; and Jani Erola, University of Turku: “The Long-term Effect of Parental Unemployment during Recession on Children’s Socioeconomic Achievement

SESSION D16: Costs of the Recession -- Chair, Ayako Kondo, Yokohama National University
Room: Harricana

Ayako KondoYokohama National University: “Differential Effects of Graduating during a Recession across Race and Gender

Mark BorgschulteUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, and Paco Martorell, University of California, Davis: “Paying to Avoid Recession: Using Reenlistment to Estimate the Cost of Unemployment

Stéphane CarcilloOECD, Sciences Po and IZA; Pierre Cahuc, Crest-Ensae, Ecole Polytechnique, IZA; and Thomas Le Barbanchon, Crest-Ensae: “Do Hiring Credits Work in Recessions? Evidence from France

Matthias UmkehrerInstitute for Employment Research (IAB): “Entering the Labor Market in a Recession Revisited -- Evidence from German Apprentices

9:45 – 10:40 – Coffee Break/Poster Session II

Room: Jolliet-Duluth-Mackenzie

09:45 – 15:45

Demand, Supply, Wages


Álvaro NovoBanco de Portugal, and Mário Centeno, Banco de Portugal: “The Impact of Unionization on Employment and Wages

Jooyoung YangUniversity of Minnesota, and Aaron Sojourner, University of Minnesota: “Effects of Unionization on Workplace Safety: Regression Discontinuity Evidence from OSHA’s Enforcement Data

Minimum Wages

Rahel FelderRWI: “The Minimum Wage in the German Roofing Sector - An Evaluation with the Synthetic Control Method

Hanna FringsRWI, and Ronald  Bachmann, RWI: “Monopsonistic Competition and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Germany

Tobias HaeppNational Taiwan University, and Carl Lin, Beijing Normal University: “How Does the Minimum Wage Affect Firm Investments in Fixed and Human Capital? Evidence from China

Suzana LaporšekUniversity of Primorska, Matija Vodopivec, International School for Social and Business Studies, and Milan Vodopivec, University of Primorska: “The Employment and Wage Spillover Effects of Slovenia’s 2010 Minimum Wage Increase

Wage Inequality

Mehmet SoytasOzyegin University; George-Levi Gayle, Washington University in St. Louis; and Limor Golan, Washington University in St. Louis: “What Is the Source of the Intergenerational Correlation in Earnings?

Roger WilkinsUniversity of Melbourne; Rosanna Scutella, University of Melbourne; and Yin King Fok, University of Melbourne: “The Low-Pay No-Pay Cycle: Are There Systematic Differences across Demographic Groups?

Melinda PetreUniversity of Wisconsin: “Noncognitive Skills and the Racial Wage Gap


David DöhrmannTechnische Universität Braunschweig: “Arising from the Ruins: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Reconstruction Labor Wages

Peter BrummundUniversity of Alabama: “Intra-Plant Wage Responsiveness: Evidence from Brazil

Emil MihaylovVU University Amsterdam: “Returns to Routine and Non-routine Job Tasks: Evidence from Germany

Guido Matias CortesUniversity of Manchester, and Manuel Alejandro Hidalgo, Universidad Pablo de Olavide: “Changes in the Return to Skills and the Variance of Unobserved Ability

Nail HassairiUniversity of Washington; Claus C. Pörtner, Seattle University; and Michael Toomin, University of Washington: “Testing the Compensating Wage Theory Using Online Labor Market Experiments

Education, Training, Human Capital

Human Capital

Koray SayiliQueens University: “Preventing Employee Departure: A Human Capital Model with Innovation

Bastian RavesteijnErasmus University Rotterdam: “Tracking and Human Capital Inequalities: The Impact of the Finnish Comprehensive School Reform

Job and Life Satisfaction

Maria del Mar Salinas-JiménezUniversity of Extremadura; Joaquín Artés, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; and Javier Salinas-Jiménez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: “Education, Job Aspirations and Subjective Wellbeing: A Quantile Regression Analysis

Returns to Education and Schooling

Nicolai KristensenThe Danish National Center for Social Research, and Paul Bingley, The Danish National Center for Social Research: “Lifetime Returns to Schooling

Carl SandersWashington University in St. Louis: “Reading Skills and Earnings: Why Do Doing Words Good Hurt You’re Wages?

Jacopo MazzaUniversity of Manchester: “Does Risk Matter? A Semiparametric Model for Educational Choices in the Presence of Uncertainty

Matt Dickson, University of Bath, and Franz Buscha University of Westminster, “The Wage Returns to Education over the Life-cycle: Heterogeneity and the Role of Experience


Yuri SoaresInter-American Development Bank; Carla Calero, Inter-American Development Bank; Carlos Henrique Corseuil, Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada; Veronica Gonzales, Inter-American Development Bank; and Jochen Kluve, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, RWI and IZA: “Can Arts-Based Interventions Enhance Labor Market Outcomes among Youth? Evidence from a Randomized Trial in Rio de Janeiro

Family Marriage & Work, Health


Bora Kim CEPS/INSTEAD “The Impact of Childhood Health and Circumstances on Adulthood Outcomes

Maternal Employment

Jochen KluveHumboldt-Universität zu BerlinRWI Essen, IZA Bonn, and Sebastian Schmitz, Freie Universität Berlin: “Parental Benefits and Mothers’ Labor Market Outcomes in the Medium Run

Yukiko AsaiUniversity of Tokyo; Ryo Kambayashi, Hitotsubashi University; and Shintaro Yamaguchi, McMaster University: “Childcare Availability, Household Structure, and Maternal Employment

Erica LindahlIFAU; Per Johansson, IFAU; and Nikolay Angelov, IFAU: “Sick of the Double Burden or of Disincentives to Work?

Ulrika VikmanIFAU: “Does Providing Childcare to the Unemployed Affect Transitions from Unemployment?

Topics in Discrimination

Colleen ManchesterUniversity of Minnesota; Lisa M. Leslie, New York University; and Patricia Caulfield Dahm, University of Minnesota: “Bringing Home the Bacon: Does Productivity Explain the Relationship between Breadwinner Status and Pay?

Mrittika ShamsuddinUAE University; Marina-Selini Katsaiti, UAE University; and Philip Shaw, Fordham University: Weight Discrimination in the German Labor Market

Migration, Regional Labour Markets

Regional Labour Markets

Erik ScherpfUSDA Economic Research Service; Benjamin Cerf Harris, U.S. Census Bureau; and Constance Newman, USDA Economic Research Service: “Local Labor Market Demand and Program Participation Dynamics: Evidence from New York SNAP Administrative Records

Jin ZhouUniversity of Western Ontario: “Migration With Endogenous Social Networks in China

Javier Vázquez-GrennoUniversitat de Barcelona; José I. Silva, University of Kent/Universitat de Girona; and Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Universitat de Barcelona: “The Impact of Public Employment on Local Labor Markets under the Presence of Urban Benefits and Costs

Jan Sebastian NimczikUniversity of Mannheim: “How Concentrated Are Local Labour Markets? Evidence from Group Formation Patterns in Firm Networks

Emanuele CianiBank of Italy, and Guido de Blasio, Bank of Italy: “How Do Local Labor Markets Cope with Local Shocks? Evidence from Italy

Alexandra FedoretsDIW Berlin, and Michael Stops, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “Job Matching on Connected Occupational and Regional Labor Markets


Pierre DeschampsSciences Po, and José de Sousa, Université Paris Sud, RITM, Sciences Po: “Labor Mobility and Racial Discrimination

Policy Evaluation, Unemployment, Retirement


Kathryn Anne EdwardsUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison: “Measuring the Response of the Private Safety Net to Job Separation

Duncan RothPhilipps-Universität Marburg, and John Moffat, Durham University: “Cohort Size and Youth Unemployment in Europe: A Regional Analysis

Uwe BlienInstitute for Employment Research (IAB); Susanne Messmann, Federal Labour Offices; and Mark Trappmann, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “The Reservation Wage Curve


Zeyuan ChenLunds Universiteit; Jonas Helgertz; and Tommy Bengtsson: “Labor Force Participation Responses to New Rural Social Pension Insurance in China: A Regression Discontinuity Approach

Poverty/Welfare Economics

Iryna KyzymaCEPS/INSTEAD Luxembourg and the University of Bremen: “Behind a Stable Poverty Rate: Changes in the Duration of Poverty Episodes in the United States since the mid-1980s

Nicolas SalamancaUniversity of Melbourne: “The Dynamic Properties of Economic Preferences

10:30 – 11:45 Invited Sessions

4. The Great Recession – Panel Discussion, Chair, Bernd Fitzenberger, Humboldt-University Berlin
Room: Hochelaga 1

Participants: Thomas Lemieux, University of British Columbia, and Tito Boeri, Bocconi University

5. Peer Effects – Chair, Fabian Lange, McGill University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Fabian Waldinger, University of Warwick, “Peer Effects in High-Skilled Professions”

Alexandre Mas and Daniel Herbst, “Peer Spillovers in the Workplace: A Meta-Analysis”

11:45 – 1:15 -- Second plenary and lunch
Adam Smith Lecture
Introduction of the Speaker: Christian Dustmann, President, EALE
Jean-Marc RobinSciences Po; Marion Goussé, Université LavalQuébec and Nicolas Jacquemet, Paris School of Economics and BETA, Université de Lorraine: “Marriage, Labor Supply, and Home Production” Audio

1:15-3:00 Sessions E

SESSION E01: Peer Effects -- Chair, Richard Mansfield, Cornell University
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Richard MansfieldCornell University, and Joseph Altonji, Yale University: “Group-Average Observables as Controls for Sorting on Unobservables When Estimating Group Treatment Effects: the Case of School and Neighborhood Effects

Chungsang LamClemson University, and Tszkin Julian Chan, Boston University: “Type of Peers Matters: A Study of Peer Effects of Friends, Studymates and Seatmates on Academic Performance

Simon Georges-KotINSEE; Dominique Goux, CREST; and Eric Maurin, PSE: “Following the Crowd: Leisure Complementarities Beyond the Household

Krzysztof KarbownikNorthwestern University; Sandra Black, University of Texas at Austin; David Figlio, Northwestern University; Jonathan Guryan, Northwestern University; and Jeffrey Roth, University of Florida: “The Educational Consequences of Having a Disabled Sibling

SESSION E02: Gender Differences -- Chair, Sara De la Rica, University of the Basque Country

Javaeria Qureshi, University of Illinois at Chicago: “Additional Returns to Investing in Girls: Impact on Younger Sibling Human Capital

Ghosh PallabUniversity of Oklahoma: “Noncognitve Traits, Sorting and Gender Wage Gap in the U.S. Labor Market

Sara De la RicaUniversity of the Basque Country, and Yolanda Rebollo, University of the Basque Country: “Gender Differentials in Labor Market Flows during the Great Recession in Spain

Marco AlfanoUniversity College London; Wiji Arulampalam, University of Warwick; and Artemisa Flores, School of Oriental and African Studies: “Widening the Gender Gap: The Unintended Consequences of Conditional Cash Transfers in India

SESSION E03: Health in Early Childhood -- Chair, Nabanita Datta Gupta, Aarhus University
Room: Matapedia

Therese NilssonLund University, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN); Sonia Bhalotra, University of Essex; Martin Karlsson, University of Duisburg-Essen, University of Oslo; Nina Schwarz, University of Duisburg-Essen: “Early Life Health Interventions: Effects on Sickness Absence and Academic Performance

Nabanita Datta GuptaAarhus University, and Marianne Simonsen, Aarhus University: “Academic Performance and Type of Early Childhood Care

Pietro BiroliUniversity of Chicago: “Health and Skill Formation in Early Childhood

Bettina SiflingerUniversity of Mannheim, and Gerard J. van den Berg, University of Mannheim, IFAU-Uppsala, IZA and CEPR: “The Effects of Preschool Attendance on Child Health Outcomes - Evidence from a Swedish Child Care Reform

SESSION E04: Charter Schools, School Vouchers, and State Laws -- Chair, Steven Rivkin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Room: Hochelaga 5

Peter D. HullMassachusetts Institute of Technology; Atila Abdulkadiroglu, Duke University; Joshua D. Angrist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Parag A. Pathak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “Charters Without Lotteries: Testing Takeovers in New Orleans and Boston

Benjamin FeigenbergUniversity of Illinois at Chicago: “Priced Out: Aggregate Income Shocks and School Pricing in the Chilean Voucher Market

Steven RivkinUniversity of Illinois at Chicago; Patrick Baude, University of Illinois at Chicago; Eric Hanushek, Stanford University; and Marcus Casey, University of Illinois at Chicago: “The Evolution of Charter School Quality

Julia Manzella,Georgia State University: “Are States Winning the Fight? Evidence on the Impact of States’ Laws on Bullying in Schools

SESSION E05: Child Care and Maternal Employment -- Chair, Paul Bingley, The Danish National Centre for Social Research
Room: Ramezay

Shintaro YamaguchiMcMaster University: “Dynamic Effects of Parental Leave Policy on Female Labor Market Outcomes

Malte SandnerLeibniz University Hannover: “Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Maternal Employment, Fertility and Well-Being: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Alzbeta MullerovaUniversite de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense: “Family Policy and Maternal Employment in the Czech Transition: A Natural Experiment

Vibeke Myrup JensenThe Danish National Centre for Social Research; Paul Bingley, The Danish National Centre for Social Research; and Sarah Sander Nielsen, The Danish National Centre for Social Research: “Maternal Employment, Child Care and Long-Run Child Outcomes

SESSION E06: Student Achievements – Chair, Dinand Webbink, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Dinand WebbinkErasmus University Rotterdam, and Jose Maria Cabrera, University of Montevideo: Extra Resources for Poor Schools: Impact on Teachers and Students

Daniela Vuri, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Erich Battistin, Queen Mary University of London; and Michele De Nadai, University of Padua: “Counting Rotten Apples: Student Achievement and Score Manipulation in Italian Elementary Schools

Markus NaglerUniversity of Munich; Marc Piopiunik, Ifo Institute for Economic Research; and Martin R. West, Harvard Graduate School of Education: “Weak Markets, Strong Teachers:Recessions at Career Start and Teacher Effectiveness

Louis-Philippe BelandLouisiana State University, and Richard Murphy, University of Texas at Austin: “Ill Communication: Technology, Distraction & Student Performance

SESSION E07: Minimum Wages -- Chair, David Neumark, University of California, Irvine
Room: Hochelaga 2

Marieke VandeweyerKU Leuven, and Stijn Broecke, OECD: “Doubling the Minimum Wage and Its Effect on Labour Market Outcomes: Evidence from Brazil

Chiara Rosazza BondibeneNational Institute of Economic and Social Research, and Rebecca Riley, National Institute of Economic and Social Research: “Raising the Standard: Minimum Wages and Productivity

Pedro MartinsQueen Mary University of London: “30,000 Minimum Wages: The Economic Effects of Collective Bargaining Extensions

Terry Gregory, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW): “When the Minimum Wage Bites Back: Quantile Treatment Effects of a Sectoral Minimum Wage in Germany

SESSION E08: Income Inequality – Chair, Konstantinos TatsiramosUniversity of Nottingham
Room: Gatineau

Alex BrysonNational Institute of Economic and Social Research, and Mark Bryan, Institute of Economic and Social Research: “Has Performance Pay Increased Wage Inequality in Britain?

Konstantinos TatsiramosUniversity of Nottingham; Lorenzo Cappellari, Universita Cattolica Milano; and Paul Bingley, SFI: “Family, Community and Long-Term Earnings Inequality

Rong HaiUniversity of Chicago; Siddhartha Biswas, University of Chicago; and Indraneel Chakraborty, Southern Methodist University: “Income Inequality, Tax Policy, and Economic Growth

Eric NielsenFederal Reserve Board: “The Income-Achievement Gap and Adult Outcome Inequality

SESSION E09: Effects of Immigration -- Chair, George Borjas, Harvard University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Daniela HochfellnerUniversity of Michigan and Institute for Employment Research (IAB), and Rüdiger Wapler, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “Do High-Skilled Immigrants Find Jobs Faster than Low-Skilled Immigrants?

Eva Moreno GalbisUniversity of Angers, and Ahmed Tritah, Universite du Mans: “Effects of Immigration in Frictional Labor Markets: Theory and Empirical Evidence from EU Countries

Martin GuziMasaryk University; Martin Kahanec, Central European University; and Lucia Mýtna Kureková, Central European University: “Does Immigration Grease the Wheels of European Labor Markets?

Bastian StockingerInstitute for Employment Research (IAB), and Katja Wolf, Institute for Employment Research (IAB): “Do Knowledge Spillovers through Worker Inflows Increase Establishments’ Productivity? First Evidence from Germany

SESSION E10: The German Labor Market in a Globalized World: A Research Network sponsored by DFG (German Research Foundation)
Chair: Bernd Fitzenberger, Humbolt-University Berlin
Room: Hochelaga 4

Bernd FitzenbergerHumbolt-University Berlin; Annabelle Doerr, University of Freiburg; Thomas Kruppe, IAB; Marie Paul, University of Duisburg-Essen; and Anthony Strittmatter, University of St Gallen: “Employment and Earnings Effects of Awarding Training Vouchers in Germany

Alexandra Spitz-OenerHumboldt University Berlin; Bernd Fitzenberger, Humbolt-University Berlin; Alexandra Fedorets, DIW; and Ute Schulze, University of Freibur: “Routine Bias, Changing Tasks, and Occupational Mobility

Christina GathmannUniversity of Heidelberg; Uta Schönberg, University College London; and Ines Helm, University College London: “Spillover Effects in Local Labor Markets: Evidence from Mass Layoffs

Wolfgang DauthUniversity of Wuerzburg; Sebastian Findeisen, University of Mannheim; and Jens Suedekum, Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics: “Adjusting to Globalization: Evidence from Heterogeneous Worker-Establishment Matches in Germany

There will be a private reception after the talk in Bersimis Room.

SESSION E11: Mental Health and Labor Market Outcomes -- Chair Deborah Cobb-Clark, University of Melbourne
Room: Saint-Maurice

Deborah A. Cobb-ClarkUniversity of Melbourne; Melisa Bubonya, University of Melbourne; and Mark Wooden, University of Melbourne: “A Family Affair: Job Loss and the Mental Health of Spouses and Adolescents

Pinka ChatterjiSUNY Albany; Kajal Lahiri, SUNY Albany; and Souvik Banerjee, University of Washington: “Effects of Psychiatric Disorders on Labor Market Outcomes: A Latent Variable Approach Using Multiple Clinical Indicators

Massimiliano BrattiUniversità degli Studi di Milano; Mariapia Mendola, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocc; and Alfonso Miranda, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE): “Hard to Forget. War Victimization and Long-Term Mental Health

Ronald WarrenUniversity of Georgia; Anirban Basu, University of Washington; and Arati Dahal, University of Washington: “Mental Illness, Labor Supply, and Wages

SESSION E12: Training -- Chair, Ana Rute Cardoso, IAE, CSIC, Barcelona GSE
Room: Harricana

Nikolaos TheodoropoulosUniversity of Cyprus; Christos Bilanakos, Athens University of Economics and Business; John S. Heywood, University of Wisconsi-Milwaukee; and John Sessions, University of Bath: “Worker Training and Competing on Product Quality

Thomas ZwickUniversity of Würzburg; Jens Mohrenweiser, Centre for European Economic Research; and Gaby Wydra-Sommaggio, IAB Regional Saarbrücken: “Work-Related Ability as Source of Information Advantages of Training Employers

Raymond MontizaanMaastricht University; Didier Fouarge, Maastricht University; and Andries De Grip, Maastricht University: “Training Access, Reciprocity and Expected Retirement Age

Cain PolidanoUniversity of Melbourne, and Duncan McVicar, Queen’s University Belfast: “If You Get What You Want, Do You Get What You Need? The Effects of a Voucher Scheme in Post-Secondary Vocational Education and Training

SESSION E13: Education and Language -- Chair, Jeffrey Grogger, University of Chicago
Room: Saint-Francois

Jeffrey GroggerUniversity of Chicago: “Speech and Wages”

Andrea IchinoEuropean University Institute; Rosario Ballatore, Banca d' Italia; and Margherita Fort, University of Bologna: “The Tower of Babel in the Classroom. Immigrants and Natives in Italian Schools

Lorenzo CappellariCatholic University of Milan, and Antonio Di Paolo, Universitat de Barcelona: “Bilingual Schooling and Earnings: Evidence from a Language-in-Education Reform

Yuxin YaoTilburg University; Asako Ohinata, Leicester University; and Jan C. van Ours, Tilburg University: “Educational Consequences of Language for Young Children

SESSION E14: Retirement and Older Workers -- Chair, Rafael Lalive, University of Lausanne, CEPR, CESifo, IFAU, and IZA
Room: Peribonka

Umut Oguzoglu University of Manitoba; Ha Vu, Deakin University; and Diana Warren, Australian Institute of Family Studies: “Aching to Retire Down Under? Rise in Retirement Age and Growth of Disability Support Pension

Ahmed ElsayedInstitute for the Study of Labor; Andries De Grip, ROAResearch Centre for Education and the Labour Market; Didier Fouarge ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market; and Raymond Montizaan, ROA, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market: “Gradual Retirement and Labour Supply of Older Workers: Evidence from a Stated Preference Analysis

Rafael LaliveUniversity of Lausanne, CEPR, CESifo, IFAU, and IZA, and Stefan Staubli, University of Calgary, RAND, and IZA: “How Does Raising Women’s Full Retirement Age Affect Labor Supply, Income, and Mortality? Evidence from Switzerland

Sarah OkoampahUniversity of Duisburg-Essen, and Matthias Giesecke, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI): “Inequality of Opportunity in Retirement Age – The Role of Physical Job Demands

SESSION E15: Self-Employment and Temporary Work -- Chair, Stijn Baert, Ghent University
Room: Youville 1+2

Clemens HetschkoFreie Universität Berlin: “On the Misery of Losing Self-employment

Yue LiVU University Amsterdam; Mauro Mastrogiacomo, VU University Amsterdam; Stefan Hochguertel, VU University Amsterdam; and Hans Bloemen, VU University Amsterdam: “The Role of Wealth in the Start-up Decision of New Self-employed: Evidence from a Pension Policy Reform

Elke JahnBayreuth University, and Michael Rosholm, Aarhus University: “The Cyclicality of the Stepping Stone Effect of Temporary Agency Employment

Stijn BaertGhent University; Anke Penninck, Ghent University; and Bart Cockx, Ghent University: “Do They Find You on Facebook? The Impact of Revealed Personality Traits by CV and Facebook Pictures on Hiring Decisions

SESSION E16: Education Policies – Chair, Christian Dustmann, University College London
Room: Hochelaga 6

Luiza PogorelovaLouisiana State University, and Naci MocanLouisiana State University, NBER and IZA: “Compulsory Schooling Laws and Formation of Beliefs: Education, Religion and Superstition

Thomas CornelissenUniversity College London; Christian Dustmann, University College London; and Claudia Trentini, CReAM and UNCTAD: “Early School Exposure, Test Scores and Noncognitive Outcomes

Martin FischerUniversity Duisburg-Essen; Martin Karlsson, University of Duisburg-Essen; and Therese Nilsson, Lund University: “The Sooner the Better? Compulsory Schooling Reforms in Sweden

Margarita PivovarovaArizona State University: “Should We Track or Should We Mix Them?

3:00 - 3:45 Coffee Break/Poster Session II continued

3:45 - 5:30 Sessions F

SESSION F01: Computers and Capital-Skill Complementarities -- Chair, Bas Ter Weel, CPB
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Paul GagglUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Greg C. Wright, University of California, Merced: “A Short-Run View of What Computers Do: Evidence from a UK Tax Incentive

Juan CorreaUniversidad Andres Bello; Miguel Lorcaz, Universidad de Chile; and Francisco Parro, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez: “Capital-Skill Complementarity: Does Capital Composition Matter?

José TessadaPontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Jeanne Lafortune, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; and Ethan Lewis, Dartmouth College: “People and Machines: A Look at the Evolving Relationship Between Capital and Skill In Manufacturing 1850-1940 Using Immigration Shocks

Michael OrandINSEE-CREST, and Pauline Charnoz, INSEE-CREST-Paris Sud: “Spatial Labor Market Inequalities: The Computerization Hypothesis, Evidence from France 1990-2011

SESSION F02: Financial Aid and the Cost of Education -- Chair, Daniela Vuri, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Room: Harricana

Douglas WebberTemple University: “Are College Costs Worth it? How Individual Ability, Major Choice, and Debt Affect Optimal Schooling Decisions

Elena MattanaUniversité Catholique de Louvain – CORE, and Juanna Joensen, Stockholm School of Economics: “Student Aid, Academic Achievement, and Labor Market Behavior: Grants or Loans?

Lisa DettlingFederal Reserve Board, and Joanne W. Hsu, Federal Reserve Board: “Returning to the Nest: Debt and Parental Co-residence Among Young Adults

Ronan Le SaoutINSEE-CREST and Ecole Polytechnique, and E.Coudin, INSEE-CREST: “Internships, Major Choices and Labor Market Outcomes of French ‘Grandes Ecoles’ Graduates

SESSION F03: Education and Career Choices – Chair, Isaac McFarlin, University of Michigan
Room: Hochelaga 5

Isaac McFarlinUniversity of Michigan; Paco Martorell, University of California, Davis; and Brian McCall, University of Michigan: “Do Public Tuition Subsidies Promote College Enrollment? Evidence from Community College Taxing Districts in Texas

Volker GrossmannUniversity of Fribourg; Sebastian Böhm, University of Leipzig; and Thomas Steger, University of Leipzig: “Does Public Education Expansion Lead to Trickle-Down Growth?

Natalia ZinovyevaAalto University; Manuel Bagues, Aalto University; and Mauro Sylos-Labini, University of Pisa: “The Hidden Advantage of Connections in Scienti c Committees: Evidence from a Large Scale Randomized Natural Experiment

Oskar Nordström SkansUppsala University; Martin Lundin, IFAU; and Pär Zetterberg, Uppsala University: “Extracurricular Leadership Activities at College and Their Impact on Labor Market Entry and Career Trajectories

SESSION F04: Employment, Sorting, and Reservation Wages -- Chair, Alan Manning, London School of Economics
Room: Matapedia

Grigorios SpanosAix-Marseille School of Economics: “Sorting Within and Across French Production Hierarchies

Barbara PetrongoloQueen Mary University London; Felix Koenig, London School of Economics and CEP-LSE; and Alan Manning, London School of Economics and CEP-LSE: “Reservation Wages and the Wage Flexibility Puzzle

Ana Damas de MatosHEC Montréal, and Daniel Parent, HEC Montréal: “Which Firms Create Fixed-Term Employment? Evidence from Portugal

Andrew ZuppannUniversity of Houston, and Ezra Oberfield, Princeton University: “Employment Dynamics in Assignment Markets

SESSION F05: Infant Health and Outcomes -- Chair, Janet Currie, Princeton University
Room: Saint-Francois

David SimonUniversity of Connecticut; Marianne Page, University of California, Davis; and Jessamyn Schaller, University of Arizona: “Are Recessions Good For Children’s Health?

Aline BütikoferNorwegian School of Economics; Katrine Løken, University of Bergen; and Kjell G. Salvanes, Norwegian School of Economics: “Long-Term Consequences of Access to Well-child Visits

Hannes SchwandtPrinceton University: “The Lasting Legacy of Seasonal Influenza: In-utero Exposure and Human Capital Development

Ainhoa AparicioCollegio Carlo Alberto, and Libertad Gonzalez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra: “Recessions and Babies’ Health

SESSION F06: Economics of Crime -- Chair, Magnus Lofstrom, Public Policy Institute of California and IZA
Room: Hochelaga 4

Anna BindlerUniversity College London, “Still Unemployed, What Next? Crime and Unemployment Duration

Katherine ErikssonCalifornia Polytechnic State University: “Access to Schooling and the Black-White Crime Gap in the Early 20th Century US South: Evidence from Rosenwald Schools

Magnus LofstromPublic Policy Institute of California and IZA, and Steven Raphael, University of California, Berkeley and IZA: “Incarceration and Crime: Evidence from California’s Public Safety Realignment Reform

Dionissi AliprantisFederal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and Francisca G.-C. Richter, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland: “Evidence of Neighborhood Effects from MTO: LATEs of Neighborhood Quality

SESSION F07: Labor Demand -- Chair, Steve Machin, London School of Economics
Room: Hochelaga 2

Ferran EliasColumbia University: “Labor Demand Elasticities Over the Life Cycle: Evidence from Spain’s Payroll Tax Reforms

Alicia Sasser ModestinoNortheastern University; Daniel Shoag, Harvard Kennedy School of Government; and Joshua Balance, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: “Upskilling: Do Employers Demand Greater Skill When Skilled Workers Are Plentiful?

Andreas LichterIZA, University of Cologne; Andreas Peichl, ZEW, University of Mannheim and IZA; Sebastian Siegloch, University of Mannheim, IZA and ZEW: “The Own-Wage Elasticity of Labor Demand: A Meta-Regression Analysis

Henry HyattU.S. Census Bureau, and James R. Spletzer, U.S. Census Bureau: “The Shifting Tenure Distribution

SESSION F08: Labor Supply, Taxes, and Transfer Policies -- Chair, Robert Moffitt, Johns Hopkins University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Robert MoffittJohns Hopkins University: “Estimating Marginal Treatment Effects of Transfer Programs on Labor Supply

Rodrigo Ceni-GonzalezIECON, and Gonzalo Salas, IECON: “Drop-out and Enforcement under Two Transfer Programs

Gábor Kátay, Banque de France, and Kamil Galušcák, Ceská Národní Banka: “Labour Force Participation and Tax-Benefit Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Perspective

Sebastian SieglochIZA, ZEW Mannheim, University of Cologne: “Employment Effects of Local Business Taxes”

SESSION F09: Topics in Education -- Chair, Andrea Ichino, European University Institute
Room: Gatineau

Clement De ChaisemartinUniversity of Warwick; Luc Behaghel, Paris School of Economics; and Marc Gurgand, Paris School of Economics: “Ready for Boarding? The Effects of a Boarding School for Disadvantaged Students

Nienke RuijsUniversity of Amsterdam: “The Effects of Montessori Education: Evidence from Admission Lotteries

Hans FrickeUniversity of St.Gallen; Jeffrey Grogger, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy; and Andreas Steinmayr, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy: “Does Exposure to Economics Bring New Majors to the Field? Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Sturla A LøkkenStatistics Norway, and Edwin Leuven, University of Oslo: “Long Term Impacts of Class Size in Compulsory Schooling

SESSION F10: College Completion and Exams -- Chair, Caroline Hoxby, Stanford University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Hugh MacartneyDuke University; Robert McMillan, University of Toronto; and Uros Petronijevic, University of Toronto: “Incentive Design in Education: An Empirical Analysis

Sergey LychaginCentral European University; Kala Krishna, Pennsylvania State University; and Veronica Frisancho, Inter-American Development Bank: “Retaking in High Stakes Exams: Is Less More?

Benjamin ElsnerIZA, and Ingo Isphording, IZA: “Big Fishes in Small Ponds: High-School Ability Rank and College Completion

Matthew D. WebbUniversity of Calgary: “Finish It and It’s Free: An Evaluation of College Graduation Subsidies

SESSION F11: (Over)Education and the Labor Market – Chair, Dieter VerhaestKU Leuven
Room: Youville 1+2

François RycxUniversité libre de Bruxelles; Yves Saks, National Bank of Belgium; and Ilan Tojerow, Université libre de Bruxelles: “Education, Productivity and Wages: The Moderating Roles of Age, Gender and Industry

Clement JoubertUNC Chapel Hill; Arnaud Maurel, Duke University; and Brian Clark, Duke University: “Career Prospects of Overeducated Americans

Dieter VerhaestKU Leuven, and Stijn Baert, Ghent University: “Unemployment or Overeducation: Which Is a Worse Signal to Employers?

Breno BragaUrban Institute, and Paola Bordon, University of Chile: “Employer Learning, Statistical Discrimination and University Prestige

SESSION F12: Unemployment 2 -- Chair, Ian Walker, Lancaster University
Room: Peribonka

Linna MartenUppsala University; Matz Dahlberg, Uppsala University; and Anna Persson, Uppsala University: “After the Cold War: The Effect of Military Base Closures on Individual Labor Market Outcomes

Alexander PlumUniversity of Magdeburg, and Gundi Knies, Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER): “Earnings Prospects for Low-Paid Workers Higher than for the Unemployed But Only in High-Pay Areas with High Unemployment

Nicolas Lepage-SaucierENSAI France: “The Consumption Response to Job Displacements, Layoffs and Hours Losses

Ian WalkerLancaster University, and Silvia Mendolia, University of Wollongong: “Do NEETs Need Grit?

SESSION F13: Program and Policy Evaluation -- Chair, Jose Ignacio Garcia PerezUniversidad Pablo de Olavide
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

Enrique Moral-Benito, Banco de España, and Laura Hospido, Banco de España and IZA: “The Public Sector Wage Premium in Spain: Evidence from Longitudinal Administrative Data

Jose Ignacio Garcia PerezUniversidad Pablo de Olavide; Judit Vall Castello, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; and Ioana Marinescu, University of Chicago Harris School of Publilc Policy: “Can Fixed-Term Contracts Put Low Skilled Youth on a Better Career Path? Evidence from Spain

Annemarie PaulUniversität Hamburg: “After Job Shopping? Employment Effects of a Deregulation of Shop Opening Hours in the German Retail Sector”

Thomas BarnayUPEC; Emmanuel Duguet, UPEC; Christine Le Clainche, Ens Cachan, Ces-Cachan, Cee; and Yann Videau UPEC: “The Impact of the French Law 1987 on the Employment of Disabled People: An Evaluation by the Triple Difference Methodology

SESSION F14: Urbanization, Suburbanization, and Overweight -- Chair, David Albouy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Room: Hochelaga 6

Huailu LiFudan University; Kevin Lang, Boston University; and Kaiwen Leong, Nanyang Technological University: “Does Competition Eliminate Discrimination? Evidence from Commercial Sex Market in Singapore

Maryam Naghsh NejadIZA, and Amanda Ross, West Virginia University: “Has Suburbanization Caused Obesity? Evidence across Gender, Race, and Income

Conrad MillerPrinceton University: “When Work Moves: Job Suburbanization and Black Employment

David AlbouyUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Brian Stuart, University of Michigan: “Urban Population and Amenities

SESSION F15: Cyclicality of Wages -- Chair, Pedro Portugal, Banco de Portugal

Fernando MartinsBanco de Portugal; Pedro Portugal, Banco de Portugal; and Paulo Guimaraes, Banco de Portugal: “The Effect of Upward Nominal Wage Pushing on Workers Accessions and Separations

Heiko StueberInstitute for Emplyoment Research (IAB): “The Real Wage Cyclicality of Newly Hired and Incumbent Workers in Germany

Anja DeelenCPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, and Wouter Verbeek, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis: “Measuring Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity - Why Methods Matter

Pedro PortugalBanco de Portugal; Sónia Torres; John T. Addison; and Paulo Guimarães: “The Sources of Wage Variation: A Three-Way High-Dimensional Fixed EffectsRegression Model

SESSION F16: Child Care -- Chair, Birgitta Rabe, University of Essex
Room: Ramezay

Birgitta RabeUniversity of Essex; Mike Brewer, University of Essex; Sarah Cattan, Institute for Fiscal Studies; and Claire Crawford, Institute for Fiscal Studies: “The Impact of Free, Universal Pre-School Education on Maternal Labour Supply”

Elia De la Cruz ToledoColumbia University: “Universal Preschool and Mothers’ Employment in Mexico

Anna BusseUniversity of Heidelberg, and Christina Gathmann, University of Heidelberg: “The Effects of Free Childcare on Labor Supply and Children

Marie ConnollyUniversity of Quebec in Montreal, and Catherine Haeck, University of Quebec in Montreal: “Are Child Care Subsidies Good for Parental Well-Being? Empirical Evidence from Three Countries

5:30 - 6:30 pm EALE Presidential Address
Introduction of the Speaker: Henry Farber, SOLE President-Elect
Christian Dustmann
: “The Economics of Temporary Migrations” Audio

7:00 - 10:00 pm

Cocktail Reception, Montréal Museum of Fine Arts The Glass Court

Beer, wine, hot and cold hors d’oevres, and carving stations will be offered

Sponsored by HEC Montréal

7:30: pm Awards Presentation


Young Labour Economists Prize, presented by Christian Dustmann
Best Poster Award, presented by Alexandra Spitz-Oener
Labour Economics Prize, presented by Helena Skyt Nielsen
Best Reviewer Award, presented by Helena Skyt Nielsen


Introduction of new Fellows by John Abowd
Jacob Mincer Prize, presented by John Abowd

After the awards presentation, attendees are invited to view the Rodin Exhibit (be sure to wear your badge for admittance) and visit the Museum Gift Shop.

Sunday, June 28

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30 Invited Sessions

6. New Developments in Economics of Education – Chair, Ian Walker, Lancaster University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Caroline HoxbyStanford University: “Raising the Returns to Investments (Government, Philanthropic, Individual) in College Education”

Stephen MachinLondon School of Economics; Andrew Eyles; London School of Economics; and Claudia Hupkau, London School of Economics: “School Reforms and Pupil Performance”

7. Theory and Evidence in Labor Economics – Chair, Edward Lazear, Stanford University
Room: Saint-Francois

Josh AngristM.I.T.; Atila Abdulkadiroğlu, Duke University; Yusuke Narita, M.I.T.; and Parag A. Pathak, M.I.T.: “Market Design Meets Research Design: Using Matching Mechanisms for Impact Evaluation”

W. Bentley MacLeodColumbia University: “Theory and Evidence in Labor Economics: The Role of Time”

8. New Data Resources for Labor Economists – Chair, Francis Kramarz, CREST(ENSAE)
Room: Hochelaga 4

John AbowdCornell University: “Privacy, Confidentiality and Data Analysis in Labor Economics”

Stefan BenderGerman Institute for Employment Research: “Found/Organic Data for Economic Research: the Need For Data Quality and Access”

Kjell SalvanesNorwegian School of Economics; David N. Figlio, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University; and Krzysztof Karbownik, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern University: “Education Research and Administrative Data”

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:45 Sessions G

SESSION G01: Wage Inequality -- Chair, Eric Gould, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Room: Ramezay

Eric GouldThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “Explaining the Unexplained: Residual Wage Inequality, Manufacturing Decline, and Low-Skilled Immigration

Julian MessinaWorld Bank; Francisco Ferreira, World Bank; and Sergio Firpo, Escola de Economia de São Paulo (EESP/FGV): “A More Level Playing Field? Explaining the Decline in Earnings Inequality in Brazil, 1995-2012

Hamid BoustanifarBI Norwegian Business School; Everett Grant, University of Virginia; and Ariell Reshef, University of Virginia: “Wages and Human Capital in Finance: International Evidence, 1970-2005

Theodore KoutmeridisUniversity of Glasgow: “The Market for ‘Rough Diamonds’: Information, Finance and Wage Inequality

SESSION G02: Firms, Skills, and Productivity -- Chair, Craig Olson, University of Illinois
Room: Hochelaga 5

Erika McEntarferU.S. Census Bureau; John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland; and Henry Hyatt, U.S. Census Bureau: “Firm Size, Wages, and Productivity

Craig A. OlsonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign: “CEO-Firm Match Quality and Firm Performance

Antti KauhanenThe Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA); Jed DeVaro, California State University; and Nelli Valmari, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA): “Internal and External Hiring: The Role of Prior Job Assignments

Ryan MichaelsUniversity of Rochester; Michele Battisti, Ifo Institute; and Choonsung Park, University of Rochester: “Labor Supply within the Firm

SESSION G03: Identity, Group Membership, and Satisfaction -- Chair, Kevin Lang, Boston University
Room: Hochelaga 2

Marie Claire VillevalGATE; Tor Eriksson, Aarhus School of Business and Social Scienes; and Lei Mao, GATE: “Saving Face An Experiment on Image and Group Identity

Christian GrundRWTH Aachen University; Christine Harbring, RWTH Aachen University; and Kirsten Thommes, RWTH Aachen University: “Public Good Provision in Blended Groups of Partners and Strangers

Kevin LangBoston University, and Timothy N. Bond, Purdue University: “The Sad Truth About Happiness Scales

Donald WilliamsKent State University, and Laetitia Hauret, CEPS/INSTEAD: “Choice of Reference Group and Pay Satisfaction: Evidence from Luxembourg

SESSION G04: Education and Early Careers -- Chair, Joseph Altonji, Yale University

Leslie StrattonVirginia Commonwealth University; Nabanita Datta Gupta, Aarhus University; David Reimer, Aarhus University; and Anders Holm, University of Copenhagen: “Modeling Enrollment in and Completion of Vocational Education: The Role of Academic Achievement and Program Type

Russell WeinsteinRensselaer Polytechnic Institute: “Employer Screening Costs, Recruiting Strategies, and Labor Market Outcomes: An Equilibrium Analysis of On-Campus Recruiting

Tanya WilsonRoyal Holloway, University of London: “Incentivizing Post-Compulsory Education: The Effect on Non-Educational Outcomes

Greta MorandoUniversity of Essex, and Emilia Del Bono, University of Essex: “The Destination of UK Graduates From Different Socio-Economic Backgrounds and the Great Recession

SESSION G05: Fertility and Teenage Birth – Chair, Jason Lindo, Texas A&M University
Room: Matapedia

Jason LindoTexas A&M University, NBER, and IZA, and Analisa Packham, Texas A&M University: “How Much Can Expanding Access to Long-Acting Contraceptives Reduce Teen Birth Rates

Danielle SandlerU.S. Census Bureau, and Lisa SchulkindUniversity of North Carolina “The Timing of Teenage Births and the Signaling Value of a High School Degree

Kasey BucklesUniversity of Notre Dame, and Daniel M. Hungerman, University of Notre Dame: “The Incidental Fertility Effects of School Condom Distribution Programs

Michele De NadaiUniversity of Padova; Erich Battistin, Queen Mary University, IRVAPP and IZA; and Mario Padula, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, CSEF and CEPR: “Roadblocks on the Road to Grandma’s House: Fertility Consequences of Delayed Retirement”

SESSION G06: Family Economics – Chair, Daniela Andrén, Örebro University School of Business
Room: Youville 1+2

Giulia La MattinaUniversity of South Florida, and Sarah Kroeger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: “Assisted Reproductive Technology and Women’s Choice to Pursue Professional Careers

Thomas AndrénThe Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations (Saco), and Daniela Andrén, Örebro University School of Business: “Women’s and Men’s Responses to In-Work Benefits: The Influence of Younger Children

Astrid Würtz RasmussenAarhus University; Petter Lundborg, Lund University; and Erik Plug, University of Amsterdam: “Children and Divorce: Evidence from IVF Treatments

Giulio ZanellaUniversity of Bologna, and Peter Rupert, University of California, Santa Barbara: “Grandchildren and Their Grandparents’ Labor Supply

SESSION G07: Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Duration -- Chair, Henry Farber, Princeton University
Room: Hochelaga 4

Henry FarberPrinceton University; Daniel Silverman, Arizona State University; and Till von Wachter, University of California, Berkeley: “Do Employers Consider Unemployment Duration, Low-Quality Interim Employment, and Age in Hiring? Evidence from an Audit Study”

Hernán RuffoUTDU, and Martín González-Rozada, UTDT: “The Effects of Unemployment Insurance Under High Informality: Evidence from Argentina

James SpletzerU.S. Census Bureau; Katharine G. Abraham, University of Maryland; John Haltiwanger, University of Maryland; and Kristin Sandusky, U.S. Census Bureau: “The Consequences of Long Term Unemployment: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data

Italo GutierrezRAND Corporation: “Job Insecurity, Unemployment Insurance and On-the-Job Search

SESSION G08: Labor Market Discrimination -- Chair, David Neumark, University of California, Irvine
Room: Bellechasse 1+2

David PhillipsHope College: “Neighborhood Affluence or Long Commutes: Testing Why Employers Discriminate Against Applicants from Poor Neighborhoods Using an Audit Experiment

Timothy BondPurdue University, and Jee-Yeon K. Lehmann, Analysis Group Boston: “Prejudice and Racial Matches in Employment

Joanna LaheyTexas A&M University and NBER, and Doug R. Oxley, University of Wyoming: “Discrimination at the Intersection of Age, Race, and Gender: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-field Experiment

David NeumarkUniversity of California, Irvine; Ian Burn, University of California, Irvine; and Patrick Button, University of California, Irvine: “Is There Age Discrimination in Hiring? Evidence from a Field Experiment”

SESSION G09: Program and Policy Evaluation: Methods -- Chair, Ricarda Schmidl, University of Mannheim
Room: Kamouraska 1+2

Zhuan PeiBrandeis University; David Card, University of California, BerkeleyNBER and IZA; David S. Lee, Princeton University and NBER; and Andrea Weber,University of Mannheim and IZA: “Local Polynomial Order in Regression Discontinuity Designs

Steven DieterleUniversity of Edinburgh, and Andy Snell, University of Edinburgh: “A Simple Diagnostic to Investigate Instrument Validity and Heterogeneous Effects When Using a Single Instrument

Joshua HymanUniversity of Connecticut, and Robert Garlick, Duke University: “Data vs Methods: Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of Alternative Sample Selection Corrections for Missing College Entrance Exam Score Data

Ricarda SchmidlUniversity of Mannheim; Gerard J. van den Berg, University of Mannheim; Marco Caliendo, Universität Potsdam; and Arne Uhlendorff, CREST: “Matching or Duration Models? A Monte Carlo Study

SESSION G10: Job Search and Early Labor Market Performance -- Chair: Pedro S. Martins, Queen Mary University of London, CEG-IST, IZA
Room: Harricana

Annette HarmsUniversity of Lausanne: “Generation Internship - The Impact of Internships on Early Job Market Performance

Seung-Gyu SimUniversity of Tokyo: “On-the-job Training and On-the-job Search: Wage-Training Contracts in a Frictional Labor Market

Sofia Pessoa e CostaUniversite catholique de Louvain, CGR-QMUL , and Pedro S. Martins, Queen Mary University of London, CEG-IST, IZA: “Reemployment and Substitution Effects from Increased Activation: Evidence from Times of Crisis

Florez Luz AdrianaCentral Bank of Colombia: “Job Search Inefficiency in the Presence of Informal Sector

SESSION G11: Discrimination -- Chair, Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore
Room: Gatineau

Margaret Blume-KohoutNew Mexico Consortium and MBK Analytics: “Gender Differences in the Influence of Institutional Environments on Entrepreneurship

Vincent ChandlerQueen’s University: “Screening Discrimination in the Allocation of Graduate Scholarships

Stephan KampelmannUniversité libre de Bruxelles, and Francois Rycx, Université libre de Bruxelles: “Wage Gaps are Moving Targets: New Measurements of Wage Discrimination Against Foreigners with Firm-level Data

Jessica PanNational University of Singapore; Xiqian Cai, National University of Singapore; Yi Lu, National University of Singapore; and Songfa Zhong, National University of Singapore: “Gender Gap under Pressure: Performance and Reaction to Shocks

SESSION G12: Migration/Immigrants -- Chair, Eva Moreno Galbis, University of Angers
Room: Peribonka

Javier TorresUniversidad del Pacifico; Nicole Fortin, University of British Columbia; and Thomas Lemieux, University of British Columbia: “Foreign Human Capital and The Earnings Gap Between Immigrants and Canadian-born Workers

Esther Mirjam GirsbergerUniversity of Lausanne, “Migration, Education and Work Opportunities”

Juliane ScheffelThe University of Nottingham Ningbo China, and Yiwei Zhang, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China: “To What Extent does Rural Migration Affect the Elderly ‘Left-behind’?

Andrea VelásquezUniversity of Colorado Denver; Gabriela Farfán, World Bank; Maria Genoni, World Bank; Luis Rubalcava, CAMBS, Mexico City; Graciela Teruel,UIA, Mexico City; and Duncan Thomas, Duke University: “Selection and Assimilation of Mexican Migrants to the U.S.”

SESSION G13: Labor Supply -- Chair, Andries De Grip, Maastricht University
Room: Hochelaga 6

Che-Yuan LiangUppsala University, and Anil Kumar, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: “The Taxable Income Elasticity: A Structural Differencing Approach

Matthew RutledgeBoston College; April Yanyuan Wu, Boston College; and Francis Vitagliano, Boston College: “Do Tax Incentives Increase 401(k) Saving? Evidence from the Adoption of Catch-Up Contributions

Marion CollewetMaastricht University; Lex Borghans, Maastricht University; and Philipp Seegers, Maastricht University: “Measuring Preference for Leisure Using Hypothetical Choices

Lasse BruneYale University, and Jason Kerwin, University of Michigan: “Income Timing, Temptation and Expenditures: A Field Experiment in Malawi

SESSION G14: Topics in Education -- Chair, Joshua Goodman, Harvard University
Room: Hochelaga 3

Soohyung LeeUniversity of Maryland; Lesley J. Turner, University of Maryland; Seokjin Woo, Myongji University; and Kyunghee Kim, Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation: “All or Nothing? The Impact of School and Classroom Gender Composition on Effort and Academic Achievement”

Joshua GoodmanHarvard University; Shaun Dougherty, University of Connecticut; Darryl Hill, Wake County Public Schools; Erica Litke, Harvard University; and Lindsay Page, University of Pittsburgh: “Middle School Math Acceleration and College Readiness

Peter BergmanColumbia University: “The Long-Run Impacts of School Desegregation: Evidence from Randomized Lotteries

Katja Maria KaufmannBocconi University, IGIER and CESIfo; Matthias Messner, Bocconi University, IGIER and CESIfo; and Alex Solis, Uppsala University: “Marriage Market and Intergenerational Effects of Elite Higher Education: Evidence from Chile

SESSION G15: Child Development and Skills -- Chair: Melanie LuehrmannRoyal HollowayUniversity of London and IFS

Michael LechnerUniversity of St. Gallen; Charlotte Cabane, University of St. Gallen; and Adrian Hille, DIW Berlin: “Mozart or Pelé? The Effects of Teenagers’ Participation in Music and Sports

Roxanne KorthalsMaastricht University; Lex Borghans, Maastricht University; and Trudie Schils, Maastricht University: “The Effect of Track Placement on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills

Melanie LuehrmannRoyal HollowayUniversity of London and IFS; Joachim Winter, LMU Munich; and Marta Serra-Garcia, University of California, San Diego: “The Impact of Financial Education on Adolescents’ Intertemporal Choices

Teny ShapiroSanta Clara University, and Kevin M. Williams, University of California, Davis: “The Causal Effect of the School Day Schedule on the Academic Achievement of Adolescents

SESSION G16: Measurement in Labor Market Data -- Chair, Alexandre Mas, Princeton University
Room: Saint-Maurice

Alexandre MasPrinceton University; Alan Krueger, Princeton University; and Xiaotong Niu, Congressional Budget Office: “The Evolution of Rotation Group Bias: Will the Real Unemployment Rate Please Stand Up?

Bruce MeyerUniversity of Chicago and NBER, and Nikolas Mittag, CERGE-EI/Charles University: “Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Better Measure Income: Implications for Poverty, Program Effectiveness and Holes in the Safety Net

Barry HirschGeorgia State University and IZA, Bonn; Christopher Bollinger, University of Kentucky; Charles Hokayem, Centre College; and James Ziliak, University of Kentucky: “Measuring Levels and Trends in Earnings Inequality with Nonresponse, Imputations, and Topcoding

Tommaso FrattiniUniversity of Milan; Giovanni Facchini, University of Nottingham; and Cora Signorotto, University of Milan: “Mind What Your Voters Read: Media Exposure and International Economic Policy Making

The conference ends at 12:45 on Sunday. There are no closing events.

All coffee breaks are sponsored by the Cornell University Labor Dynamics Institute

Word cloud art courtesy of Lars Vilhuber